Chapter 74: What Is It Like Sleeping On A Girl’s Lap?

PS1: There was an error in the previous chapter. Dawei and Anzhiyu should be the strongest among the first rank. It is still a bit difficult to play the second rank. I wanted to change it, but it was blocked, and it has been locked by editing and cannot be changed. Here is a special note.

PS2: Today two chapters are more than 7,000 words, and they meet 3 chapters of 2,000 words. You are diligent enough. Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation.


Tang Sheng stepped out, the sword in his hand was unsheathed, and the buzzing sound continued.

Anzhiyu made imprints on both hands, and green lotuses flickered on the ground.

Dawei’s icy sky and fire surged, cold and hot appeared at the same time, covering the ground, and she rushed into the crowd.

The speed of the three of them was very fast, almost with their hands up and down, opening and closing. In less than five minutes, a corpse appeared on the ground.

It is not the first time that Tang Sheng and An Zhiyu have killed people. They occasionally do missions with Master Qing Lian to make money, and they have killed many bad guys. Their expressions are also very calm.

What surprised Li Xu was that Dawei didn’t have any discomfort. If she remembers correctly, she should have killed someone for the first time.

The psychology is really strong, thinking that Xiao Dazhen will vomit, and thinking about how to comfort her.

This is a lot easier.

Li Xu said, “You pick up everything from them.”

“Master, can I not?” Dawei felt she didn’t need it. The storage bags of these monks were nothing more than money, and she didn’t need it.

If necessary, give it to An Zhiyu and Tang Sheng.

“Then you take it away.” Li Xuwang looked at An Zhiyu and Tang Sheng.

They were not polite and touched all their storage bags away.

Li Xu looked at Dawei again and said, “You use your skyfire power to turn them into ashes.”

“Master, aren’t they dead? Why waste Spirit Power?”

“The world is too big, there are no wonders. Maybe some people have the technique of dying and resurrecting their lives, or some people borrowing their corpses to resurrect their souls. So the most conservative method is to turn them into ashes. If you are still not at ease, you can do something to save yourself.” Li Xu looked serious. road.


Dawei nodded, and learned strange knowledge again.

She took a shot and turned the corpse on the ground into ashes with Skyfire Spirit Power, clapped her hands, and jumped back to Li Xu, her face full of joy.

At this time, Tang Sheng awakened Dean Qinglian who had been knocked out.

Dean Qinglian came together and made preparations for the battle. He saw Li Xu and frowned. Then Tang Sheng told him that the young man was a fake Li, and Dean Qinglian was depressed for a long time.

Li Xu smiled and said, “You all leave here, I will destroy this place.”

After Dawei, An Zhiyu, Dean Qinglian and Tang Sheng completely walked out of the town, they mobilized Spirit Power, and suddenly the surging Spirit Power quickly filled the streets.

It’s like a flood that bursts a bank, hitting in all directions.

Everything on the street, stalls, houses, restaurants, including the humanoid puppets, was quickly shattered by force.

Li Xu hit the ground with a fist, and suddenly a rumbling sound came out, like a tsunami erupting, and the ground was cracking.

Li Xu lifted his foot, and stepped out of the town in one step. The loud rumbling noise continued to be heard, cracks like ravines appeared on the ground, and the whole town collapsed and turned into rubble.

Until now, this fake town was completely destroyed, and everything inside was shattered.

“It’s exhausting me.”

Li Xu feels that there are too many things to do today, even more tired than he is a month.

He ran all the way to Yuyang Town, killed the Song Family Branch, and came back again to collapse the town.This was all done in a short period of time and almost exhausted him.

At the beginning, the plan was that Dean Qinglian invited everyone to Funong Town to have a big meal. Now that I have been busy for most of the day, it is already dusk.

“Let’s go, let’s hurry up to eat, I’m almost hungry.” Li Xu walked to Dawei, bent over and put her chin on Dawei’s head, and said: “I’m so tired, your sword will fly me. Bar.”

