Chapter 89 Master and Apprentice Playing in the Rain

Seeing that Li Xu didn’t do anything, but just lowered her head and stared at her own toes, Dawei thought he was a little strange, waved her hand in front of him, and asked:

“Master, what do you keep staring at my feet for?”

Dawei can’t understand Li Xu’s eyes, is there a problem with her own feet?

It shouldn’t be.

Li Xu said, “Your feet are so beautiful.”

Her toes were white and tender, small, well-proportioned, beautiful and stilted, and Li Xu’s mind suddenly flashed an idiom, Qianqianyu feet, this word can exactly describe her white and tender feet.

“Huh?” Dazhen frowned. Is Li Xu saying that her own feet are good-looking, or is she trying to do something weird to her own feet.

Is the Master so perverted?

Can’t tell at all.

Probably not, I think I think too much.

“Master, hug me back and put on your boots.” She still opened her hands and wanted Li Xu to hug her back to the room, not because she was barefoot, but she just wanted Li Xu to hug her.

Li Xu is no longer on the same channel with her, just staring at her feet, absent-mindedly said: “Aren’t we going to cultivation? What’s the point when we go back to the room and wear boots? Can the best boots prevent rain? So wet, it’s better to be barefoot.”

Dawei’s expression instantly stiffened. This Master is really hard to say, staring at his feet quietly, really perverted, isn’t it good to hug yourself?

Is there a hole in his brain?

“Let’s go, just barefoot, I will teach you water escape.”

Li Xu stretched out his hand.

Dawei stretched out her hand helplessly.

Li Xu took her step by step into the downpour, and Spirit Power gushed out immediately, blocking the rain that was about to pour on her body, as if Wanfa did not invade.

The same is true for Dawei, no amount of rain can wet her clothes, because Li Xu’s Spirit Power also wraps her.

“Master, is this Shui Dun?” Dawei asked.

“No, this is a light curtain formed with Spirit Power. It will be shot out when it rains on your body, but it consumes Spirit Power. You can also try it.” Li Xu said.

When Dawei’s handprints were knotted, Spirit Power was mobilized, and the power of the icy sky and fire rushed out, and two Spirit Powers with different attributes appeared on the body.

Spirit Power enveloped her, and the rain could not penetrate her clothes.

Li Xu said: “This method can block the intrusion of rainwater, but it is not recommended. If your cultivation has water to escape, it is equivalent to walking in the water. The water can no longer wet you. Moreover, Water Escape consumes less Spirit Power and is easy to learn.”

This is the benefit of water escape.

But the bad thing is to cultivate and comprehend. Of course, Li Xu doesn’t need it. It’s Dawei who does this.

The system he sees in his mind is actually an atlas. The name is “Teacher and Apprentice Daily System”. It doesn’t even have an interface. It’s very simple.

He often suspects that this is not a system.

Because he has never seen a system without an interface, just like inferior products, he doesn’t know that it was something that slacker made.

[Whether to receive the first rank Dao Fa, Shui Dun]

A line of words floated on the daily system of the master and apprentice, and the voice also came to mind.

Li Xu’s answer: Yes.

[Successfully receive the first rank Dao Fa Shui Dun, if Da Ma successfully comprehend this Dao Fa, you will be rewarded for diligence points 50,000 and fourth rank Dao Fa sound transmission technique]

Finally, I gave a more useful method, but the premise is to let Dawei successfully understand it.

Before comprehending, she must be taught.

“Master, I suddenly want to play in the water. I want to play for a while and then cultivation Taoism.” Dawei looked up at Li Xu. She hadn’t been exposed to the rain for a long time. When she came to Zhuanxu country, she never played in the rain because she was in Zhuanxu. For more than 20 years in China, she has been very disturbed. Only when she got here did she find the source of happiness.

Li Xu looked at her without speaking.

Da Wei shook Li Xu’s arm and said coquettishly: “Master, you just let me play for a while, right?”

“I’m still playing with water, I’m afraid the water will play with you.” Li Xu worried that she would be ill.

“Master.” Da Wei hugged her coquettishly, her eyes flickered, and the fox’s ears moved.

It’s rare to see her acting like a baby, Li Xu smiled and said, “It’s up to you. If I get sick, I will take care of everything, but I don’t have time to take care of you.”

“What can you do?” Dawei was secretly dissatisfied, I am afraid that in the whole Daozhou, Li Xu is the most idle, but she still smiles on the surface, “No, I haven’t played with it when I was a child, and I won’t get sick. .”

When she was a child, she was referring to Qingqiu country.

Li Xu didn’t want to suppress her nature, and said, “It’s up to you.”

Hearing that, Dawei is like a mad dog running out of the way.

She opened her hands and ran wildly in the rain, her white and tender feet kicked the water on the ground, letting the rain drip onto the fox’s ears, onto her head, and onto her face.

Soon, the rain completely wet her.

Her white dress was looming, and the curve of her body began to be outlined, but she didn’t care, because there was only herself.

She yelled “Yahyah” and ran wildly in the rain, as if she was back to the days of playing in the water when she was a child.


Tang Sheng’s hand that dropped the chess solidified in the air, and said, “Master, have you heard a strange sound coming from the courtyard in front of us, like a mad dog.”

Green Wudao lying on the table: “How do I feel like a wolf barking?”

Dean Qinglian said: “I haven’t seen the world, it was a fox cry.”

“What is Dawei doing?” Tang Sheng was very curious, and suddenly wanted to see it, but this pavilion was separated by a long corridor. If you want to see the courtyard, you have to turn a corner to see.

“Don’t run, I’m about to win.” Dean Qing Lian looked at him, and he was about to win this round. Tang Sheng wanted to run away.

“Uh…” Sure enough, Jiang was still hot. He was going to lose this round and wanted to run away for a reason.

In the room.

An Zhiyu, who was lying in the bed, suddenly heard Dawei howling in the courtyard, she frowned and said:

“What is Dawei going crazy?”

Anzhiyu got out of the bed, stood up, opened the door, and saw Dawei playing with water in the courtyard, so naive.

And Li Xu actually watched it with gusto.

This master and apprentice are poisonous!

Dawei in the courtyard seemed to have spotted Anzhiyu who opened the door and poked his head out, and shouted, “Zhiyu Big sis, do you want to play?”

“Farewell.” So naive, she is not a child, and if she doesn’t play, An Zhiyu closed the door and got back into the bed.

“Master, why don’t you come and play with me?” Dawei ran to Li Xu, with water everywhere on her face. She needed a company.

Li Xu’s face is black, do you think I am like a child?

“Master.” She looked up at Li Xu blankly.

“No time.”

“Come on hahaha…” Dawei dragged out Li Xu, who was wrapped in Spirit Power and Wanfa was not invading, and quickly got his clothes wet.

“I’ll kill you.”

Li Xu was originally standing looking at the wet body. He watched well, but the more he watched, the more he admired it, but she was suddenly dragged out by her.

The rain quickly wetted his hair, his face, and his clothes.

“Master, hahaha.” Dawei smiled at Li Xu from a distance.

“Smile, wait for you to cry on the ground.”

Li Xu moved and ran towards her, letting you hide, planning to give her a meal.

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