The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 400 Gaia is not this kind of person!

Chaos has never been the kind of saint who sympathizes with all living beings. It can be seen from his past behavior that although he is not devoid of conscience, he is by no means a kind person.

There are hundreds of thousands of innocent lives who died in the aftermath of his battle with others.

Chaos has many dreams and pursuits. As a chosen person, if he doesn't turn the world upside down and leave an indelible legend in history, it will be a waste of his identity as a traveler.

If you want a wave, make it bigger.

At least one must respect the profession of "time traveler", don't be a little arrogant, don't be a little high-profile, don't cause trouble, then why do time travel?

If you are still timid and unchanging even after crossing, afraid of this and that, then simply go back to raising pigs.

He Gaia is not this kind of person!

"Xiao Xixi, what is the mission culture of our group?"

Chaos didn't blame Stuci, on the contrary, he was relieved.

Because it is right to have this kind of worry, and the starting point is good.

But now neither he nor the richest group are what they used to be, and they are fully capable of dealing with all troubles.

No matter how bad it is, you can also cook raw rice first.

For example, print 100 million first, and spread it directly to the sea. By then, it will be a foregone conclusion.

All those who want to trouble the richest group have to weigh it, after all, things have happened.

"Old Sha"


Stussy rolled his eyes and directly blocked what Chaos wanted to say. This stupid man is probably going to ask Crocodile to talk about the group's purpose and culture, and everyone should review it.

She actually knew that she couldn't stop this man.

But she still has to speak out, it is her responsibility.

"What about you? What's your opinion?"

Seeing Stuci's defeated appearance, Chaos clicked his cigarette and looked at the others.


"It doesn't matter!"

"If you don't accept it then do it."

"Being the enemy of the whole world is the pursuit of our group."

"Is this really good? Well, my opinion can be ignored."

A crowd of people shrugged their shoulders, indifferent and indifferent.

Against the world?


They can't wait.

All you need is a heartbeat.

What is needed is stimulation.

What is needed is to realize the true meaning of life.

"very good!"

"Since everyone has no objections, I decided to print 100 million copies of the six-style and two-color domineering cultivation methods and experience, and distribute them at the same time when the auction comes.

It's not just me, you all have to write down your own understanding and experience later, it's up to you whether you have any reservations or not.

I believe the whole world will tremble because of the Richest Group.

History will always remember us.

Spreading through the ages is not a dream! "

Crocodile's eyes lit up, and this opportunity to gain fame should not be missed.

"Little Xixi, you contact the big news."

"Is the other bird related to the dragon?"

Chaos looked at Stucey as if thinking of something.


Stucey nodded.

"Then I will leave this matter to you."

"no problem."

"Now that the auction has been settled, let's talk about other things."

Then everyone discussed some other things.

Like the City of Gold.

Although all the measures in the Golden City have been completed, there is a shortage of people.

Chaos doesn't want the Sky Islanders to appear in the sea, but the Sandias can, after all, they don't have wings.

But compared to the Golden City, which is ten kilometers wide and five kilometers wide, the thousands of Sandiyas are just a drop in the bucket.

In the end, Stuci decided to move some of the forces under the rule of the richest group, and then make the Golden City appear on the sea one month in advance, so as to attract some pirates or wealthy businessmen who do other businesses, and make as many people as possible within a month. Outsiders entering the Golden City.

Whether it is coercion or temptation.

As long as the "Golden City Opening Ceremony", also known as the "Golden City Meeting", is held, I believe that many forces will definitely want to enter the Golden City in the future, and the depression at the beginning is only temporary.

But before that, some news needs to be released in advance to let the world know the existence of the Golden City and the feast to be held.

After the meeting, Chaos and his group went to write about the practice and experience of the six styles and two-color domineering.

And Stucey, Bacala, and Betty may have to work until midnight.

Because of the time of one month, I was a little rushed.

"Blu, blu!"

In the office of the Golden Temple, Stucey sat on the office chair and dialed the phone.


The phone bug didn't take long to be connected.

It's a familiar voice.

"I'm Stucey."

"Haha, it's Ms. Stuci in exchange, I haven't contacted for a long time!"

In the first half of the great voyage, in a certain revolutionary base, Long laughed heartily.

Calculating the time, the two of them had indeed not been in touch for a while.

"Mr. Long, our BOSS is about to hold a "Powerful Meeting". At that time, we will invite many strong people and forces from the sea. As the partner of the richest man group, the Revolutionary Army should come to support the scene!"

Stuci opened the mouth while flipping through the plan on the table.

"The strong will?"

Long thought.

The Golden Emperor has only been absent for eight months, and this appearance is another big occasion.

Inviting many powerful people and forces in the sea, the hand is not small!

"Yes, in a month's time."

"No problem, tell the emperor, I will definitely come to cheer!"

Long didn't think about it for long, no matter what, he would participate in this meeting of the strong.

"I will convey it. Also, I would like to ask whether the big news Morgans is on good terms with you. Our richest group has something to do and needs the big news World Economic Society."


Long's heart subconsciously tightened.

It's not that the richest group has never made a move on big news. It was because of me that I gave up. I still owe the richest group a favor, although it has been repaid.

But looking at this posture, it seems that the Richest Group is going to take action on the big news again!

"That's really difficult!"

Stuci pondered for a moment, then continued, "Mr. Long, please convey the big news. The Richest Group has a piece of news that he needs to announce to the sea. Ask him to contact me before tomorrow. You can't refuse!"

"Haha, no problem!"

Long automatically ignored Stucey's last words, as long as he didn't shoot at the big news.

Beep beep!

The phone bug hung up, and Long looked at the phone bug that was going down, knocked on the table with one hand to think about it, and then dialed the number of Big News.

Now the Revolutionary Army is in a state of cooperation with Big News, so if necessary, he will help out.


The phone bug connected, and there was a yawning sound from inside.

The big news at this time, Morgans, has taken a break.

He has been very busy recently, busy looking for the figure of One Piece, but so far there is no clue.

You know this is big news!

"Morgans, the Queen of Joy, who is the face value of the Richest Group, just called."


Big News suddenly became sober after being a little confused.

He would never forget that he almost died at the hands of the richest man last time. If it wasn't for Long's help, he would probably be stubbled on his grave now.

It was also because of that time that he chose to cooperate with the dragon.

Didn't expect to be targeted again so soon?

It's worth it.

Pack up your things and run away, maybe the role of the richest group is already on the way.

Now in the sea, who doesn't know that the various responsibilities of the richest group are so ruthless. They are either fighting or on the way to fighting, and the opponents are more terrifying than each other.

Either the Beast Pirates or the Explosive Pirates, or the Whitebeard Pirates or the Flying Pirates, and all kinds of love and killing with the Navy.

After confirming his eyes, he is a wolf that cannot be offended.

"Shouldn't be looking for trouble."

"you sure?"

Morgons was now more sane.

"Yes, according to what the Queen of Joy said, it should be related to the strong."

"The strong will?"


"Okay, I'll contact you right away!"

The phone bug hung up, and Morgans took two steps back and forth, finally gritted his teeth and dialed the phone bug number given by Long.


The phone bug connected, and it was Stushi's cold voice that came out.

"I am Morgans."


"Yes, no problem!"

"I will immediately ask my subordinates to work overtime to try to let the news fly to the world at noon tomorrow."

"Will the strong one? That's my honor, definitely come!"

"Then I won't disturb your work."

Morgas nodded and bowed for a while, not daring to show any disrespect.

Obviously, the shadow of death cast on him by the Richest Group last time has not completely dissipated yet. .

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