It’s not very far from the town of Funong now, and the distance of two quarters of an hour is about the same at an ordinary Yujian speed.

Asking her to bring herself is not a problem at all.

“Okay.” Dawei blushed, why Master always likes to put his chin on Own’s head, he is too heavy, he always presses himself.

“Master, move your chin, I’m about to start the sword.”

“Good.” Li Xu nodded.

She called the Flying Sword and was about to fly the sword.

“Take me, I don’t know how to use swords.” An Zhiyu jumped onto Dawei’s sword and stood firmly behind her.

“I will lead the way, and you will follow.” Dean Qinglian Yujian rushed towards the town of Funong.

Tang Sheng took Lu Wu who was still in a coma, and Yu Jian followed.

Dawei carried Master and An Zhiyu quickly to follow.

Three streamers quickly cut through the sky.

Li Xu sat on the sword, yawning, he suddenly wanted to sleep, forget it, let’s talk about it if you don’t sleep for half an hour.

An Zhiyu, who was originally standing behind Dawei, suddenly sat on the sword, looked at Li Xu, put out her snow-white slender legs, and whispered:

“Seeing you are quite sleepy, I want you to sleep a while.” She said, pointing to her thigh.

If Li Xu wants to sleep, she doesn’t mind her thigh as a pillow.


Li Xu’s neck moved, his head tilted, and he fell directly on her lap.

Because of the clothes separated, Li Xu could only feel soft and round, and smelled a faint scent, but there was no other feeling.

It may be because of being so tired that I fell asleep almost instantly.

The speed of falling asleep is amazing.

“I can really sleep!”

Anzhiyu’s pupils contract, and this speed is too fast. Is this quality of sleep too good, or too tired?

Although he didn’t say anything, Li Xu must have consumed a lot of Divine Sense and strength during these few hours.

An Zhiyu quietly looked at Li Xu on his lap. He slept soundly on his pillow, and it was the first time that he observed his face so close.

Sword eyebrows, tall nose, fair face, very delicate features, the more you look at it, the better you look.

She couldn’t help lowering her body and brought her own face closer, but accidentally, her own breasts pressed directly onto his face.

Suddenly, his face flushed, and he quickly raised his neck.

Sure enough, too big is not good.

Influence yourself to observe him up close.

She stared at Li Xu carefully again.

Looking around, slowly stretched out his hand, trying to touch his face, but when he was about to touch his cheek, put his hand away, because he was afraid of waking him up, let him sleep well.

“What are you doing?” Hearing Li Xu’s snoring, Dawei who was in Yujian turned around and saw that he was sleeping on Anzhiyu’s lap.

I also saw Anzhiyu staring at Master like a slut.

“Nothing, he fell asleep.” An Zhiyu said softly.

“You little girl, do you want to do something to my Master?”

“It’s not big or small, call Big sis.”

“Huh, I’m three hundred years old.”

“I am older than you.”

An Zhiyu was very embracing, and the two groups were surging in outline, looking at Da Wei with a smile, very proud.

“Too lazy to care about you, hum.” Dawei turned and concentrated on Yujian.

“Dawei, don’t be angry, I will also let you sleep on my lap at that time, okay?” An Zhiyu poked Dawei’s calf and laughed.


“It has to be.”

“do not want.”


The two are extremely naive, and they talk like elementary school students.

Two quarters later.

Li Xu was awakened by An Zhiyu: “There is one kilometer left, we are almost at the town of Funong.”

Li Xu opened his eyes.

The eyes are dim, as if something is blinding own eyes.

He raised his head quickly, because he got up too fiercely, as if he had touched something, the graceful thing was shaking violently, and it was very soft.

Li Xu quickly said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

An Zhiyu didn’t speak, but his face flushed slightly, she stood up hard, hugged Dawei quickly, and said:

“I will give you a hug, don’t move.”

She is a little weak.

Dawei felt that there was something violently beating close to own Anzhiyu, that was the heart.

Bang bang bang!

The beating was very violent.

