“The Hua Dynasty is a place full of evil. The Buddha said to save sentient beings, so we will come to save sentient beings.”

It is still that person who speaks.

His eyes are filled with unreasonable twisting fanaticism, and the same goes for his silent companions. However, most of this group of monks are physically mutilated.

Some people have their eyes closed and seem to be blind, some people have their ears cut off, leaving only twisted wounds, and some people have no noses, leaving two abyss-like hollows… It is inferred that some of them must have cut their tongues.

These monks must have violated the precepts and have been punished by life rather than death.

The one speaking as the representative has only one hand, and the empty sleeves on the remaining side flutter in the gust of wind from time to time.

“I will save your mother!”

Before Qing Li spoke in anger, the girl had already yelled insultingly.

A dagger was hidden in this curse, and it shot silently from the dead corner of the broken-arm monk. The speed was astonishing, but the monk had been alert and avoided trying to hide away. Opened, but still cut a hole in the waist by the dagger.

He didn’t avoid it completely.

Not only the wound on the waist, but the dagger actually killed a sudden thrust, suddenly turned around in the air, and took the monk’s face. He said “wu!” and instinctively raised his knife to block it.

There was a flash of light.

He blocked the dagger, but the disaster was after this.

The dagger suddenly exploded, and countless black fragments shot on the monk’s face like a rain of arrows. The monk cried out in pain, instinctively trying to cover his cheek, but pressed the fragments deeper.


Side’s companion stepped forward to take care, but in the darkness, several daggers shot rapidly. At this moment, they didn’t dare to stop, and retreated subconsciously, but embarrassed the broken-arm monk.

Those daggers that were originally aimed at his companions all shot at him.

“Oh oh oh oh!” He wailed in pain and pierced his lungs.

Unable to stand up anymore, he fell down, pressing his body against the ground, pushing the dagger pierced on him deeper, touching several vital points. His body convulsed abruptly, blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth, and a pair of eyeballs protruded and widened, already powerless.

The remaining monks darkened their faces and cursed all around in Western languages, but the girls hiding in the dark did not show up, and they could not capture the breath of each other. Their faces gradually become difficult to look.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you kill people like this? Oh, you might gently recite the scriptures to the deceased afterwards, right? How do you recite the scriptures? I want too Read it?”

The cold voice came again, and the mocking tone made these monks distorted their faces.

I don’t know who raised their arms, all of them rushed out for their lives and rushed to Qing Ruri who was watching until now. Qing Li was startled, knowing that she should have left long ago, she immediately turned around and ran.

The person who helped her should not have the heaven yet, otherwise she only needs to show up and confront the opponent head-on. This group of monks with only the realm are definitely not opponents, but the opponent does not have it, just seize every opportunity. Taking the lives of two of the monks, Qing Li knew that she must be outnumbered, so she hid in the darkness waiting for an opportunity.

And her ridicule after sentence is to help.

However, this is self-defeating. Perhaps Zong realized her intentions, and stopped entangled in the hide-and-seek stalemate with her, and rushed directly to kill Qing Li to complete the task.

As long as Qingli dies, their sacrifice will be worthwhile.

“Although I don’t want to use it very much, but──!”

When the girl in the dark saw her plan failed, she suddenly shouted. The monks thought she was bluffing and ignored her.

By the time they discovered the weirdness, it was too late.

In the darkness, countless silk threads finally emerged from it, reflecting the moonlight with cold glow. The headed monk accidentally ran into it, and suddenly there were a few more holes in his body, and blood was splashed.

They fixed their eyes and found that all around is a kind of silk thread.

Thinking for a moment, they decided to cut off those silk threads with a knife in their hands, but just before that, a large number of spells slipped out along the silk threads and lined up in a row.


The girl gave an order, and all the runes on the charms lighted up.

Suddenly, an invisible force weighed heavily on the monks. They all knelt down, even if they tried to stand up, they couldn’t do it.

They can only watch Qing Li move away and disappear into the darkness.


Qing Li didn’t know how far and how long he ran.

She can only run forward in the dark, death is chasing behind, even if she is a step slower, she may be deeply entangled, she can run and run, and drive forward desperately Run until you run off the ground and die, and reach a place where you can sleep.

