Chapter 92 Seeing Through the Dragon Scales [Plus 45 Owe]

Li Xu stared carefully, staring at the gleaming scales in the bottom of the lake. This thing didn’t feel like fish scales to him.

He had never seen this kind of fish scales, the size of a palm, when did this waterfall lake have such a big fish?

Although he has hardly been here to bathe, he still knows what fish are there.

I used to fish here often, and occasionally went into the water to take a look, but I have never seen any fish with palm-sized scales.

Could it be that this thing was washed out by heavy rain?

Li Xu stretched out his hand at will, sucked hard, and sucked the scale in the bottom of the lake into his hand, the scales gleaming.

The scales are snow-white in color.

There was a faint pale flame burning on it, almost burning his hand.

He squinted one eye, stared carefully, and looked up.

The scales are like transparent glass, without obstacles, and can be seen more clearly.

“It’s amazing.” Li Xu’s gaze shifted to Dazhen who was still enlightened, his eyes focused quickly through the scales.

His blood surged suddenly, and his whole body was hot, because he could see Dawei clearly.

The current Dawei didn’t wear a piece of clothing, she just sat cross-legged in front of her eyes, the small figure had begun to take shape, and her skin was as white as suet jade.

Li Xu hurriedly shifted his gaze, because the current Dawei was at the critical moment of enlightenment, so he shouldn’t be disturbed.

He turned his head, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and continued to observe the entire lake bottom through this scale.

In addition to the perspective function, this scale also has the function of focusing the line of sight from a distance.

He sat quietly, and through this scale, he could see the scenery at the bottom of the lake clearly, which was more powerful than his Taoist “gaze is like electricity”.

“Could it be that the system said that cultivation in the rain has unexpected gains?”

Li Xu just remembered something. The system did say this, but since he was almost struck by lightning, he was a bit speechless about the system. He didn’t expect to be here waiting for him.

“What kind of scale is this? Can you help me identify it?” Li Xu looked at the exquisite atlas in his mind.

“Is the garbage system?” Li Xu cursed.


Li Xu asked again: “Can you help me identify?”

[No, but you can use 10,000 diligence points to randomly draw Taoism][Reminder: You performed very well this month and last month, with a correct and positive attitude, and specially gave you a chance to get what you want. As long as you meditate on the appraisal in your heart, the chance of getting this method is 50%]

Li Xu found it very strange that the Dao method does not always have a 50% chance. Apart from getting and not being able to get it, is there anything else?

He was dubious and began to extract Taoism.

[Already consumed 10,000 diligence points, successfully redeemed for the first rank Dao Fa, fire escape]

Li Xu said with a black face, “The system remembers what you just said, the probability of getting Dao Fa is 50%, which means that if I draw twice, it will be 100%. If I don’t draw again, I killed you.”

[Has consumed 10,000 diligence points, successfully redeemed the third rank Dao Fa, appraisal]

Li Xu was very satisfied: “You can get what you want with just two draws. It’s really good. As expected, you didn’t deceive me. You are very sensible.”

He smiled and was satisfied.

Unexpectedly, the third rank Dao Fa was so easy to extract, it was really comfortable, the formula appeared in my mind, and I quickly mastered the third rank Dao Fa.

He looked at this scale and began to appraise it.

It was quickly concluded that this was actually a dragon scale.

Li Xu looked at this scale and was so shocked that he couldn’t speak: “It’s really a dragon scale, is there really a dragon in the world?”

He heard that there were fairy dragons and Phoenix in Daozhou before, but they fell.

“Is this the dragon scales of the prehistoric five-clawed dragon?” Li Xu looked left and right. He really picked up the treasure and put it away. “This heavy rain is really worth it, and even the dragon scales Get here.”

He lay in the water thinking, and fell asleep when he thought about it. He slept for two days.

Two days later.

Li Xu heard a voice in Li Xu’s mind: “Dazhen has successfully comprehended the first-rank Dao method, water escape, rewards diligence points 50,000 and the fourth-rank Dao method sound transmission technique, and has completed four Dao method teachings this month, of course , You can also choose to continue teaching Dao Fa.”


Unexpectedly, in two days, Dawei would comprehend a law.

Now that I have completed the mission on October 21st, it seems that I can do whatever I want in the rest of the time.

Looking at Dawei, she opened her eyes, and her two glaze-like eyes were watery, as if the water was about to overflow Spiritual Qi.

“Master, I finally succeeded in comprehending Shui Dun.” Da Wei felt that she was in a very good state now, and her speed was fantastic, like a fish swimming in the water, fast.

The difference between water escape and those who can swim is too obvious. Being able to swim just means that they will not be drowned, but being able to escape is completely different. Being able to escape is like turning into water by itself, and there is no obstacle in the water anymore. It’s almost the same as walking on land.

She is constantly swimming in the water, like a lively little fish, centering on Li Xu, constantly spinning in circles.

Because his speed was too fast, wind and waves like tornadoes appeared on the water, slowly forming a whirlpool, huge waves surging into the sky.

Suddenly, she stopped quickly, and the whirlpool slowly calmed down.

“Shui Dun is so cool.” Dawei smiled and bends her eyes, and she will bathe with Anzhiyu in the future. It seems that she must be bullied and bullied.

Withdrawing the thoughts in her mind, Dawei said: “Master, I’m a little hungry, let’s go out.”

She looked for it, but did not see Li Xu.

“What about people?”

Dawei looked around, and finally saw Li Xu on the rock wall at the bottom of the lake not far away. There seemed to be something gleaming beside him.

I hurried over and saw the Master pick up another scale from the water and watched carefully.

“Master, what is this?”

“Dragon scales.” Li Xu was a little stunned. He thought that getting a piece of dragon scale would be considered a sign of luck, but he didn’t expect another piece to appear.

Just now Dawei stirred the lake water, this thing came into view, so she hurried over to take a look.

Dawei said in shock: “Are the scales of Shenlong?”

Li Xu said: “Yes.”

“Why are there dragon scales here? Did they rush down from the waterfall?” Dawei opened her small mouth, feeling a little weird, and suddenly remembered something.

“Master, last time I took a bath with Anzhiyu here, and I ran behind the waterfall with her. She said that these stone walls have a history of at least a thousand years. She also said that such places generally have treasures. Me and her After groping for a while at the bottom of the lake, I didn’t find it.”

“Do you think our waterfalls and lakes are not easy?” Dawei looked at Li Xu.

“I do not know either.”

This waterfall and lake existed before he came to Taixu Academy.

Later, when he got a fund, he carried out secondary development and divided the areas. In fact, he did not pay attention to the years of these stone walls. Who should pay attention to these things in leisure.

If Anzhiyu and Dawei didn’t enter the back of the waterfall, if Anzhiyu watched it less, they would not notice.

“Let’s take a look around.” Dawei wanted to explore the bottom of the lake again. Maybe there is really a treasure buried here, as Anzhiyu said, but it hasn’t been opened yet.

“Yeah.” Li Xu nodded, and he began to identify these stone walls, and then fumbled around the bottom of the lake to identify them.

Half an hour later, Li Xu identified that the material of a stone wall was different, except that the stone was covered with moss.

He pushed aside the moss, and then fumbled on the rock. Suddenly, a clicking sound came out, and the rock slowly pulled away to the left.

A bottomless cave appeared in the bottom of the lake.

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