Chapter 75

Xiangshan Restaurant.

Li Xu, who was doing the meal, suddenly noticed a gasping voice coming from the fifth table of the restaurant: “Brother Zhang, when I came here just now… I heard that the Red Buddha girl is dead.”

The fellow daoist who was speaking had just rushed in from the outside, sipping tea and talking. He had originally agreed with a few good brothers to have dinner at the Xiangshan Restaurant, but he heard some rumors, which delayed his time here.

Several good brothers also wanted to let their brothers punish themselves for three cups, but they were stunned when they heard what he said.

A brother asked, “Is it the instant tower, the four unique red Buddha girl in instant?”


“She died? When did it happen?”

The good brothers at table 5 were unacceptable, and their hands were shaking.

Hong Fu Nu is one of the four unique moments. She is famous for her charming and charming figure. She is one of the goddesses squeezed by many fellow daoist dreams.

Suddenly they heard that the goddess in their dreams that they thought about day and night was dead!

How can this be?

Difficult to accept.

Although the fellow daoist’s voice was not very loud, most of the people in the restaurant were monks, with extraordinary hearing, and instantly fell silent. The two girls stopped playing the piano, and even the guys in the restaurant stopped.

Everyone looked at him one after another and asked: “What’s the matter?”

The brother who drank the water gasped and said, “I don’t believe it either. I investigated it specifically. I heard that Hong Fu Nu was secretly ordered to set off from Zhuanxu Huangdu to Funong Town. She should have arrived here long ago. But the teacher concubine Qian in the Instant Tower did not wait for her, so she sent people to look around. That is, two hours ago, she found a dead body in the purple bamboo forest at the junction of Yuyang County and Cao County.”

Someone asked: “Has the cause of death been found out?”

The brother shook his head suddenly: “I don’t know the details, I only know so much.”

“Is this news true or false? Will anyone be so violent? If it’s me, even if it’s a wicked heart, it’s a lust. It’s impossible to be willing to kill it. I also heard that the strength of the Red Buddha girl is in the fourth rank, at least through it. For the tenth Heavenly Tribulation, why did such a strong man die?”

“Not sure.”

“Let’s wait for the announcement of the instant building.”

The monks in the restaurant didn’t believe the news of Hong Fu Nu’s death. Such masters would not die easily, so it must be a rumor.

This message was soon overwhelmed, and the sound of the piano in the restaurant began to play afterwards.

Gradually, the ascetics began to talk about the four unique beauty of the moment, the god of dancing cloud wanted clothes, the flower fairy wanted to face, the dumb woman was silent…

Dean Qinglian looked at Li Xu who was still cooking, and asked, “What do you think about the death of Hong Fu Nu?”

“Don’t believe the rumors, don’t spread the rumors.” Li Xu said, “There is no real hammer on this matter. Don’t talk nonsense. Today, we will stay in the restaurant for one night, and tomorrow we will go home again.”

It’s too late to go home now, so let’s stay here for one night. The key is that he thinks something big should happen tomorrow.

Others had the same thoughts as him. They also smelled that something big was about to happen, so it’s better to stay for one night and see what’s going on.

“I think everyone ate the same. Check out.” Li Xu said. They had eaten this meal for an hour or two. If they hadn’t listened to the monk’s comments, they would have fallen asleep.

“Man.” Dawei raised her little hand. “Check out.”

“Okay.” The guy strode forward and quickly figured out how much he had spent in total, saying: “A total of two thousand one hundred and three spent, erase the fraction, two thousand.”

Wife stretched out her hand, trying to take the money out of her own storage ring, Li Xu quickly held her, looked at Dean Qinglian and said:

“Didn’t you mean you are inviting guests?” Li Xu looked at Dean Qinglian, but the servant didn’t take the initiative to check out.

“Yeah.” Dean Qinglian was in pain, and it was expensive to eat. I thought it would be 999 at most, that is, Li Xutai can eat.

If Li Xu didn’t say anything, he was going to let Dawei pay the money in silence. Who would let this be a rich little woman.

When he said this, Dean Qing Lian had to pay, but it was very distressing.

“After the checkout, I’m going to bed. If you want to play, you can go to play, but don’t be too late.”

Li Xu was really sleepy. If he hadn’t gone to bed just to listen to Eight Trigrams, he yawned and opened a room, and quickly walked to the sixth floor.

Tang Sheng and Dean Qinglian didn’t go to play either, the former was still holding the green crow, in order to save money, only opened a room.

The two little girls, Dawei and An Zhiyu, also opened a room. Something went wrong in the process, and the expression of the owner of the restaurant suddenly changed.

He rang a small bell next to him, and with the sound of “Dangdangdang”, he heard countless footsteps coming here and quickly surrounded the restaurant.

Immediately afterwards, two fourth rank Yushi rushed in, followed by a few people.

“She, she…” The restaurant owner pointed to An Zhiyu, “She has a problem, and his identity is unknown.”

“Catch her.” With a wave of the fourth rank Yushi, several Yushi went up one after another, and they were about to hold Anzhiyu.


Li Xu, who had just walked to the sixth floor, heard the movement and quickly came down. On the corner of the first floor and the second floor, he saw Dean Qinglian, Dawei, Tang Sheng, and An Zhiyu with swords drawn. Several people from Yushitai were the same. So, the atmosphere is very tense.

Li Xu yawned and said, “What’s the matter?”

The fourth rank Yushi stared at Li Xu and coldly said, “Who are you?”

Li Xu threw a token out, and the man took it, took a closer look, cupped hands one after another, and said, “Well, honor Elder.”

“What’s the matter with you?” Li Xu wanted to sleep, feeling so hard.

The owner of the restaurant explained: “She can’t show her ID.”

Dawei can prove that her identity certificate is from Qingqiu country, and she came to Zhuanxu country to study, and she has formal documents.

Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng just wanted to open the room, and when he asked for his identity certificate, he was confused, but he could still find it out after flipping through the storage bag.

But An Zhiyu couldn’t prove it, and it was the first time she heard about identity certification.

She had never heard of this stuff before, why did she suddenly want it?

She looked at Master Qinglian helplessly.

Dean Qinglian was also dumbfounded. This thing was prepared when he was born. Tang Sheng is the son of an deceased, and he naturally has his identity certificate, but Anzhiyu was picked up by accident. He was a few years old when he picked it up. After accepting her as a disciple, I forgot to help her get her ID.

Because this thing is not needed, it is naturally forgotten.

Unexpectedly, this time after the Tai Xuefu announced the thief, it would conduct a census and every person living in the store had to be strictly registered.

With this registration, Anzhiyu was exposed.

She couldn’t get it out at all, and it was the first time she even heard of it.

So the people from Yushitai came.

Dean Qinglian explained the situation to Li Xu. Li Xu understood the ins and outs. Fortunately, he was there, otherwise he would have to spend some time talking.

“She came with me. I dare to pack a ticket. She is not a suspicious person. You can go to work. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it. Tomorrow, I will take her to the Yushitai for her identification.” Li Xu yawned.

“Yes.” Yushitai slowly retreated, and the accident here gradually subsided.

“Thank you.”

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