Chapter 88 Don’t Dare to Confront the Master

“Hey!” An Zhiyu stood on tiptoe, kissed Li Xu’s cheek, flushed with shame, clenched his fist and turned into a wind, instantly ran back to the own room, jumped up and fell on the couch from a distance. Bury your head in the bed.

It was ashamed to see people.

Last time, she sneaked a kiss on Li Xu’s face while he was asleep, but this time, Li Xu was sober, she actually did something to him.

An Zhiyu felt that she was going crazy and buried her head in the bed.

I could hear Own’s heart thumping, beating harder than ever, and several times stronger than when she was reading those books.

She stretched out her hand and touched own face, it was really hot, like a flame roasting, it felt like you could boil eggs.

She couldn’t calm down for a long time, writhing around on the bed, like a maggot.

I also took off my clothes habitually.

Originally thought she would be sweaty, but she found that the bead on the necklace she wore on her neck was shining with a faint emerald luster, and the feeling of chill began to spread all over her body.

It’s pretty cool.

It is slowly being able to absorb the heat radiated from Own’s body. In normal times, she is already covered with sweat.

What a magical thing.

She reached out and poked at this bead, what is this thing, and suddenly remembered what Li Xu had said about this material, tears and gold.




Just know that this is Li Xu’s first gift to own. I looked at this necklace, then covered myself with a quilt, and laughed silly in it.

She had long forgotten about reading with Dawei.

Dawei’s room.

Dawei sat on the edge of the bed, dangling her little feet, touching her nose and exhaled: “Why the little girl Anzhiyu hasn’t come back yet? I’ll see for myself if she doesn’t come back again. Don’t wait for her…could she fall into the pit? Bar.”

She was just going to make it easier, but she hadn’t come back yet, Dawei was a little worried, she didn’t even wear boots, and ran out with her bare feet.

Didn’t see Anzhiyu, but saw the Master walking towards her touching his face.

“Master, have you seen Zhiyu Big sis?” Dawei asked.

“She ran back to her own room.” Li Xu touched his face. An Zhiyu kissed him just now, feeling wet.

Madam Da angrily said: “This woman is so mad at me, she ran back to the room without telling me, so I thought she fell into the pit, I must beat her.”

She wanted to walk to the room without knowing the fish.

Li Xu smiled and said, “Xiao Dazhen, come here for a while.”

Dawei tilted her head slightly to look at Li Xu: “What’s the matter?”

“You come here first.”

“You talk about it first.” If it’s okay, she won’t go over. She intends to beat An Zhiyu this little girl, press her under her body and beat her, hum.

“How come there are so many words, come here quickly.”

“But.” Dawei didn’t go there.

“Do you dare to confront the Master?”

“I don’t dare to confront the Master, but I want to be the Master…”


Suddenly this sentence came out of Dawei’s mind, and she herself was shocked, because it came from “My Master became my Big Brother and later my husband”.

Fortunately, she only said the first sentence. If she said the latter sentence, she might be hung up and beaten by the Master.

Dahuan bare her feet, lowered her head, obediently came to Li Xu, and whispered:


“Stretch out your hand.”

“Oh.” Dawei obediently stretched out two small hands in front of Li Xu, not knowing what Li Xu wanted to do, but what he wanted to do with his own hand should be okay.

She thought secretly.

Li Xu bent over and held her left hand.

Dawei was stunned, her face flushed, this, this… What is Li Xu doing to her hand, how can she grab her hand for no reason?

There is something wrong with the Master.

While thinking about it, Dawei saw Li Xu taking out a ring from her arms. The shape and structure of this ring were completely different from the rings she had seen before. It was the first time I saw this kind of ring. The color was soft and bright. very nice.

Li Xu put the ring on her left hand.

Fortunately, I have held Dawei’s pink hand before, and I have a certain understanding of her size, which just fits her ring finger.

Dawei smiled suddenly, her eyes curled like crescents, and her little shining tiger teeth revealed: “Master, is this the storage ring you gave me?”

“This is not a storage ring, just a simple ring. I have received you as a disciple for more than a month, but I haven’t given you any gifts yet. This is considered a gift from me.”

“Thank you Master.” Two shallow dimples appeared at the corners of Dawei’s mouth.

“It should be.” Li Xu smiled and reached out to touch her head, let alone, her little head is really easy to touch.

“Master is so nice.” Dawei smiled happily, her fox ears trembling.

Not only did Li Xu solve the problem of his own inability to communicate with the world, he also made himself breakthrough to the first rank, cultivated a lot of Taoism, and treated himself so well.

Thinking about it carefully, the Master seems to lack everything. It seems that the best way to repay him is to agree with him.

I just don’t know if the Master will dislike it?

She suddenly rushed over, just holding Li Xu.

Because she was really short, she could only hug Li Xu’s thighs with her hands, and her head against her abdomen, rubbing her face inadvertently.

She just wanted to express that she was very happy.

However, Li Xu’s reaction was a bit extreme.

Dawei felt the weapon attack her instantly, she suddenly stepped back three or four times, her face flushed, this was the first time he attacked herself, and she forgot.

Li Xu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Dazhen shifted her gaze to another place, and said, “Master, it’s so boring. Would you like to teach me cultivation?”

Li Xu asked: “But it’s raining, are you sure you want to cultivate?”

Dawei looked at the splashing rain outside and said, “I guess it won’t be over for two or three days. I can’t stay in a daze.”

“It’s okay, you can rest as much as possible.”

“I take a rest every day, and I get sick.” Dawei thinks that she reads that kind of book because she is too free, but if it doesn’t rain, she will definitely cultivate with the Master.

Cultivating with the Master is more interesting than reading a book.

“What Taoism do you want to cultivate?” Li Xu asked.

“While it’s raining, I want to cultivate water to escape.”

“Cultivation water escape?” Li Xu never thought that her thinking was so active, it would indeed be better to cultivate in a rainy day, you are really a little clever ghost, “then cultivate water escape.”

“Okay.” Dawei suddenly bit Own’s lips and opened her hand: “Master, I don’t want to walk, you can take me back and change a pair of boots.”

Her two little feet shook in front of Li Xu’s eyes.

The toes are really white and tender.

For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to kiss.

Really perverted.

Li Xu scolded himself secretly.

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