Chapter 93-The Secret

Dawei looked at this unfathomable cave, and felt that the cave should be connected to this lake. He didn’t expect Anzhiyu to see it as true.

Maybe there are really treasures here.

“Master, there is something weird here.”

She felt that this cave was terrible, like a human-eating beast, with a big mouth full of fangs, trying to swallow the sky and the earth.

Li Xu touched his chin and lived here for two hundred years, but he didn’t find any problems here.

If it weren’t for Da Ma to cultivate Shui Dun, it would be impossible to find out, there really is a big secret at the bottom of the lake.

“Xiao Dawen, go, let’s go in and explore.” Li Xu is very interested now and wants to know what is hidden in this cave.

“Master, I’m a little scared.” Dawei was afraid of the unknown. She felt that the hole was dark, who knew what was hidden inside.

“What are you afraid of? Even if it’s the Tiger’s Den in Longtan, there is a Master in front of it, don’t panic.”

Li Xu smiled, his figure changed, and he came to the front of the cave.

Fortunately, the entrance of the cave is connected to the lake, otherwise, I am afraid that I will be sucked in.

Li Xu turned around and looked at Xiao Dazhen: “I’ll go in first, and you will follow me.”

Dawei nodded and followed Li Xu.

After Li Xu came in, he found that it was not a lake, but a cave that continued to spread downward.

The cave is two meters wide, and the water is swift and cold. I don’t know where it leads to.

“Master.” Dawei followed in, pulling Li Xu’s clothes corner with fear, and she felt that the water was a bit bitterly cold.

Fortunately, she was cultivating the Frozen Heaven and Fire Dao, and she was shivering with the cold as an ordinary cultivator.

“The temperature of this water is completely different from that outside the lake.” Li Xu felt that this was even more weird, and suddenly the door behind him closed quickly, locking him and Dawei.

Dawei pricked up her fox’s ears and twitched the corners of her mouth. The door closed too quickly.

Li Xu retracted his gaze and did not pay attention to the problem of the door closing. He continued down into the cave and kept going down. Dawei followed him silently.

After walking tens of meters, Li Xu suddenly felt that the corner of Own’s clothes was being pulled by something, and looked back at Xiao Dawei.

“What’s wrong with you?” Li Xu heard.

“Master, I’m a little scared.” It’s too quiet here, and Dawei is a little panicked.

“Then I will hold you, so I won’t be afraid.”

Li Xu quickly stretched out his left hand and embraced her thin waist, letting her lean in his arms.

Xiao Dawei is quite fragrant, very good smelling.

Li Xu took a deep breath, his eyes quickly shifted to the front.

Dawei flushed, but did not resist, letting the Master hold herself.

Lean his head on his shoulder.

I can feel his temperature and hear the sound of his heart beating faster.

She licked her lips, did not speak, and quietly leaned on Li Xu’s shoulder, which was really comfortable.

Time doesn’t know how long it has passed, but knows that Li Xu has been holding her forward and fell asleep without knowing it.

When she woke up and found that she was being held by Li Xu’s hands, she woke up dazedly in Li Xu’s arms.

This is no longer a cave full of water, but a dark passage, with an underground river tens of feet wide on the left.

The water in the underground river was so green and black that it felt terrifying.

“Master, how did we get here?” Dawei asked in Li Xu’s arms.

“We came here as soon as we came out of the cave. We had to walk up the river. It is estimated that we can see the sun when we go out.” Li Xu said, leaning Dawei’s body against Own.

At this time, Dawei suddenly found herself still nestled in Li Xu’s arms, her white and tender face instantly turned red, and she quickly emerged from Li Xu’s arms.

“Master, I can… walk.” Dawei stammered.

“Yeah.” Li Xu stretched out his hand and scratched her nose lightly, smiled, and suddenly heard the sound of “cuckoo” from Dawei’s belly.

“Master, I…I…I’m hungry.” She hasn’t eaten anything yet when she comes out of the border? I’m really hungry if I haven’t eaten for two days or three.

Li Xu smiled and said, “I will feed you later.”

Da Wei murmured: “I have hands, so I don’t need to feed them.”

Li Xu smiled without speaking, took her hand and walked forward. After walking for about an hour or so, he found that there was no road ahead.

They had to jump into the underground river and swim straight ahead.

After another half an hour passed, Li Xu suddenly felt the sight of his surroundings narrowed, and the water became clear, and he dragged Dawei to the surface of the water.

As soon as I got out of the water, I saw the dazzling sun, there were huge mountains in the distance, pinnacles towering into the clouds, and the endless sea of ​​woods, but I didn’t see a single person.

Suddenly, Li Xiaolu felt a terrifying aura surrounding Own.

He turned around and his gaze condensed, and he saw a crocodile tens of meters long, slowly emerging from the water, his eyes reflecting cold light.

“Master, there is more than one crocodile.”

There were more and more crocodiles, but Dawei didn’t panic at all. Instead, she licked her lips and said, “Master, this crocodile should be considered a fish, right?”

She was hungry a long time ago, but when she saw these crocodiles, her hunger irritated her and her eyes lit up.

Li Xu replied: “Yes, but the crocodile doesn’t…” It’s a fish.


Dawei was not afraid of the huge crocodile. She jumped out of the water, her small body exploding with terrible power.

The power of the light blue ice road spewed out and fell on a crocodile. His hands were constantly punching out, and the power surged wantonly.

The screams of the crocodile continued to be heard, resounding on the surface of the lake.

They never dreamed of being beaten by humans, struggling constantly, and wanting to escape.


Various sprays were thrown on the water, and other crocodiles ran away, but two crocodiles were a little slow, and she slapped them to bleed.

She dragged a crocodile to the shore.

Li Xu looked at her with a stunned expression, Xiao Dawei still has this side, she is a violent woman, it seems that hunger can make a person’s combat power upgrade.

Drag two struggling crocodiles to the shore.

Hit one of them directly with a fist.

Another crocodile saw that her companion died tragically, and wanted to run, but was held back by Dawei. She raised her small angry fist and warned:

“I tell you not to move, or I will eat you.”

The crocodile squatted on the ground obediently, not daring to move, tears flickering in his eyes.

It is really too miserable.

Another dead crocodile was quickly skinned and cramped by Dawei, and the meat was grilled on the fire, which made Li Xu dumbfounded.

Soon bursts of fragrance came out, and another crocodile lay on the ground shivering, tears streaming down, what kind of murderous child was this? It was terrifying.

Dawei clapped her hands and smiled happily: “Master, this meat can be eaten.”

She cut the meat and sent it to the Master.

“You eat first.” Li Xu saw that she seemed to be hungry.

“It’s okay, take it first. If you don’t care enough, don’t you have one more?” Dawei looked at the shivering crocodile.

The crocodile seemed to understand her words and ran quickly.

As a result, he was caught by Dawei and beaten again. The crocodile never dared to run anymore, lying on the ground and weeping.

She ate very fragrantly by her side. She chuckled her mouth. Seeing the crocodile was crying, she smiled and said, “You are greedy and crying, do you think it fragrant too, here, let me give you a taste.”

Dawei handed out a piece of crocodile meat.

Crocodiles do not eat.

Dawei’s face became cold, and she beat him again.

The crocodile had to eat the crocodile meat with tears.

Dawei smiled with satisfaction, and suddenly realized that Li Xu looked at her strangely, and was stunned: “Master, why are you looking at me like this?”

Li Xu with a stunned look shook his head and said: “It’s okay, you continue to eat.”


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