Chapter 49

Da Ma looked at her questioningly: “Sensitive topics?”


An Zhiyu’s eyes flashed, and she looked at Da Wei with a smile. She was really too cute, small and cute, and she couldn’t help but want to bully her.

“for example?”

Dawei also came interested, pricked up her ears, fluttered with her big eyes, her face was slightly flushed, she sank half of her face into the water, gurgling and blowing bubbles.

Seeing her gurgling and blowing bubbles, An Zhiyu thought she was more cute and thought…

An Zhiyu poked her cheek with her hand, very soft, and smiled:

“You should have lived for three hundred years. Have you ever liked people in these hundreds of years?”

Dawei blushed and nodded: “I like my mother, I like my gluttonous aunt, they are all me…”

An Zhiyu interrupted her: “I’m talking about men.”

Dawei shook her head: “No.”

“Why? You don’t like men?”

“Why should I like men?” Dawei looked into her eyes sincerely.

Her rhetorical question directly stunned An Zhiyu. She stepped back two steps, her expression slightly flustered:

“Do you like women?”


Seeing Dawei shook her head, An Zhiyu remembered that although Dawei had lived for 300 years, her body and mind were similar to those of a 9-year-old child, and she probably didn’t know what liking was.

An Zhiyu asked again: “Does anyone like you?”

“How do I know this?”

“Well, skip this question, then I ask you a sensitive topic, do you like Li Xu?”

Dawei’s face is full of black lines, what is this all about?

“This question is a bit sensitive, or I can ask it another way. If Li Xu and his mother fell into the river at the same time, who would you choose to save first?”

What kind of messy questions are these, and the words are completely wrong.

Dawei was particularly speechless: “My Master is an orphan, where is my mother from?”

“Uh, okay, then I will change it. Li Xu and a dog fell into the river at the same time and were about to drown. Who do you choose to save?”


Dawei looked at her, is this serious?

Li Xu is going to fall into the river with the dog? What a weird question is this.

Besides, how could he be drowned if he repaired the water escape?

Seeing Dawei rolling her eyes, An Zhiyu also felt that the topic of own was a bit mentally handicapped, and smiled:

“Then I’ll change another one. If your Master and Taixuefu get married with Jijiu, would you support it?”

Dawei blurted out: “No support.”

Let Li Xu marry an old man, isn’t this damaging the Master’s reputation? I definitely don’t support it.

An Zhiyu said seriously: “To sum up, I have successfully tested it out. You like Li Xu.”


? ? ?

What is it so sloppy?

Dawei looked at her, feeling very complicated for a while, and before she recovered, An Zhiyu’s problems came out one by one.

“If you and Li Xu were married, what martial arts would you use in the wedding night of the bridal chamber?”

“If you and Li Xu make a baby, what is the name of the boy and the girl?”

“Approximately how many children will be born?”

An Zhiyu’s questions were thrown out one by one, and Dama was caught off guard, and his mind was a little confused.

Is this topic something she can answer at her age?

She stared at Anzhiyu blankly, her scalp was numb, and the topic was really sensitive.

She tried her best to think about how to answer.

If it is true as Anzhiyu said, what martial arts are used in the wedding night in the bridal chamber?

Also, who should move first?

If there are children, girls will definitely have nice names, and boys will not matter. You can call them a dog or Tie Zhu.

How many children will you have?

Wait… uh…

Dawei suddenly felt that there was a problem with her own brain. Why do you think about these things?

She glanced at An Zhiyu and saw her smiling at herself: “Hahaha, laugh to me, are you really thinking about it?”


Da Ma spit out a small bubble, and quickly sank own head into the water. It was really too Losing face, she was actually teasing herself.

No, you have to get back a round.

Dawei poked her head out and asked: “Now I have two questions for you.”

“What do you want to ask?” An Zhiyu felt a little dangerous, “I tell you, don’t know what is good or bad, I am very fierce.”

“Question 1: Why, water, more?”

“Question two: for, nothing, Mao?”

Two questions from Dawei hit the soul, An Zhiyu didn’t know how to speak for a while, and said:

“Excuse me, goodbye.”

She sank her body into the water and slipped away.

“Don’t run.”

Dawei also sank into the water, intending to tease her, appeared beside her, stared at her body in all directions, and then tickled her armpits.

An Zhiyu couldn’t help laughing, and after taking a few sips of water, he exposed his head.

“Spare me, I’m ticklish.”

“Actually, I’m also afraid.” Dawei chuckled, “Who told you to tease me.”

“Stop, I found that there seems to be a problem with the waterfall.”

An Zhiyu frowned suddenly, and she and Dawei swam under the waterfall unknowingly.

“What’s wrong?”

“follow me.”

Anzhiyu walked along the edge of the waterfall and saw the dark stone wall.

She was puzzled: “This lake is not a man-made lake. It is a secondary development on the original basis.”

“What do you mean?” Dawei asked.

“It means that a lake and a waterfall originally exist, but someone has artificially carved it to make it look more tidy.”

Because these stone walls seem to have at least a thousand years of history, they have become dark black, and man-made cannot be of this color.

“What do you want to say?”

“I want to say that if it is a natural waterfall lake, there may be a mystery on the stone wall behind the waterfall, or there may be extremely powerful treasures in the depths of the lake.”

Anzhiyu often reads the storybook.

This kind of natural zone will surely yield treasures.

She always thought that lakes and waterfalls were purely artificial, but she did not expect to be processed on a natural basis.

She also found it right below the waterfall, otherwise, she wouldn’t pay attention at all.

She fumbled on the stone wall for a while, but found nothing tricky.

“The treasure may be at the bottom of the lake, let’s go down and take a look.”

Anzhiyu took Dawei’s hand and swam to the bottom of the lake.

This is the deepest part of the lake, because it is often directly impacted by the water of the waterfall.

As a result, there were only bare stones at the bottom of the water, and nothing at all.

The two shook their heads helplessly, emerged from the water, and jumped onto the rock behind the waterfall.

“Zhiyu Big sis, no.”

An Zhiyu cursed and said, “It seems that I will read less useless textbooks in the future. I thought I could find some great treasures, and the world will be invincible from now on.”

Dawei flashed her eyes and said: “I suspect you are deliberately shifting sensitive topics.”

She looked at Anzhiyu, clenched her hands into claws, and made an action to attack her.

An Zhiyu said: “Stop making trouble, let’s go back, if we don’t go back, your Master should be worried.”

“You changed the subject again.”

Suddenly, An Zhiyu pretended to be horrified and looked at the stone wall behind Dawei. There was nothing, but he had to deliberately change the subject and said with horror:

“There is a snake behind you.”

“Ah!” Dawei screamed, plunged into the water in fright, and yelled:

“Master Master…Help, there is a snake!”

Her voice was loud and spread far away.

An Zhiyu’s face changed, with a bad feeling, should Li Xu not come over, right?

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