Dawei was speechless and didn’t want to speak. She allowed her to hold herself. After a while, she recovered and quickly let go of Dawei.

Li Xu’s eyes stared straight at An Zhiyu and Dawei.

The picture of An Zhiyu holding Xiao Dahao just now, why the more I look at it, the more wrong it becomes?

They are a couple, right?

Throwing away the messy thoughts in his heart, looking ahead, the small town of Funong is already in sight.

Dean Qinglian and Tang Sheng in front had already landed on the ground.

Dawei also controlled the sword to land on the ground.

They walked in together, feeling familiar.

“This is the real floating farm town.” Li Xu felt the familiar breath, unlike the fake floating farm town that was not warm.

The small town of Funong, near dusk, is even more lively in the evening.

Information about thief is posted everywhere on the street, and many people are talking about thief. It is estimated that the three words thief will often appear in the mouth of ascetics in the future.

Because this is a major event that pierces the sky.

“Master, where are we going to eat, I’m almost hungry.” Dawei looked at Li Xu.

“President Qinglian, you treat, you decide a place.” Li Xu said.

“If you are satisfied with not going to the restaurant, I have a psychological shadow.” An Zhiyu said.

“Yes, don’t go to the restaurant where you are satisfied.” Tang Sheng also said.

Need to change places.

Dean Qinglian thought for a while and said: “There are many famous restaurants in Funong Town. In addition to the instant restaurant, you are satisfied with the restaurant, there are also the Xiangshan restaurant, the spring wind restaurant, and the Baihua restaurant. I think the Xiangshan restaurant is good. You can still listen to free music in four quarters.”

“Then let’s go there.” Dawei smiled, revealing a shallow dimple.

“Good.” Dean Qinglian led the way.

Xiangshan Restaurant, first floor.

They didn’t even choose the box because they wanted to hear what the monks were talking about.

Fortunately, they came earlier and chose a better position to sit down, which is the lower right corner of the first floor. This position will not be disturbed, because there will be no people coming in and out of this position, only their table.

Not long after they sat down, they had just ordered a bunch of delicious meals.

Li Xu estimated that this time is about half past six, more and more people are eating, and the restaurant staff are busy.

By about seven o’clock, the place became very lively. The first floor was basically full, and various discussions of practitioners came out.

“Is it true that the thief is true?”

“It must be true. This is an announcement issued by Taixuefu and Yushitai personally. It is already something everyone knows, and it must be true.”

“I just don’t believe it. Someone can really put the way of others on another person. How this is done is totally incredible.”

“Tai Xuefu also promulgated the reason why the death rate of Heavenly Tribulation is increasing in recent years, indicating that it is related to the thief.”

“The thief is too cunning. The fourth rank ascetic who specializes in Transcends Tribulation. If the Transcends Tribulation fails, no one will doubt it. They think they were killed by Heavenly Tribulation.”

“To do such a damaging thing, it should be thundered and destroyed. The name and location of the thief’s organization have not been found yet?”

“No, there is no clue at the moment. This organization is definitely not simple. It is a huge monster. It may have become bigger and stronger. It must be difficult to get rid of it. This is a protracted battle.”

In the Xiangshan Restaurant, the monks were talking, and every table was talking. Li Xu listened quietly. By now, everyone knows the deeds of the thief.

Because the influence of the thief is too bad.

Stealing the way of others for your own use is equivalent to directly occupying others’ hard work for a lifetime.

No one is angry.

Moreover, these ascetics of Transcends Tribulation do not even know how they died.

Li Xu kept eating, not in a hurry, unconsciously, when the time came to four quarters, that is, eight o’clock in the evening.

Two slender beauties with white veils walked down the stairs on time, went to the front of the restaurant, sat down, and played the piano.

Their graceful posture, graceful movements, and beautiful music soothed many irritable monks.

Li Xu also listened quietly. After listening for ten minutes, suddenly, he heard someone talking softly:

“I heard that there was an accident with the Four Sure Red Buddha Girl, and she was dead.”

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