The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 347: The Wonderful Idea of ​​Developing the Awakening of the Golden Fruit

Crack! ! !

Towering trees collapsed one after another in the primeval forest, as if some prehistoric beast crawled out of the depths, a large number of birds and beasts were startled, and the surrounding earth was shaking.

The picture zoomed in, and it was a boa constrictor like a small mountain range.

It's Nolan.

At the beginning, it was often used as a sandbag for Chaos to develop God's control.

Nolan is bigger now than he was a few years ago.

"Just stop here!"

Chaos sat cross-legged on Nolan's head, looking at the mountains and valleys in front of him, and there was a huge roaring waterfall. The surrounding greenery was an extremely beautiful place.

Suitable for a picnic.

Field battles are even better!

After explaining to Crocodile and others about the battle with the Golden Lion, Chaos came to the back mountain to prepare to practice and develop some abilities.

As a result, Nolan, who was sleeping, did not know if it was because of the beast's intuition that he found Chaos all at once.

"Go and play!"

Jumping off Nolan's snake head, Chaos stood on the grass covered with flowers, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, opened his arms, and a breeze came, blowing his vertical hair with a cool feeling.

Hearing Chaos' slightly disgusted voice, Nolan stuck out his tongue, his vertical pupils were full of grievances, and then crawled aside like an abandoned child, his head was like a small hill, and he opened his bloody mouth wide He bared his fangs and yawned.

It's even a little cute!

What the hell!

Clang clang clang clang! ! !

Here, Chaos has opened his eyes, raised his right foot and stepped on the ground lightly. In an instant, the grass centered on Chaos was quickly dyed golden, and the sound of metal collisions resounded and radiated out.

The place where the eyes meet is golden.

Whether it is flowers, plants, trees or soil and gravel, they have all been temporarily assimilated into gold, and they seem to be shining golden in the bright sunlight.

No more, no less, the range is fifty meters.

Chaos felt that he was a god within fifty meters and could control everything!

Just like becoming a part of the body, such as the arm drives only a thought is needed.

The gold squirmed under his feet, and climbed up Chaos' left foot like a liquid, all the way up to the place where the arm was broken, and then intertwined and melted to become a golden left hand.

The activity is no different from the real arm anyway.

With a thought, the assimilated golden ground with a radius of 50 meters began to squirm, and the miniature Shakyamuni, Goddess, goblin, angel, golden warrior, Stuttie, Betty, Crocodile, etc. began to take shape, lifelike and real Same.

Only the skin is golden yellow.

In this area, Chaos controls are significantly more diverse.

Softening, stretching, deforming, Chaos experimented all the same, and found that it was easier and less consuming than before.

I no longer need to bring gold with me when I go out in the future. After all, I am mobile gold, and I can temporarily produce a large amount of gold through assimilation at any time for fighting.

It's a pity that Chaos still can't create gold out of thin air, just like the cracker's cookie warrior.

Even if awakened, Chaos will only temporarily assimilate the surrounding objects, as long as he leaves the assimilated environment, he will return to normal.

For Golden Fruits, Chaos had a lot of development ideas from the very beginning, and has been steadily researching and developing in those directions over the years.

For example, the most basic hardness.

Like Vibranium and Edman alloy in a certain Marvel, as long as the hardness increases, the defense will also increase.

There are also transformations, such as Sakyamuni, the goddess of the gods, the treasure of the king, and the birdcage.

As for softening and stretching, Chaos rarely uses it, the most basic is to bind people.

Whether it's flat or round, it's all in the mind of Chaos.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the golden fruit is like that.

But Kaos is also a time traveler, never lacking in whimsy.

You might as well imagine it boldly, develop the golden fruit to be made out of nothing like a cracker, or develop it to be elemental like a natural system.

For example, the body is transformed into gold and sand to avoid physical attacks.

Or see if it can be extended to manipulate other metals, such as steel, silver, copper, etc., or even magnetic fields

Be bolder, such as the metal, wood, water, fire, and earth of cultivating immortals and horses, and the rules of the metal system.

As long as she is brave enough, even Sadako can take maternity leave.

Of course, these are Chaos' fantasies, very unrealistic.

Even if it can be extended in these directions, it is certain that it will be as difficult as reaching the sky, after all, this is not cultivating immortals.

In fact, as long as Chaos increases the hardness and develops it to the level of Zhenjin, or even harder than Zhenjin, it will be invincible.

At least in terms of defense, Chaos is completely invincible.

Then Chaos experimented again, and saw golden flowers or golden trees rising from time to time within a radius of 50 meters, flying in the sky, running on the ground and swimming in the water, like a picture scroll for Chaos to swipe .

"It's a pity that so far it can only assimilate a radius of 50 meters."

Chaos has tried, and the assimilated environment has never been able to break through to fifty meters.

He has a feeling that the scope of assimilation is equivalent to a domain, the larger the area, the stronger the power!

You have to find a way to assimilate the larger the area, such as a kilometer, 10,000 meters, or even an island. At that time, it will be no different from mastering a small world.

It seems that it is necessary to change the script to Xiuxian!

Chaos pinched his chin, his eyes flickered and collided with sparks.

He has always been eclectic and doesn't play cards according to common sense. Since he has embarked on the road of becoming an emperor who is the enemy of the world, he has to try no matter what, what if he succeeds!

"Try to combine this development with knowledge and knowledge!"

Chaos used to have a development direction, which was to take the head of a person from a thousand miles away.

For a while, the color of knowledge expanded to the maximum range, covering the entire sky island at once, and that range was still radiating outwards. Obviously, covering a sky island was not enough to cover the limit of the color of knowledge of Chaos.

You must know that since Chaos awakened the color of knowledge, he has kept it around the clock even when he was sleeping, and now it has become a habit.

It easily radiated to Qinghai, 10,000 meters below, and continued to spread.

Assimilate the creeping ground, form a golden warrior, start lifting off the ground and quickly disappear into the sky!


The corners of Chaos' mouth turned up. The golden warrior who had just left was only temporarily assimilated. In essence, it was just dirt and gravel. According to normal circumstances, it should return to its essence as soon as it left the assimilation range.

Now it is still maintained.

But the next second, Chaos, who was smiling, suddenly became stiff.

Because the golden warrior began to return to its original mud and gravel appearance before leaving the island of gods, and it suddenly got out of control.


The temporarily converted gold can only be maintained within a certain range of the maker, and as long as it exceeds that range, it will disintegrate and return to the original appearance of the object.

Thinking about it, the awakening of Chaos is only temporarily turning the dirt and gravel into gold, which is only temporary, not turning the dirt and gravel into real gold. Chaos is still holding a fluke, but it is a pity.

Perhaps when Chaos is developed to the level where it can create gold out of thin air, it will not be like this. .


You can speak freely about some ideas about Jinjinguo!

I can copy it!

Starting point: Shenkou (Jiang Jinwang) 2,000 starting coins, (African tribes welcome you) 1,000 starting coins, (Dashan Dashan is so stupid) 100 starting coins.

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