She is mature.

That’s why she had to admit that Zi Xuanzi was kind to her.

She has let go of father’s death a lot, but it may take some time to let go. She also understands that father wanted her to live well, not seek revenge for her.

That’s why she uses the charms and spiritual medicine developed by Sue Kirin.

Yes, she knew it all in her heart, but it might not be easy for her to admit it.

“By the way, Miss Black Cat, why are you here?” Qing Li suddenly remembered.

This is the realm of Martial Demon, Zi Xuanzi’s discipline should not only appear here by accident.

The black cat hearing this, hesitated for a moment before saying:

“Bharata’s army has come in, Zixuan──My Master was invited to the Imperial Court to come and stop, I It was the Bharat squad that came out to sweep away the lonely Bharat. I just met Qingli Senior.”

“Bharat’s army?” Qingli was stunned.


The black cat affirmed, and then he thought of a question.

“Qingli Senior, then why did you appear here? Why were you still being chased by the people of Secret Sect?”

“…Lingyue Valley has been lost, “Qing Li’s eyes turned dark, “It is the coalition forces of the Western Regions and the North, and Asura also participated in the war… They discovered a new secret path that surrounded Lingyue Valley, and I was the one who stayed behind… Scatter things.”


The news sounded like thunder in the ears of a black cat, which shook her ears.

She had long doubted why Bharat was bold enough to invade the Chinese dynasty. It turned out that she came with the Western Regions and the Northern Domain and wanted to rely on the Three Kingdoms Alliance to destroy the Chinese dynasty in one fell swoop.

“Damn thieves!” She cursed coldly.

Next, she put on a shocked expression again, and asked anxiously:

“By the way, does Beiming have Senior Yu?”

“No I know that Beiming’s elder sister was not within the valley at the time…” Qing Li couldn’t help but worry.

Beijing Youyu has great favor to them, even if she is seriously injured, she still cares more about Beiming’s fish.

Seeing her appearance, the black cat couldn’t bear it spontaneously. She hesitated to comfort the other party and said:

“Beiming Senior Heaven helps the worthy, it should be fine.

After that, the black cat is heavily sighed.

In recent years, various things have happened frequently, as if they were all piled together like an appointment, and major events occurred every time.

“cough cough cough…! “

Qing Li coughed again.

Presumably, chatting took up some energy. Her face became a little pale again. The black cat only dealt with her worst Injuries, those large and small wounds lying across the opponent’s body are still reducing the opponent’s physical strength.

“Qing Li Senior, it’s rude. “

Without a word, the black cat grabbed Qing Li’s shoulders and hugged her horizontally. Qing Ri “Hey hey! “Senior yelled twice, and her cheeks instantly turned red. She hasn’t been hugged like this before when she grows up.

“Senior, your injury is serious. I will take you back first. Yes, Xi and Senior are here. “

In order for Qingli to be at ease, the black cat deliberately added the last sentence.

Qingli blinked.

“Oh…oh ……” She answered blankly.

“That’s gone. “

Holding Qingli steadily, the black cat jumped out on the ground, tapped between the branches of the trees, dragonfly touches the water lightly and jumped out a distance like a flying squirrel in the forest. Shuttle between, a braid swayed, and a few strands of hair fell on Qingli’s nose, scratching her.


Xihe sat down On the edge of the bed, his cold face revealed a bit of worry.

“Qing Ruri elder sister, how are you? “

Qing Li was settled in a camp by a black cat.

The tent is located next to a big lake in the Martial Demon Realm, all around similar tents and Dou Duo, It seems that this place has become the foothold of Taoist Sect. Qing Li remembers that she used to play in the vicinity when she was a child, but she no longer remembers the name of the lake.

No, she doesn’t remember whether the lake has a name or not. Yes.

There are only a few simple beds in the tent, Qing Li is lying on one of the beds, and the other beds are all empty. It must have been arranged by the black cat in consideration of her injury. She is very grateful for this.

Xihe, who carefully examined her injuries, seemed a little tired, and his clothes were stained a little bit dirty. He must have experienced a hard battle. Probably it was. The black cat found her and told her that Kiyori was here, and she rushed over anxiously, she didn’t even have time to change her clothes.

It was noisy outside–yes, Taoist disciples The voice of preparing for battle.

