
Stussy looked at Chaos who was lying on the bed and almost fell asleep in three seconds, and sighed for some reason.

This stupid man is really depressing!

In this atmosphere, if you were an ordinary intellectual woman, you would definitely cover Chaos with a quilt very gently, but Stutsi is obviously not an ordinary woman.

Instead, he stood by the bed and frowned, staring at Chaos' broken left arm.

After about a minute, stepping on the high heels, he walked away rhythmically.

Cover the quilt, think too much!

And those people in the main hall outside, what should they do!

Although there are many doubts in my heart, I can bear it, after all, the person involved is sleeping!

In this way, the sun rises and the sun sets, and the five days are quickly gone.

During these five days, Aquino also woke up and slept for three days and three nights.

In addition, Crocodile also came back from an injury. He came back four days ago. He was also bruised and embarrassed. After treatment, he slept for three days and three nights.

Woke up earlier than Chaos.

Only Enilo is still wandering outside so far, and Stussy can receive some relevant information from time to time, and he is still alive and well.

After all, there are very few people in the sea who can keep Enilo's thundering fruit as long as they don't really want to die.

Ani is no fool either.

At this moment, in the mountain behind the Island of Gods, Bacala and Bonis were howling.

Still unshakable to practice to death.

Not far away, Aquino and Crocodile are also practicing, as if they are trying to prove something.

Apparently it's been a month's battle of assimilation.

Even Ivankov, Xiong, and Betty are like this. Since they came back, they will practice or develop devil fruits alone from time to time, and occasionally Stussy is like this.

Everyone has different degrees of gain.

After all, experiencing the true meaning of life at close range will often make it easier for people to grow, become stronger, and become enlightened.

At eight in the morning, the sun had already risen.

In the Golden Temple, Stusi is dealing with government affairs.

From time to time to answer the phone bug, from time to time to bury his head in looking at the information or documents in his hand, his curved willow eyebrows have never been stretched, and he seems to have encountered a lot of trouble.

It's so early, Betty probably hasn't woken up yet.

"So sad, it seems that I have encountered a lot of trouble."

Suddenly, there was a playful sound in the office, and he yawned vaguely.


Stuci raised his head when he heard the voice, and looked at Chaos who came in from the door, especially the broken arm, and his willow eyebrows frowned even tighter.

"Morning, little Xixi!"

Chaos waved his hand to say hello, then went to the sofa and sat down and poured himself a glass of water, with his feet resting on the tea table, ignoring Stuci's cold eyes.

"Boss, I will kill you sooner or later."

Stucey was very displeased with the name Xiao Xixi, feeling very awkward.

Especially from this man's mouth, it can't help but make people's skin crawl, it's too greasy.

However, she protested many times, but the effect was zero.

"do not mind the details."

After drinking the water, Chaos waved his hand indifferently, and continued, "How long have I been asleep!"

"Five days."

Stuci brushed the hair that fell from his forehead to his ears, and continued to deal with government affairs without looking up.

Chaos was slightly taken aback, subconsciously wanted to pinch his chin, but found that his left hand was broken down to the shoulder, and there was still a faint pain, so he directly pinched his chin with his right hand.

He slept really long this time.

But the effect is very good, now full of energy, it can be said to be radiant, no different from the second spring, still the wise and handsome guy.

"Xiao Ai hasn't come back yet?"

The color of knowledge radiates the entire sky island, and Chaos finds that everyone is there except Enil!

At the same time, Chaos' voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Judging from the latest news two days ago, that guy is still alive and well."

Stuci still didn't look up, and continued to deal with government affairs.

Whether it is work ability or professional ethics, it can be said to be dedicated and painstaking!

Not long after, the office door was suddenly pushed open, causing the whole room to seem to move. Betty's carefree voice came, full of disappointment and pity.

"Boss, why are you still alive?"

Look at this sentence, wishing that Chaos would not wake up from sleep.

Chaos took out a cigarette from under the tea table, ignited it and puffed it out, ignoring Betty's words.

"Boss, you are disabled!"

Seeing that Chaos was ignoring her, Betty hurriedly sat on the opposite side of the sofa, gloatingly pointing at Chaos's severed left hand, rolling her eyes, wondering if she should take this opportunity to issue a challenge.

Now that this man has lost an arm, his combat effectiveness must have dropped a lot.

As long as she is defeated, she will be the boss of the Richest Group, and this man will become her little brother. Betty can't help but get excited when she thinks about it.

She, Bello Betty, is not a ruthless woman, and she will definitely use this man to her death when the time comes.

Let this man do all the dirty work.

Also called the dancing queen.

So those eyes became brighter and brighter.

Ho Ho Ho ~

In the blink of an eye, Betty had already thought of various ideas for using Chaos.

Chaos leaned back on the sofa, exhaling a smoke ring of love, and was a little speechless. It wasn't that he could read people's hearts, but that Betty was so stupid and cute, everything was written on his face.

He can see through it at a glance.

This woman's IQ can be regarded as getting better as she lives.

"Think clearly before speaking, challenging me is not so easy!"

Chaos had a half-smile, let alone one broken arm, even two would not affect his combat effectiveness too much, it can only be said that Betty is still too young.


"I'm Bello Betty"

Before Betty finished speaking, several figures came back one after another.

It's Ivankov, Achino, Crocodile, Bacala, Bowness.


A few people said hello and sat on the sofa around the tea table.

"The spirit is very good!"

Chaos could detect some subtle changes. Apparently, Aquino and the others had gained a lot in this battle, and their aura was more serious than before.

"Boss, what about your battle with the Golden Lion?"

Crocodile flicked a cigar, looking away from Chaos' severed arm.

He is very interested in this battle.

After all, Chaos' current situation was somewhat beyond his expectations, and he was left with a left arm.

This unscientific.

In Crocodile's vision, Chaos may lose, but it is impossible to lose so badly.

From the side, is the Golden Lion really that strong?

"If you lose, you also win!"

Chaos showed a sweet smile. Normally, he did fail, and the defeat was complete. He is not the opponent of the Golden Lion.

But so what?

As a result, he awakened the devil fruit, which led to another increase in combat effectiveness.

The next time you fight the Golden Lion, you won't be so embarrassingly defeated.

No matter how bad it is, it will be 50-60 or 5.50-60. Golden Lion must pay a huge price if he wants to kill him.

It's not that Chaos spoiled his prestige with others' aspirations, it's that the golden lion's resume is so frighteningly terrifying!

A group of top swordsmen with powerful attack power.

The top three-color domineering, whether it is the overlord color or the armed color, is a little stronger than Chaos, and the knowledge color is probably on the same level.

Coupled with the natural disaster-like fluttering fruits, combat experience, etc., it is not something that Chaos can completely balance in a short period of time.

As long as the golden lion crosses the sea, how long is Chaos.

People eat more salt than Chaos walks on the bridge.

The most important thing is that the Golden Lion is at its peak during this period. Under such circumstances, Chaos can still achieve the current record, and it has been able to boast for several years!


Some readers think that I have written too much about the Golden Lion.

But the real situation is that the Golden Lion is really strong during this period.

Can any reader explain. .

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