Chapter 21 Big sis, you are wrong

In Taixu College, room, imaginative voices came intermittently.



“Dazhen, can you just tap…”

An Zhiyu’s body trembled, yelling, biting her lip and rolling her eyes in pain, sweating profusely, and the sweat almost soaked her clothes.

“Tell you to be brave, let’s stop doing this.” Dawei is applying medicine to Anzhiyu.

In the afternoon, Anzhiyu went to chop wood. She did this kind of rough work for the first time. She held the axe in her slender jade hand, and performed the primitive movement of “pap pap”.

When she stopped, the arched skin appeared on her palm, which was terribly painful.

Dawei is administering medicine to her now.

As soon as the medicine touched the wound, she yelled in pain, her teeth were fighting, her feet were shaking, and her body was sweating.

Dawei looked at her: “I’m putting medicine on you, pose and don’t move.”

An Zhiyu bulged her cheeks and said, “Forget it, no medicine, it hurts me to death.”

“Really, haven’t you chopped firewood before?”

An Zhiyu shook his head: “In the past, this kind of rough work was done by seniors. I didn’t expect my hands to bubble up. I guess they will all be calluses in the future. I can’t get married anymore.”

While she was talking, her tears were rolling in pain, and she could see that it was really painful.

“It’s okay, it will be fine in two days.”

Dawei comforted her while giving her medicine, and finally wrapped her two hands into a bow shape, and said:

“When it’s done, this medicine works very well, and it can be cured in about two or three days. Just don’t touch the water these days.”

“What should I do if I take a bath?” An Zhiyu wrinkled her nose and looked at Dawei.

“What are you afraid of? It won’t smell if you don’t take a bath every few days.”

“No, I have to take a shower every day, and I feel uncomfortable if I don’t wash it every day.”

Dawei was puzzled: “Why?”

“Why, do I have to tell you more?”

Dawei looked at her: “???”

An Zhiyu also felt that what she said was a bit wrong, and quickly changed her words:

“I sweat a lot. You see, I’m all sweaty and wet. You can help Damn wipe it quickly.”

Dawei looked at her with a weird look: “Big sis, are you sure this is sweat? Why doesn’t it feel like?”

An Zhiyu looked at her: “You are not right.”

Dawei looked at her also: “It’s you who is wrong.”

The two have big eyes to small eyes, you look at me and I look at you, no one said anything.

An Zhiyu finally lost to Dawei’s innocent look, saying:

“After a day of tossing, I’m almost exhausted. I’m going to sleep. I have trouble with my hands. You help me take off my clothes.”


“Dahua, do you want to sleep with me?”

“If you don’t wear clothes to sleep, I won’t sleep with you. I’m afraid of touching things that shouldn’t be touched.”

“Dawei, did you read the “My Master Becomes Me, Big Brother and My Husband”?”

“Who would watch?” Dawei blushed.

“Haha.” An Zhiyu smiled and did not speak. “Did you ask what kind of girl your Master likes?”

“He said beautiful.”

An Zhiyu said, “Isn’t it me that’s talking about?”

Dawei said softly: “I feel she said me.”

An Zhiyu turned to look at her, smiled and said, “You have something wrong.”

“It’s something wrong with you, I don’t bother to take care of you, go to bed quickly, I want to sleep too.”

Dawei took off her clothes, helped her cover the quilt, put down the curtain, and walked outside.

“Remember to get up early tomorrow and help me get dressed.”

“Know it.”

“Remember to read that book?”

“Don’t look, whoever sees who is a puppy.”

Taixu Academy, an empty ground.

The senior brother Tang Sheng, who had just finished his sword training, received the sword, wiped the sweat from his face, and looked at the moon in the sky with Master Qinglian.

“Master, the thief wants to attack you again, why don’t you panic at all?”

“What’s so panic? As long as you stay in Taixu Academy, you can be sure that it’s okay.” Dean Qing Lian smiled.

“Taixu Academy is so safe?”

Dean Qinglian laughed and said: “It’s not that Taixu Academy is safe, but I believe that Li Xu, as long as he is there, it won’t be able to turn the sky. Besides, Taixuefu Jijiu and Doctor Yushi will be able to get here soon, so it’s safer. NS.”

In a few days, these two should be able to arrive, when the time comes, the thief will not be successful.

Tang Sheng nodded and looked at the moon in the sky, his eyes getting firmer and firmer:

“Master, one day, I will become as strong as him.”

Dean Qinglian patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly:

“You have a high talent and you are willing to work hard. In the future, your attainments in kendo will surely reach the peak. I am very relieved that you are worried that your junior will play crazy all day and waste your great talent.”

Tang Sheng smiled: “Junior sister is still young, and I am the same age as her.”

“Do you think you are very old and stable?”

“Master, can’t you let me pretend for a while?”

“piss off.”


[System time, Dao Ji 500 years, September 15, 10:00:00, Wednesday, sunny, sunny, making babies today, pregnancy rate is 100%][Unfortunately, the host does not have a wife]

“It’s up to you.” Li Xu woke up leisurely and cursed:

“Isn’t it happy to be alone? What kind of wife do I want? My wife affects the speed at which I draw my sword.”

[The system smiles but does not speak][The system has seen through your stubbornness][The system prompts that there are still 16 days before Dawei breaks the boundary]

Li Xu didn’t bother to take care of the tattered garbage system. As soon as he got out of the bed, he saw that the own system had a prompt passing by, which was Dawei’s diligence again.

[Existing balance of 60,600 diligent points]

He doesn’t bother to pay attention to being diligent now, just knowing that this stuff is increasing all the time.

After half an hour, Li Xu took Dawei to Shili Taolin.

Ten miles of peach forest, peach blossoms are flying, the fragrance is tangy.

“Do you know why the Master brought you here?”

Li Xu leaned on a branch of a peach tree, looking at Dawei who was sitting cross-legged under the tree.

Dawei shook her head.

“Little Dama, from today onwards, the Master has started to teach you real monasticism. I won’t talk about too much theoretical knowledge. You should be annoyed by it. Let’s go straight to the topic.”

Dawei was very excited when she finally started to practice the Taoism.

“You used to teach you how the teachers in the college taught you how to practice the Taoism. You can briefly summarize it, and you can’t exceed 50 words.”

Dawei thought for a while, and said: “The teacher told me the theoretical knowledge of the monk, and showed me the experience of the senior. After I understood it, he told me how to communicate with the world and start enlightenment.”

She has seen a lot of theoretical knowledge of monasticism, and seen a lot of senior’s experience, except that she doesn’t know the thief, she understands everything else.

Li Xu asked: “Then can you understand?”

“Slightly understandable.”

Li Xu asked again: “Then where are you stuck?”

Dawei lowered her head and said, “Can’t communicate with heaven and earth.”

“This is the root of the problem. As long as the problem is solved, isn’t it all right? How simple is a problem, how difficult I think it is?” Li Xu’s mouth raised a touch of disdain.

Suddenly, he noticed Dawei’s expression.

The chrysanthemum is tight.

Isn’t it that simple?

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