The trees of unknown species are towering, and there are almost no gaps between the luxuriant branches.

Obviously it was almost noon, and the sun had long been hanging high, but the forest was still extremely dark, only ray of sunlight penetrated the leaf barrier and fell here.

Although Sue Kirin had a certain understanding of its scale as early as the moment she saw it, she still lacked a deep sense of reality. She can only truly understand it until she is truly in it. To the size of this forest.

It’s just another world.

No man-made buildings can be seen in the forest, not even what can be called a road. According to Qi Qiqi, people have tried to pave roads in the realm of martial arts, but the paved roads will soon be destroyed by martial demons, and finally disappeared inexplicably.

──”The place where people walked will become a road, and the place where Wu Yao walked will return to primordial.”

At that time, Qi Qiqi would say this. Sue Kirin feels that this sentence reflects the difference between humans and martial demons.

At least, people cannot survive in such a dark place for long.

The uneven woodland is covered with all kinds of obstacles, and rocks of different sizes expose the ground plant rhizomes and caves dug by martial monsters.

These obstacles are not a powerful threat to martial artists, but they are a lot of crises for ordinary persons. If one of them accidentally stumbles on a tree root and hits a certain boulder, they are likely to die in Yellow Springs.

It is really hard to imagine how hunters, loggers and miners, such as those engaged in mining occupations, overcome countless natural crises. Even Sue Kirin, who is a celestial realm, has stumbled on tree roots several times because of carelessness. Of course, thanks to the natural response, she didn’t at all really fall.

The others in the team also encountered some minor problems. Thanks to it, the whole team moved very slowly.

Just after crossing a pool of standing water, Sue Kirin was in trouble again.

This time she was hooked by the bush on her sleeve.

“What the hell is that place! Birds don’t lay eggs!”

While untied the sleeves from the barbed branches, Sue Kirin Complained irritably.

Shui Yuner, who was behind the girl, covered her mouth and snickered, and at the same time stepped forward to help.

“This can be considered part of the trial.”

So Shui Yun’er is in a worse situation than Sue Kirin. Shui-blue’s hair was hung with these tender leaves, and the skirt on her body was stained with mud-this was proof that she had fallen into a pothole just now.

“I’m not here to participate in the trial.”

Sue Kirin curled his mouth unconvinced. Seeing this, Shui Yun’er laughed helplessly.

“Little Ancestor Master big sister, I’ll help you!”

Nangong Mingye, who was instructed by Qi Qiqi to be with her elder sister, shouted and ran to this side. , Seems to be planning to come and help.

Sister Nangong was also one of the participants in this trial.

Nangong Mingye was spotted by the nerd of Situ Mumu and took him in as a disciple. This boy who called “beautiful big sister” whenever he saw a strange beauty became a part of Inner Sect. molecular.

As for Nangong Mingming, although she is still staying in Inner Sect, Qi Qiqi once expressed to Sue Kirin that she intends to accept her as a disciple. At that time, Sue Kirin was still thinking, if Nangong Mingming knew about this News, she will be so happy that she faints, after all, she admires Qi Qiqi very much until now.

Sister Nangong relied on the relationship between Qi Qiqi and Situ Mudu respectively, coupled with excellent talents, it is not surprising that they will be selected.

As if finally noticed the situation here, Qi Qiqi, the leader, stopped. The whole team stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

She turned around and asked. The team has been stuck, which seemed to make her a little depressed, her tone faintly impatient.

Everyone’s eyes swept to Sue Kirin. At first, they will also be surprised that their little Ancestor Master will encounter the same problems as themselves, but as the girls have more problems, they gradually become numb.

Seeing that it was Sue Kirin who was in trouble this time, Qi Qiqi’s face suddenly wrinkled. Perhaps she was concerned about the difference in generations, but she didn’t say anything to blame, just said “be careful.” Then she continued to lead the team.

“You want to touch there, scumbag!”

When Nangong Mingye’s hand was touching his exposed thigh, Sue Kirin whited him. At a glance. Nangong Mingye stuck his tongue out and ran back to Nangong Mingming, who was staying at the end of the team, but she knocked on the head.

Finally took off the hooked sleeve, but Sue Kirin found that the team had advanced a long way. She had been walking in the front of the team and she had fallen behind to the end of the team.

“This little seven won’t wait for me.”

“The concubine feels that the little Ancestor Master has blamed the Qi Palace Master. As the Lord of a Palace, she can’t just look after little Ancestor. Master, yours.”

Walking to the Sue Kirin side Nangong Mingming, unexpectedly shouted for Qi Qiqi to fight the injustice.

For other common disciples, I don’t dare to talk to Sue Kirin like this. Although she has always seemed easy-going and easy-going, but the seniority is there after all, they have to respect her for three points.

But Sue Kirin hates others respectfully.

Fortunately, sister Nangong seems not at all to become like that. This is probably due to the time Sue Kirin spent with them pretending to be Outer Disciple.

Sue Kirin hearing this, sighed.

“Of course I know, I just complain.”

“Hehe. But if Qi elder sister heard it, she might be upset again. “Shui Yun’er said softly with a smile.

“don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t tell her, or I will have to be trained again!”

With that, Sue Kirin hit involuntarily There was a chill.

The girl who is most afraid of is Qi Qiqi. Afraid of her verbosity, more afraid of her fists.

“Little Ancestor Master big sister, should I carry you?”

“Huh…? You?”

Sue Kirin looked up and down suspiciously The small body of Nangong Mingye. He is not at all much taller than her.

“Can you move me with your back?”

“Of course!” Nangong Mingye proudly raised his chest, “I am already in a human state.”

