As he gradually deepened into the realm of martial monsters, Sue Kirin noticed that the road conditions had improved unexpectedly.

The terrain is gradually flattening. The sunlight penetrating the branches and leaves increased, dispelling the dark colors that flooded the forest.

As a result, everyone was able to speed up their pace.

Although everything is improving, Qi Qiqi’s brows are getting more and more frowning, and there are still mutter incantations on her mouth, I don’t know what she is talking about. Probably because I didn’t meet Martial Demon. Everyone seemed to be affected by this, and seemed a little uneasy.

Immersed in this kind of atmosphere, Sue Kirin always feels that there will be vicious beasts jumping out and attacking them at any time.

However, Sue Kirin may be a bit unreasonable. Finally, their entire group came to the meeting place without incident.

Yingyue Lake.

Although it has a beautiful name, this small lake inlaid in the forest is a bit too ordinary.

The sunlight on the surface of the lake is a bit dazzling. The lakeside is overgrown with cluttered grasses of varying heights. Several dísciples sent by Sect are working hard to clear it out first, in order to open up an open space to set up a simple camp. Yingyue Lake is not at all connected to rivers, and its water source should be groundwater or underground rivers.

How to describe it? Probably it is a scene that matches the primitive forest.

It’s just that the more primordial forests, the more animals will live in them, but let alone flying birds, even the Insect is not visible.

Is it driven away by the first person? Sue Kirin guessed.

A few simple camps have already stood beside the lake. Before one of the camps, several martial artists stood, and Xia Xue was also in it. They are discussing and so on, maybe they are the leaders of each Great Sect.

Participants of the first-come trial also gathered there. They were wearing uniforms of different colors, some were chatting, some were sitting prostration and resting on the ground, and some even lay directly on the ground and dozed. Apart from this, some people have used stones collected nearby to set up simple stoves to cook food.

Sue Kirin glanced all around while following the team approached.

Some people discovered Sue Kirin and their Heavenly Jade palace team, whispering, and paying attention to them.

“Look, they are from Heavenly Jade Palace!”

“Really, but didn’t the people from Heavenly Jade Palace arrive early?”

“I heard that it was a separate action.”

“Who is the leader?”

“Fool, that is the Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace!”

“Hey, really? Oh my god, it’s so pretty…it really is the name is not in vain.”

“Don’t say it, there are so many beauties in Heavenly Jade Palace. Although the purple dress is pretty good, look at the water-colored hair, it’s my dish!”

“Hey, it’s pretty! But I like the yellow eyes.”

Yellow eyes? Doesn’t it mean me? Sue Kirin’s ears caught enough words of interest without authorization, and made her notice the two male martial artists who were talking about the Heavenly Jade Palace.

They each have a pair of long spears, one long and one short, on their hands. I don’t know which Sect Disciple is.

“Hey, the girl you like hears it, don’t you hurry up and have a conversation?”

One of them noticed Sue Kirin’s gaze and teased his companion──sit down Said the young man on the side.

The young man yelled, “What are you talking about!”, which made a big laughter. He glanced at Sue Kirin a little bit ashamed and unable to show one’s face, but the girl who just returned to his senses and playfully responded with a sweet smile, making him blush and bow his head in shame.

“That’s right, you are not a handsome man in any way, how can people look at you?”

“Stop talking!”

The youth hurriedly stopped.

Even if it’s a really handsome guy, I won’t be interested! Sue Kirin murmured secretly. She likes the opposite sex-no, it should be the same sex. Although she became a daughter, Sue Kirin’s sexual orientation has not changed.

But what makes her helpless is that as the cultivation base continues to rise, she finds it more and more difficult to turn back into a man. She had a feeling that once she had a chance to get into the Grandmaster realm, she might not be able to go back after that.

Be that as it may, she is also impossible to give up her current cultivation base, and whether it is a cultivation technique that caused her to become like this is still open to question.

If you really meet a girl you like, at worst you will be “lily”… Sue Kirin thought heartlessly, two figures, one red and one blue, flashed through her mind.

Why do you think of them when you say you want to “Lily”? She couldn’t help being lost.

Unconsciously, the team has joined the group of trialists and has come near the camp.

“Thanks.” Qi Qiqi turned around and comforted everyone in the team softly, “You should all be tired, go to rest first.”


Everyone buckled their fists, and then dispersed, leaving Sue Kirin Shui Yuner Gong Tianqing and Sister Nan Ming not leaving immediately.

Sue Kirin yawned and wanted to find a place to sleep in.

“──Little Ancestor Master, wait.”

But before she left, she was stopped by Qi Qiqi.

Some people close to each other were shocked when they heard Qi Qiqi’s name for Sue Kirin.

“What’s wrong?”

“You too.”

Qiqi Qi came to Sue Kirin’s ear and said softly. The breath she exhaled was fragrant, and it made Sue Kirin’s ears itchy.

Sue Kirin glanced sideways at the pink lips close to her eyes, and Sue Kirin suddenly wanted to take a bite, but finally resisted after swallowing a mouthful of saliva.


“Introduce you to other Sects.”

Heard Qi Qiqi’s words, Shui Yuner suggested:

“Qi elder sister, then let’s go to help other sisters of the same brother.”

Qi Qiqi said “OK”, Shui Yuner nodded signaled to understand, and then led Gong Tianqing And sister Nangong left.

Sue Kirin watched them leave, and said grimly:

“What can I introduce? You don’t know that I don’t like socializing.”

“It’s an exception to let you follow, so at least you have to say hello to other Sects-anyway, just follow me.”

“Hey hey! Myself Will go!”

Qiqi Qi took Sue Kirin’s hand and dragged her towards Xia Xue’s small group composed of martial artists. Among the several martial artists, one of the oldest men seemed to notice Qi Qiqi and Sue Kirin approaching. As his gaze swept across Sue Kirin, he paused for a moment, and then fell on Qi Qiqi.

“──Wow, isn’t this Palace Master Qi?”

The man smiled and greeted Qi Qiqi.

He has a strange face, with a few strands of gray hair tied up in a cloth crown, and wearing a gossip with black and white colors, he has a feeling of divine poise and sagelike features.

This outfit made his identity more apparent.

“Are you from Taoist One?”

Sue Kirin tilted his head slightly, lowered his voice and asked.

“Well, the Wuyou Daoist of the Taoist School is one generation behind the Taoist Sect Master, Ziyun Boy.”

Qiqiqi looked at Wuyoudao with a smile on her face. Long, answered Sue Kirin quietly.

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable ──”

Putting the whisk in his hand, he bowed his fist without worry.

“Poor Daoist has met the Master of Qi Palace.”

“How good is Dao Master Wuyou recently? We should have not seen each other in a year or two.”

After returning the gift, Qi Qiqi calmly said a typical greeting.

Nodded, the worry-free Daoist should be, and then he sighed and said:

“I haven’t seen it for a long time, the palace lord Qi is more beautiful than in the past… even the Poor Daoist who has always been Qingxiu I can’t help but move a little.”

be that as it may, his eyes are clear, he doesn’t seem to lose his soul because of seeing a beautiful woman. Obviously, that’s just his polite remarks that’s all.

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