However, when Qing Li arrived, she also saw the silhouettes of many soldiers from the Hua Dynasty. She recognized that they were soldiers from Zhenxi Mansion.

There was nothing special originally. However, once settled down, she suddenly felt that the Imperial Court seemed to be prepared for the invasion of Bharat. In other words, the Imperial Court had already known about Bharat’s movements and plans.

In this way, Does the Imperial Court know about the plans of the Western Regions and the Northland? She is a little skeptical. If the Imperial Court really knows, without notifying Lingyue Valley in advance… Qing Li will definitely not let the Imperial Court go so easily.

Just when she was worried about this matter, Xihe opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.

“I’m fine. Fortunately, the black cat girl helped me in time, otherwise I might I won’t see you anymore. “

Qingli smiled bitterly, smiling, and the corners of her eyes suddenly became a little wet.

“Qingli elder sister, don’t worry, I’m already by your side, no one can Hurt you. “

Xihe comforted, but his expression did not change much, only a pair of eyes revealed a deep sadness.

“Ahe, it’s not…”

Qing Li even started sobbing, her voice hoarse and crying like running water mixed with sand and rocks. With this beginning, she couldn’t hold back her feelings anymore and cried impudent.

“Nothing…Lingyue Valley is gone…” She grabbed Xihe’s sleeve and held it very hard and tightly. “Beiming’s elder sister’s whereabouts are unknown. Brother sisters scattered things. …I don’t know how many can survive, and Jieyu’s elder sister is also wounded…Can she save her life? wu wu wu ……”

Xihe’s eyes are dim, and she opened her mouth but is speechless.

It may have been learned from the black cat in advance, so she There is not much look of shock, just sadness on her face.

She has been to Lingyue Valley, and those people and things are still in front of her, but now those things and people are probably already not in.

“It’s okay, I’m still…”

Xihe reached out and covered Qingli, grabbing his sleeves, and clinging tightly.

At least give her some warmth, even if it doesn’t help.

Qing Li just cried bitterly.

This will probably be a long catharsis, but Xihe is willing Feng, because at this moment, Qing Li only has Xihe left.

She is the only one left.


Rely on the youth On one of the wooden poles supporting the tent.

Holding a bowl of freshly heated meals-there are porridge, some easy-to-eat side dishes and water, and the black cat saw him warm and moist from a distance Ruyu’s silhouette.

The handsome face is full of sadness.

The black cat’s eyes cannot be removed from him, so he stared at him all the way until he knew it. When she walked to his body, she reacted and hurriedly withdrew her gaze.

What she didn’t know was that her cheeks had been flushed unconsciously.

“Aiya, who am I? It turns out to be my dear and lovely discipline…”

Zi Xuanzi naturally noticed the arrival of the black cat and teased him with a bitter expression. Black cat “spit! “With a sound, he raised his eyebrows unhappily.

“If you are okay, don’t use the full-faced appearance. “

“Why? “Zi Xuanzi stared in amazement.

“It’s so good to see, and it’s charming. “The black cat curled his mouth and said.

Zi Xuanzi was taken aback for a moment, and when he reacted, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. The smile was a little evil, and also a little ethereal and gentle, black The cat’s cheeks turned disappointing again.

“Aiya Aiya, is the little discipline tempted to be a teacher? “He asked with a smile.

“I have a little bit of your looks, but I can’t flatter you. “

Black cat sighed, she knows her feelings for Zi Xuanzi not at all in love. In fact, she is just not used to Zi Xuanzi’s appearance.

Although she knows him After being promoted to the Grandmaster, she will be able to regain her previous youthful posture, but she has never seen it. It was not until they moved to the Martial Demon Realm that she was able to see the true face, and she was shocked. /p>

“It’s so handsome too! “These are the original words she sighed at the time.

“You are still small and more pleasing. “

The black cat said helplessly.

Zi Xuanzi scratched his head and said helplessly:

“Ai, as a teacher, I also want to cooperate with you. It’s just that now that the war is underway, I don’t dare to underestimate the enemy…”

“Okay, I see. “

The black cat rolled his eyes again, “Bharata is attacking with all the power of the whole country. I know the importance of the matter, but you have maintained a full state, and the Spiritual Qi consumed can’t be recovered well, right? ? “

“Fortunately, the loss is not too great. “

Zi Xuanzi laughed a little happily because of his discipline’s concern.

