Chapter 35

“what’s up?”

“My name is Little Princess from Qingqiu State and I went all the way west. I said that if there is a teacher who is willing to accept her as a disciple, it must be her lucky star. I wonder if you have met her?” Taixuefu Jijiu asked.

Good guy, it suddenly occurred to you that your kid was leading the devils.

“Yes, she is now my apprentice.”

Taixuefu Jijiu frowned, wrinkles piled up, and said in astonishment: “Really become your apprentice?”

He was planning to let Dawei find Li Xu from the beginning, but he considered that Li Xu was lazy as a dog.

I never expected it to be received, it is really absolutely extinct, this damn fate.

Doctor Yu Shi also looked at Li Xu in shock: “Really?”

Li Xu nodded.

Taixuefu Jijiu said: “The Empress Qingqiu writes to me from time to time to increase the pressure, saying when she can solve her problems. I don’t know how to answer, and I don’t know if you have made any progress? It can solve her inability to communicate with the world. Is it a problem? Why is she not here?”

Li Xu said: “Where is she in Closed Door Training?”

Taixuefu Jijiu felt that Li Xu was a little mischievous: “Closed Door Training? You can’t communicate with the world, why close?”

“Solved.” Li Xu said.

“The things that the top ten academies have not solved for more than 20 years, have you solved it?” Taixuefu Jijiu looked at Li Xu, and saw that Li Xu didn’t seem to be joking, and said: “Really solved? Why is this? Possibly? How can it be so difficult?”

Li Xufeng said lightly, “It’s quite simple.”

Taixuefu Jijiu and Yushi doctor looked at Li Xu quietly, really willing to bow down, as if watching a monster.

Li Xu smiled and said, “If I didn’t guess wrong, she will be able to get out in a while.”

He knows that Dawei’s theoretical knowledge is very strong. It can be said that he has been immersed for more than 20 years, and it should not be difficult to break the first rank.

He looked at the Immortal Cave of Closed Door Training, and saw subtle changes in the space around the Immortal Cave, and a steady stream of Spiritual Qi was converging in the Immortal Cave.

“It seems she is about to break through.” Li Xu pointed.

Others felt it too, looked at Immortal Cave, and walked over to watch.

About half an hour, I heard the sound of an explosion coming from the Immortal Cave.


The entire Immortal Cave collapsed.

Taixuefu Jijiu and Doctor Yushi were worried about her problem and rushed in, but Li Xu was very calm because the system had a prompt voice.

[System time, 500 years of Dao Ji, September 29, 13:05:00, Wednesday][Successfully break the mirror, breakthrough to the first rank to see the realm, reward the fifth rank Dao Fa, tear the void; complete the task ahead of time, an extra reward of 50,000 hard work points, the balance of 211,356 hard work points]


Li Xu was so excited that he clenched his fists.

The Taixuefu Jijiu and Yushi doctor who wanted to rush in to save people stopped and looked at Li Xu with a strange look.

Li Xu returned to his serious expression and said, “Don’t worry, she’s fine.”

I saw the smoke and rubble in the collapsed Immortal Cave, solidified by the force of ice.

Everyone could feel a chill invading from a distance, and while it was cold, everyone saw the red flame burning violently, and the entire Immortal Cave was instantly turned into ashes.

Fifty steps under her feet were chilling, red flames burst out of her hands, and her face was full of excitement.

“Master, I broke.”

Dawei’s voice came from Immortal Cave.

She trot to Li Xu with an unspeakable smile on her face.

There is no difficulty in looking at the Dao realm in the first rank. What “Wang Dao” has to do is to separate the own Dao from the Three Thousand Dao.

However, Dawei had to separate two Dao, the Ice Dao and the Sky Fire Dao, which could be completed in such a short period of time, I have to say that her talent was ridiculously high.

“Master Master, why are you unhappy?”

“You broke my Immortal Cave and lost money.”

“I pay, I will build you a bigger Immortal Cave.” Dawei smiled with two little tiger teeth.

“That’s pretty much the same.” Li Xu smiled.

“Master, I’m so hungry.”

Dawei grumbled with hunger, tugging at the corners of his clothes, as if she were a coquettish child.

Suddenly she noticed that someone seemed to be staring at her all the time. With a glance, she saw Taixuefu Jijiu and Doctor Yushi, and quickly saluted.

Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu stared at Damao in a daze, as if they had seen a ghost.

So breakthrough.

Li Xu actually did something that the top ten colleges hadn’t done for more than 20 years.

How did you do it?

Taixuefu Jijiu was very curious, and asked: “How do you solve the problem of communicating with the world?”

Li Xu’s face was black. This is what he said. It can only be said that his success cannot be copied.

“I know.” Dawei clapped her hands and said in a shocking voice: “My Master said this kind of move is called Hou.”

Li Xu’s head twitched.

Even Dean Qinglian who heard the word again felt ashamed.

Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu’s mouth twitched and looked at each other.

“Don’t get me wrong.” Li Xu explained quickly.

“No need to explain, I know, I will write to Empress Qingqiu when I go back.” Taixuefu Jijiu said.

Li Xu said: “It’s not what you think.”

I knew that I had explained it clearly before, but at this time, I always felt that it was not clear in a few words.

“It’s okay, this kind of thing also has certain benefits, it can strengthen the feelings between Zhuanxu State and Qingqiu State, and let the friendship between our two countries last.” Taixuefu sacrificed wine.

But having said that, take a look at Dawei, who can be done at such a small age, it is really not as good as a beast.

This Li Xuguo is really not an ordinary person, doing things that ordinary people would not dare to do.

His gaze swept towards Li Xu, admiring him greatly.

“I…” Li Xu was speechless.

“It’s okay, she is not young anymore, 300 years old.” Doctor Yu Shi patted Li Xu on the shoulder, looking like she knew everything.

Know a hammer.

Li Xu couldn’t argue with a word, and said: “Anyway, it’s not what you think, Xiao Dawei, aren’t you hungry? Go find food by yourself, don’t be hungry.”

“Good.” Dawei touched her belly and ran into the kitchen.

“We are hungry too, don’t you ask us to eat?”

Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu looked at Li Xu with a smile, with Eight Trigrams written all over their faces.

Li Xu said: “You can eat, don’t talk nonsense.”

An hour later, Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu sat at the dinner table, but their eyes were still weird, and they always swept Li Xu and Dawei from time to time.

It’s tricky, it’s definitely not pure.

I don’t know if Li Xu will make her belly bigger when she comes back next time?

Dawei didn’t pay attention to their gazes, because she was drying her food. She was very hungry when she just came out of the border. She was reborn like Hungry Ghosts, constantly delivering food from her mouth.

Doctor Yushi and Jijiu both laughed, and poured wine for Li Xu, trying to get him drunk and ask questions.

But if I want to get drunk Li Xu, there is no door.

What he is good at is drinking.

While they were eating and talking, it was gradually late in the evening when the two were planning to leave and announce the thief’s information to the world. At this time, an uninvited guest came outside of Taixu Academy.

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