Chapter 34

“Song Ming, I’m here.”

Li Xu smiled happily: “Don’t run, grandpa has been looking for you for a long time.”

“Fuck you.”

Song Ming jumped into a rage. It was the first time he encountered such a terrifying character. How could he arrive in a flash? You have mastered the avenue of space and time, right?

Can’t let him think about it and run.

However, like a ghost, Li Xu came to his side and patted his shoulder, then smiled and said:

“Hurry up.”

“Go away.”

Song Ming slapped out with all his strength, but Li Xu grabbed his arm.

How did Li Xu manage to dissolve his power easily?

Song Ming was stunned.

The sword quickly lost control, he swayed and fell to the ground.

Both of them smashed to the ground, and a huge pit appeared on the ground. Li Xu had nothing to do, just staring at him quietly. Originally Song Ming was fine, but he was beaten by Li Xu, covered in blood.

In the end, Li Xu used his body fixation and acupuncture to completely imprison him, and brought him back to Taixu Academy.

Just after returning to the gate of Taixu Academy, the paper man in the deep mountain and old forest also came back, but came back empty-handed.

The information Li Xu obtained from the “paper man” was that the three thief turned into black water and died, and it was indeed a forbidden technique.

With a wave of his hand, he took the paper man back, and could reuse it next time.

Stepping into the Taixu Academy, he found that the other thief inside had also died, all turned into black water and died, which was all he expected.

Also take this paper man back into the storage bag.

call out……

Suddenly, Spirit Power ripples appeared in the sky outside the gate of Taixu Academy, and two ascetics descended.

“Come in.” Li Xu said.

Soon the faces of the two monks appeared in front of them.

One has a face with Chinese characters and a sturdy figure, almost two meters tall.

The other was an old man standing upright. Although his face was frowning, his eyes were bright, he was wearing a loose robe, and there was a long knife case behind him. The knife case was longer than his height and looked very domineering.

“Doctor Yushi, Taixuefu offers wine.” Dean Qinglian walked up to cupped hands and spoke.

The two nodded, walked to Li Xu, and smiled:

“Old friend, long time no see.”

“You guys are so slow, I solved them all.”

“As soon as we heard from you, we rushed forward without stopping.” Yushi doctor said.

“Stop talking nonsense, this is the only thief remaining alive.” Li Xu threw the immobile Song Ming to the ground.

Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu stared at Song Ming.

“Don’t look at me, I won’t say anything, even if it’s dead, I won’t say anything.”

Although Song Ming couldn’t move his whole body, he had bones, and he couldn’t bend down because of hard-to-learn.

Li Xu pulled out a chair from his storage bag, sat with his legs crossed, and looked at Dr. Yushi and Taixuefu to sacrifice wine:

“Since you don’t say it, let’s Ling Chi.”

“Shall we do it?” The two looked at Li Xu.

“Is it me? You are late, and I don’t say anything about you. Of course you will do the interrogation. I just watch it.” Li Xu said while sitting.

Taixuefu Jijiu looked at Doctor Yu Shi, and said, “It’s better for you to come.”

The muscular doctor Yushi gritted his teeth and said, “Yes.”

He took out a dagger, pierced Song Ming’s thigh with a knife, and rotated it a bit.


The screaming sound came out, and the blood instantly dyed his entire leg red and the grass on the ground.

“I ask you to answer.” Doctor Yu Shi said.

“I won’t say even if I’m killed.”

Song Ming gritted his teeth, his eyes were cracked, staring at the doctor of censorship, the Taixuefu Jijiu, and Li Xu, roaring: “You all have to die.”


Doctor Yu Shi continued to spin the dagger, and with a sudden force, the dagger pierced his thigh, and a heart-piercing scream came out.

His forehead was full of sweat, and he rolled his eyes, looking like he was dying.

The screaming sound was harsh, hitting the soul directly, Tang Sheng and An Zhiyu had already gone back, so they didn’t dare to look.

Luwu and Dean Qinglian are still there.

Continue to ask.

Finally, under the violent means of Doctor Yu Shi, Song Ming couldn’t hold it, and said with a trembling:

“I said, I said everything. The fifth Elder asked the Song family to set up a branch in Yuyang County. I am a member of the Song family. I was ordered to steal Dean Qinglian’s way. Tao establishes prestige.”

“What’s the name of your organization? Where is the headquarters? How much has it penetrated in Zhuanxu?” Doctor Yu Shi asked.

Song Ming shook his head: “I don’t know. Perhaps the only one who knows the name is Song Patriarch’Song Shi’.”

“What is the purpose of your organization? Why do you want to steal the Tao of the ascetics?”

“We usually steal the Taoism of ascetics and graft it on teenagers, let them inherit these Taoisms, and let them start as the fourth rank to enter Taoism. Our slogan is not to let children lose on the starting line.”


Li Xu just jumped up, the slogan of God TM, this organization is absolutely stunned.

Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu were also particularly speechless. If it were not for Li Xu’s kick, he would also want to kick Song Ming.

“Where is the branch of Yuyang County?” Li Xu asked.

“do not know.”

“How to find the organization?”

“do not know.”

“How to join the organization?”

“The organization recognizes your talent and will take the initiative to come to you. It is impossible for you to find it unilaterally.”

“Do you thief all have this symbol?” Li Xu painted the “亼” pattern on the ground.

“We all have this symbol on our left arm. Since joining the organization, this symbol has been portrayed on our left arm. It is through this pattern that a forbidden technique can be planted in the human body. As long as a certain time, it can be activated. Let people turn into black water and die.”

“Then why are you still alive?”

Li Xu’s words fell.

Song Ming closed his eyes and stretched out his legs. The corners of his mouth overflowed with blood, his body was smoking, his flesh and blood turned into black blood, and even his bones turned black, and he died just like that.

Li Xu, Yushi doctor, Taixuefu offering wine, Dean Qinglian looked at each other.

Li Xu looked at the black water on the ground and said, “Fortunately, I now know three useful pieces of information.

The thief will establish a branch in Yuyang County;

The thief planted a forbidden technique in the human body through the “亼” pattern on the left arm;

The thief recognizes your talent and will take the initiative to find you;

Now it’s one step closer to destroying the thief. “Li Xu felt that this time he had gained a lot of gains, and he was considered to have revealed the mysterious veil of the thief.

“There are thieves coming from such a remote place in Yuyang County, which shows that their minions may have spread across the country, even the whole state.” Taixuefu Jijiu’s eyes flashed with cold light, and there was a bad premonition.

Doctor Yu Shi also felt bad. How many things the thief did secretly, even Yuyang County, which deviated from the capital of Zhuanxu, had to set up a branch, indicating that the thief had developed to a terrifying level.

“I can’t help it, you can announce the thief to the world.” Li Xu looked at them.

Taixuefu Jijiu nodded.

Doctor Yu Shi also nodded in agreement. In the past, he was worried about revealing the thief, fearing that someone would want to quickly go wrong, but now this situation can only be announced.

“We go back and prepare to announce the matter immediately. At the same time, we are preparing to conduct a census and capture all the people with that pattern on the left hand.”

Li Xu said: “It’s not too late, you guys will go home immediately.”

Taixuefu Jijiu looked at Li Xu: “Wait, I have one more thing to ask?”

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