The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 401 Don't Be Afraid Of Losing People's Hearts

The next day, the sky was cloudless.

It is a rare fine weather.

Island of the Gods, behind the Golden Temple.

Chaos and his group stood on the ground and looked at the Golden City in front of them. The high-rise buildings and streets were well arranged, and because they were all made of gold, there was a faint golden radiance circulating under the sun.

If it is night, this city will become the most prosperous and feasting city in the world.

Of course!

It's not all gold, for example, there are cherry blossom trees planted on both sides of the street, and now all the fallen flowers are colorful and beautiful, and there are other colorful things.

There are also some park grasslands, which should be full of greenery.

And sparkling lakes.

There is even a road formed by the white sea between the golden buildings of several hundred meters. This is the street where rowboats and sightseeing cars drive on the empty island, and there is also a rainbow standing in midair.

With Stussy's Cloud Fruit, all weathers can be easily changed.

Generally speaking, this is a modern city full of wine and lights, and it is also a city full of dreams, and it is also a city where luxury only exists in legends.

It could be Utopia, or it could be Heaven.

In cities, there are also means of transportation formed by using various empty shells, such as golden buses, golden cars, and golden railcars.

Everything was arranged clearly and perfectly.

In the center of the Golden City, there is a 1,000-meter-high golden building called Gaia Building.

Naturally, it is the core building of the Richest Group.

It is the tallest building in the Golden City.

The entire Golden City is ten kilometers long and five kilometers wide. It is a rectangle, and the four corners stand respectively for Shakyamuni, Goddess, Fairy, and Angel, all of which are 500 meters tall.

According to the design plan.

The entire Golden City will not float on the sea, but will sink and sink on the white sea created by Stuttgart. It is a city in the sky.

Behind Shakyamuni, Goddess, Fairies and Angels, there will be four hanging golden stairs, and golden ports will be formed at the end of the stairs. These four ports will float on the sea, allowing some merchant ships or pirate ships to dock .

And people come to the golden city through the golden ladder.

There is no doubt that this is a miracle!

Now the Golden City is floating on the Baibai Sea created by Stussy, and it only needs Stussy to control the Baibai Sea to fly towards the sea below.

"let's start!"

Chaos has a smile on his face, which is so ostentatious!

A group of people flew to the Golden City, and some Sandia people were already living in it, whether it was casinos, red light districts, playgrounds, hotels, or many specialty shops on Sky Island, etc., had already been put into use.

It's just that there is almost no business.

Nolan also entered the White Sea and wanted to leave Sky Island together.

Buzz buzz!

The entire Golden City was shaken, and Bai Baihai began to lift off the ground.

"It's moving!"

"Are you finally leaving?"

"Master Gold God and all the adults in charge are also here!"

The Sandiyas living in the Golden City have all been screened. Apart from doing business and maintaining basic measures, everyone has a certain combat effectiveness.

Because the weakest also has to master two and six styles.

Occupying the empty island for so many years, and being regarded by Chaos as the real headquarters of the richest group, it is impossible not to develop vigorously.

Six-style and two-color domineering have long been passed down.

Now Sky Island people have been practicing since they were young.

"Damn it, I really want to go to the Golden City too!"

"Follow Lord Gold God and the others to the sea below!"

As the Golden City floated down from the Island of Gods, when they arrived at the bottom of the Angel Island, many Sky Islanders with wings envied and hated each and every one of them.

This time, the Golden God only chose the Sandias, and all the Sky Islanders with their wings were in vain.

However, the person in charge of appearance issued an official document explaining that the time is not yet ripe, and they will be selected in the next stage of selection.

At this moment, Ganfur, the chief, and a group of guards were all standing in the golden square in front of the golden temple, watching the golden city slowly disappear at the end until it disappeared completely.

"According to the plan, we will pass through Magic Valley Town, Capital of Seven Waters, Judiciary Island, Chambord Islands, Dressrosa, Mobia Island, Trast Island, Wano Country, Fass Island, It ended up docking next to Poppy Island."

"About a month."

On the palm of the goblin, Betty is holding the sea chart in her hand.

It marks some islands that the Golden City will pass through this time, and it needs to absorb foreign personnel, as well as the casinos and other forces under the Richest Group, which need to mobilize manpower.

Finally, it will stop at Poppy Island, and then wait for the opening ceremony of the Golden City and "The Strong".

Since Aquino killed Xiangfei Jessica, although Poppy Island is still the site of the flying pirates, it has only planted the flag of the flying pirates, and there is no new fleet captain stationed.

At most, it is the subordinates of some other fleet captains.

As for how to reach the second half of the great route, you only need to cross the Red Earth Continent.

For the Golden City where the sea and the sky are rampant, it is not a problem!

In addition, this heading is actually a bit round, not a straight line.

Fortunately, under the urging of Stuttgart, the Golden City moved fairly fast, otherwise, it might not be possible to reach all the islands in a month, and even planned to stay for two days.

But the plan doesn't look at changes, and there will always be some surprises.

So this course may also change.

"What about the news about the Strong Association?"

Through layers of clouds and mist, the vast and boundless sea can already be seen.

"That stupid woman in Stucey said that after noon today, the World Economic News will report, and it will spread to the sea at the fastest speed."

This time it was Baccarat who was answering.

Stucey is manipulating Baibaihai below!

"That's good. In order to show respect, some powerful people and forces need you to go there yourself, no problem!"

With a thought, a few tributaries protruded from the goblin's body behind him, and a stack of golden invitations appeared on it, with some words engraved on it.

"Boss, we have many enemies, are you not afraid that we will go or not?"

Betty complained, she suspected that this stupid man deliberately let them die.

My heart is old and black!

"You are the emperor's people, who dares to move?"

With one arm behind his back, his hair danced wildly in the wind, his invincible self-confidence exuded from his bones.

If someone doesn't have eyes, he doesn't mind using the power of money.

"Boss, it's not that I don't believe you, but what if I really die? If I die, I'll lose everything!"

"This queen is so beautiful, she has never been in a relationship yet!"

Betty blinked her big eyes and said so, but there was no trace of fear on her face, which was obviously trying to run on Chaos.

She is also full of amorous feelings, with her hair hanging down on the mountain, she looks pitiful.

"Don't make trouble!"

Chaos waved his hand full of disgust, it wasn't him!

Of all the responsibilities of the Richest Group, none of them are afraid of death.

Bacala and Bowness, who may not be deeply involved in the world, may be a little afraid, but others have experienced various truths of life, so embracing death is a common thing.

I might get used to it.

It's that crazy!

"Don't worry, I will avenge you when you die."

"The tomb will also decorate you with splendor and splendor!"

Chaos pinched his thumb and index finger, lit a cigarette and smoked, his face full of enjoyment.

"Boss, you will be killed sooner or later."

Betty yelled and cursed, is this a human word?

How sad!

Others are watching.

Don't be afraid of losing your mind. .

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