“This is for Miss Qingli? “Zi Xuanzi’s eyes fell on the plate held by the black cat.

Black cat” Ah! “There was a sound.

“If you don’t say I’d forgotten it, you should go back to half full as soon as possible. You are too attractive like this. No wonder Ziyunzi taught you that you were a fox man before. Specially charming girl, tell me to be careful. “

“Hey, Junior Sister’s words are really hurtful…” Zi Xuanzi shrugged, her narrow eyes seemed to be able to speak, telling his helplessness now, “The appearance is not me. Can be controlled. “

“Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore. “

The glow of dawn is looming from the east, and the black cat looks around all around the people who are running around preparing for the war.

There is already a Taoist dísciple injured in the confrontation. Many people running around here are carrying wound medicine and some supplies to deal with the injury.

“I’ll take the food and drink to Miss Qingli first. “

Zi Xuanzi reached out to stop her and shook the head to her.

“en?” The black cat made a confused single tone.

Zi Xuanzi glanced at her. In the direction of the tent, he smiled bitterly.

“There is no place for you and me for the time being, please don’t go in and disturb them…Some things are beyond our comfort. “

Listen, the black cat is frowned and listens.

She heard the sound of weeping. It must be from Qingli. The black cat sighed for a long time. Knowing that there is no room for her to intervene between Qingli and Xihe, the other party must be in no mood to eat and drink for the time being.

“Pity my freshly heated porridge…”

The black cat followed dullly and leaned on the tent, but she was leaning on the tent cloth, and she sank in.

“Why don’t you eat for the teacher? “Zi Xuan Zi cheekily proposed.

The black cat glanced at him contemptuously, but saw that there were signs of battle on the opponent’s body, so he secretly sighed and stuffed the tray into Zi Xuanzi’s arms. Zi. Xuanzi laughed happily and took the bowl of food very contentedly.

He held the plate with one hand, and directly took the bowl of porridge with his remaining hand and poured it into his mouth.


Yes, he uses it.

“Hey, it’s a bit light…”

He clicked his lips, frowning in dissatisfaction. Then he frowned. , He picked up the chopsticks and picked up the green vegetables on it, put it in his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach without chewing.

“Why is it hot? There isn’t even salt…” He looked disappointed.

“What do you want in a place like this? “

The black cat rolled his eyes in angrily, reaching out to grab the plate of food that she had worked hard to make, but Zi Xuanzi’s eyes were bright and he held the plate to the side. As soon as he moved, he made the black cat’s hand emptied.

“You…” The black cat stared with anger, “You want to complain and eat again, what do you want? “

“It can be returned to you, but it is not necessary. “Zi Xuanzi laughed, “The things I cook in my discipline, I naturally want to eat them, even if they don’t taste very good. “

“You──! “

The corners of the black cat’s mouth are twisted.

As a result, Zi Xuanzi still continues to complain:

“The properties of the Martial Demon Realm are extremely rich. Why didn’t you find something delicious? “

The black cat is really angry, and the voice is a little bit more mocking and sulking:

“Then it depends on how crowded we are? Although there are a lot of animals here, and the fruit trees are also rich, but that many of us came all of a sudden, also need time to arrange? Head Teacher Ziyunzi is already dealing with it. It should be fine in a few days, but what about you? You just run around and kill a few people every day, and you don’t see you in charge. “

In the face of the black cat’s reprimand, Zi Xuanzi was a little bit more ashamed. Indeed, so far, all arrangements have been discussed by Ziyunzi and the chief of Zhenxi Mansion. As the Ancestor Master, he I didn’t pay much attention to it and just stood by.

Although he was on the front line of the battlefield, he was obviously under much less pressure than Ziyunzi.

So he was speechless. That’s right.

“Sorry, I was too much. “

I probably realized that I had said something that I shouldn’t have said. The black cat suddenly woke up and apologized to Zi Xuanzi. But it can be seen that the black cat didn’t think he was wrong. Meaning.

Hey, Zi Xuanzi sighed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

The two fell into silence for the rest of the time.

Zi Xuanzi looked at the busy Taoist dísciple and the soldiers of Zhenxi Mansion outside, while the black cat kicked the stones by the side of the road. Their expressions were quite unnatural.

Between the two and disciple, there must be many seemingly simple but complicated problems that have not yet been solved. These problems cannot be solved overnight.

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