Chapter 48

“I think you are not serious.” An Zhiyu glanced at her lightly and said:

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m going in.”

Da Ma was stunned for a moment: “Where do you want to go in?”

“Of course it is a lake!” An Zhiyu stared at Dawei with a strange expression, always feeling that she was weird.

Dawei also stared at her, stared at An Zhiyu’s figure, and watched carefully.

She has long black hair that is waist-length, egg-like cheeks, high nose tip, and the curvature of her cheeks makes her face not a pointed face, but it looks particularly comfortable.

The curvature of the cheeks continued to spread, the snow-white neck, and then the two seemingly flexible sitting high mountains, and then down the slender waist.

Take a closer look, her waist is really slender, I really can’t understand how such a slender waist supports the towering mountain.

She was puzzled.

But there is no deep questioning, once you ask deeply, you must take your own milk.

Next, the legs are warm and white, straight and slender, and overall look graceful and charming.

If she is not a female, she will immediately be thrown down and her hands will be shy.

“Why are you always staring at me?” An Zhiyu was suddenly a little scared and hurriedly covered her body, but her hands were too small to have any effect at all, on the contrary, it was even more attractive.

“Zhiyu Big sis, you are so good-looking.” Dawei smiled and squinted at her.

“Don’t look at me like this, I don’t like women.” An Zhiyu held her upper body, bending her snow-white body.

Does she think there is a problem with Dawei’s brain? Many times, she stared at herself like this. If she had a problem, she had to correct her thinking.

After all, she is still young, she can develop and teach.

Dawei rolled her eyes: “What do you think in your mind?”

An Zhiyu said speechlessly: “Then you still take off your clothes?”

“You’re so white.” Dawei said again, taking off her clothes slowly.

Soon, each piece of clothing fell to the ground.

“What are you talking about, you wrap yourself up like a zongzi, uh, you seem to be whiter than me…” An Zhiyu was speechless, she walked to Dawei in two steps and said:

“Before, I didn’t look at you carefully, but now I find that you are whiter than me.”

“Where is it?” Dawei blushed.

An Zhiyu used to hear Dawei praising her good figure, and was very happy to hear that, almost about to float up, but she did not look at her every inch.

She has two white fox ears. These two fox ears seem to be her weakness. No one can touch them. As far as she knows, her Master has never touched them, but they are really cute.

Especially when it moves, it is so cute that it is about to spurt blood.

I can’t help but reach out and want to pinch.

The eyes are very watery, like a clear spring inside. They are particularly agile, as if water is permeating them. These eyes are invincible and really beautiful.

The fleshy face, stretched out and squeezed, was very soft.

“Don’t pinch me.” Dawei opened her small mouth, why both she and the Master like to pinch her face.

She opened her small mouth, her two small tiger teeth were shining, and there were shallow dimples on her face.

An Zhiyu dare to say that if she is cute, she can feel so soft in her heart, no one can stand it.

Continue to look, the body has begun to take shape.

An Zhiyu has a hunch that when she grows up, she will definitely be as beautiful as Celestial Immortals.

Suddenly, she was a bit expecting Dawei to grow up, and she would be confused by how many people.

Dawei suddenly shouted: “Big sis, you hurt me.”

She squeezed too hard.

“I’m sorry.” An Zhiyu hurriedly let go, “However, your face is really soft and it feels boneless, so fun.”

“I think yours is softer.”

Dawei raised her head and fixed her eyes on Anzhiyu’s neck. She suddenly jumped up and wanted to poke, but Anzhiyu went straight back, flushed, and rushed into the lake.


The lake was splashed with water.

Dawei stepped on her little feet and jumped in too, and still jumped into the position where Anzhiyu jumped into.

She wanted to catch Anzhiyu, but she did not expect that she was fast, like a rice eel.

She wandered quickly in the water, Dawei chasing after her.

The two of you chased me in the lake and escaped.

The splash of water in the lake makes this place look very joyful.

The waterfall above the lake splashed down, gradually submerging the joyful sounds. The two played in the water for a while, their little heads came to the surface to take a breath, and let the water from the waterfall fall on their heads.

“You are so watery.” Dawei said.

“You’re not bad.” Dawei asked suddenly: “Are you good at water escape?”

An Zhiyu shook his head and said, “I don’t know how to escape, I just can swim. So far, I haven’t understood any way.”

She sighed heavily.

Da Ma said: “Why don’t you cultivate Dao Fa?”

“There is no way I want to cultivation. I have been staring at the Lotus flower pool recently, but I don’t have any thoughts. What about you, your Spirit Power is stronger than mine. You can cultivation Dao, right? What do you want to cultivation? ?”

Dawei thought for a while and said: “As long as you have more Dao Fa in the same Realm, you can win a fight. I plan to cultivation many Dao Fa. If I fight, I will let my Dao Fa one by one go out. I don’t believe anyone. Can stop it.”

“Awesome.” An Zhiyu thought her words had some truth.

Dawei smiled and bent her eyes and said, “I have thought about it. In the top ten colleges, people always laughed at me and said that I was stupid. All the proud sons are defeated, quack…”

She talked and laughed and barked.

“I dare not think about the picture, telling them to laugh at me, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi…”

Dawei rubbed her hands as she spoke, as if she was invincible in the world.

“Your ambition is really big.”

“No, your ambition is great, it’s nothing.”

Dawei looked at the mountain-like gully under Anzhiyu’s neck. Just looking at it, there was a sense of supreme oppression.

An Zhiyu rolled his eyes, how the topic suddenly shifted to such a place.

“You have broken your studies.” An Zhiyu stretched out her hands and pinched Dawei’s face, but Daqi leaned back and swam away.

“Zhiyu Big sis, how come you want to take a shower if you want to take a bath?”

“When you say that, I want to pinch your face even more.” An Zhiyu swam over quickly, “Don’t run.”

“You can’t catch me.” Dawei smiled.

“I don’t believe it anymore.” An Zhiyu accelerated, but still couldn’t catch up with Dawei.

“I’ll say you can’t catch me.”

Suddenly, An Zhiyu’s face changed, and she looked towards the shore and deliberately said in a shocked voice: “Your Master is here.”

“Master, why are you here?”

Dawei quickly sank Own’s body into the water and looked back towards the shore. There was nothing on the shore. Only then did she find Anzhiyu came to her, pinched her face with both hands, and smiled.

“You cheated?”

“Why do you feel scared when you say you Master?” An Zhiyu let go and asked.

Dawei said: “After all, my Master is a man.”

An Zhiyu released her hand and said with a smile: “Should we talk about some sensitive topics?”

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