Sister Nangong has already touched the threshold of humanity before entering Sect. As long as the opportunity comes, it is not surprising that he can be promoted at any time.

Nangong Mingming was also suddenly enlightenment during the sword practice a few days earlier, and stepped into the human state. She didn’t know what dogshit luck she had gone, and when she woke up, she found that she was already in the human state. The younger brother will be more than a week at night.

Next, Nangong Mingye squatted down.

“Little Ancestor Master big sister, hurry up! Then I can be happy!” “Yo yo yo, why baa?”

Sue Kirin was confused, Tilted his head and asked.

Nangong Mingye’s eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:

“Look, look, look, if you are carried by me, your chest should stick to my back Come on! Plus your skirt is so short, I can still touch my thighs!”

What’s the matter with this little pervert! Sue Kirin really wanted to kick the little devil’s head in front of him. She has never met someone who can speak her own dirty plan so just and honorable, let alone a child who is just over ten years old.

“Am I very smart?”

Nangong Mingye even asked this, which caused Nangong Mingming to roar and was punched at the same time.

“Wow, Mingming’s elder sister is hitting again──”

When Nangong Mingming opened his eyes wide, Nangong Mingye shut up immediately.

“This kid really can only be cured by the dark!”

Sue Kirin said with emotion.

However, Shui Yuner forcibly smiled and said:

“No, there is one more person.”

“Who is he?”

“He is the Master.”

“Situ Mu?”

“Situ big brother, he seems to have been supervising Mingye’s exercises, and he didn’t let him see any female disciple.”

Sue Kirin was in a daze, and then he laughed intentionally.

To be honest, she couldn’t imagine how Situ Muko would get along with Nangong Mingye. After all, she was a dull but lively and active. Thinking about it carefully, maybe Nangong Mingye had been suffocated under his seat of Master, who was not too oily and salty.

“──Little Ancestor Master, Master elder sister, she asked me to tell you to go faster…”

Gong Tianqing doesn’t know when to come from the front of the team to the end of the team .

Sue Kirin looked forward and found that his small group had fallen behind. They had to speed up their pace and catch up with the team.

“How long will I have to go?”

While speaking, Sue Kirin was thinking about how to keep himself from getting into trouble.

Shui Yun’er frowned slightly and replied not sure:

“There should be half the distance…”

“What is it? Halfway? We only walked ten miles?”

I heard that there is a small lake called Yingyue Lake at a depth of about 15 miles to the west of the Martial Demon Realm. All the Great Sects will gather to establish a stronghold by the lake there.

By the way, during the trial of the Martial Demon Realm, everyone in the Heavenly Jade Palace will be divided into two small teams. In order to adapt to their respective teams as soon as possible, from the moment they stepped into the realm of martial demon, Heavenly Jade Palace immediately divided into two teams and moved forward along the long-established route towards the assembly place, while Qi Qiqi’s team’s route was twenty long. Around.

“Actually speaking, we have gone one thousand six hundred and eighty ten zhang, there are still one thousand three hundred twenty zhang left…”

Gong Tianqing Weakly interrupted to correct, in exchange for Sue Kirin’s surprised look.

Is this Xiaoqing still accurate to this point? Sue Kirin looked away from Gong Tianqing.

“How many li is twenty zhang?”

“Almost nine li.”

Gong Tianqing almost answered quickly.

“Hey, there are still four and a half kilometers…”

Sue Kirin groaned as if he was about to collapse.

Although with her physical strength, it is not a problem to walk a hundred miles, but the woodland in the realm of martial demon is too rugged. be that as it may, Sue Kirin’s body is still not tired, she is more bored.

Well, if it can change like Tianji, it would be great! Sue Kirin turned into a cat with envy, and shrank in Qian Duoduo’s back basket, hu hu sleeping Tianji.

“If there are no accidents, Xia Elder and the others should almost be here, so…so we have to speed up the pace.”

paused, Gong Tianqing continued:


“And the road conditions are not at all as bad as expected.”

“Not as bad as expected? So what should be the difference?”

Sue Kirin asked with staring eyes . Gong Tianqing shrank her shoulders, and her words became constrained.

“Originally, it should be…it’s…but…”

Sue Kirin was surprised that they hadn’t met after walking for so long. A martial demon.

“Is this normal?”

“I have never been…”

Gong Tianqing seems to be the first time to participate in the Martial Demon Realm Test practice. In this way, it is not surprising that she could not judge whether the current situation was abnormal.

“This way…”

“It’s not just──!”

“But what is it?”

Gong Tianqing He showed a hesitant expression, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

“Little Master, when I went out to buy supplies yesterday, I once inquired about the situation. One of the bosses who sold dry food said that most people rarely go deeper than ten miles into the realm of martial monsters.”

“Even a hunter?” Feeling that his question is a bit vague, Sue Kirin added: “I mean the kind that specializes in hunting martial arts.”

“Not quite clear, I didn’t ask in detail. .”

Shui Yuner shook the head apologetically.

Sue Kirin touched the chin in thought.

If even the type of hunter who specializes in hunting martial monsters for a living will not go to this level, it means that martial demons should also appear in the realm of martial monsters ten miles from the edge.

Then, their entire group still didn’t see even a martial demon until now.

“Master elder sister, I’ve been chanting’a bit strange’…”

Gong Tianqing finally spoke out.

Qi Qiqi is a bit strange, does it mean that she did not encounter this situation? Thinking about it, Sue Kirin’s face flashed in his mind.

She lifts the head and looks around all around.

Don’t say there are no creatures other than them, there is not even wind around.


Sue Kirin squinted and looked forward.

The darkness of the forest in front of me is no end, like an ominous beast with an open mouth.

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