The realm of Martial Demon is so terrifying and unfamiliar.

She didn’t know how long she hadn’t been back, but she couldn’t recognize the way.

The final result of blindly running forward is──

She suddenly stomped on air.

There was a cliff at her feet, and she fell irresistibly under the feeling of floating.

Fortunately, the cliff is not deep.

Below is a gentle river, which is good news. Qingli fell into the water like a boulder and splashed a lot of water.

She lost consciousness for a while.

But fortunately, she quickly condensed the consciousness that was about to dissipate, and immediately floated to the surface, coughing out the water poured into her mouth. The water was very cold, and she felt very cold all over her wet body.

Furthermore, under the washing of water, the blood from her wound could not stop flowing out.

You have to climb ashore as soon as possible…Qing Li is thinking that she will work hard so far, and she will never exhaust her efforts. She squeezed the last strength out of her body, but she hit a rock along the water disappeared.

She can’t use her strength, and she doesn’t even have the power to float on the surface.


Are you going to die? Unwillingly, Qing Li sank weakly into the water, and the water poured into her eyes, making everything she saw was as illusory and misty as it was coated with a layer of blue floating light.

“Hey, do you want to die?”

The sound penetrated the river and became dull.

One hand came in from outside the water and stretched out towards Qingli. Qing Li looked at the white wrist, as if seeing a star point in the dark, she drove the last strength of her body to hold the hand.

Then a warm force came from that arm, pulling her out of the water.

Qing Li lay on the shore and finally touched the ground. She coughed fiercely, coughing out the river water poured into the body. There was also a tiny bit of blood in the cough.

“Are you okay?”

The voice of concern rushed into her ears, Qing Li coughed constantly, and the other party stroked her back with warm hands, She went smoothly.

Gradually, her breathing finally calmed down.


An open palm stretched out in front of Qingli, and there were a few black pills on it that exuded a faint medicinal fragrance. Qing Li was taken aback for a moment, and slowly looked up towards the girl in front of her.

The girl is wearing a long braid and wearing a black daoist robe, her black eyes are clear and bright.

“Are you… from Shadow Sect?”

Qing Li had already realized it.

Those who can hide in the dark without exuding a trace of breath, and are so proficient in the assassination method, most of them are assassins of Shadow Sect.

And the Sect who disappeared a long time ago, how could its members appear here and save themselves?

This question popped up in her mind for an instant, and she didn’t take the pills before she was surprised.

“It used to be.” The girl’s answer was vague.

She raised her palm and frowned and said:

“Hurry up and eat, this can help you stabilize the injury.”

Qing Li doesn’t know Should you trust each other?

However, if the other party wants his own life, he just needs to sit on the sidelines just now, there is no need to save himself. Thinking of this, Qing Li barely suppressed her doubts.


Qing Li smiled gratefully, took the pill, stuffed it into her mouth, and swallowed it into her belly. At first, the pills did not at all have any effect, and she began to wonder what kind of medicine she had taken, but at that moment, she felt a flow of heat gushing from her belly and wandered along her meridian.

Where the heat flow passes, the painful muscles will be relieved like soaking in warm water.

At the same time, the burning sensation in the wound has also been reduced a lot, and Qing Li can feel that the weakness that she is gradually swallowing herself is slowly receding.

“True God is strange!”

Qing Li creded out in surprise, finally able to rely on her own strength to turn to sit down and sit on the shore. It’s just that she was so excited that she pulled the wound on her body again, shouted in pain.

There are countless wounds on her body, but the most serious is still the injuries on the waist and abdomen.

That was when she was in the back of the palace, Jialan picked up a long spear and threw it. Long spear almost penetrated through her body. If it weren’t for a few Western monks in front of her at the time, the long spear would have lost a lot of strength while penetrating them, and she might simply not be able to support it here.

“Look at you, the injury is so serious, what are you excited about? Come, let me see your injury.”

The girl squatted down and waited for Qingli’s answer. Untied the clothes on her waist and abdomen, exposing the drenched with blood wound. The wound was terrifying and deep. I don’t know what caused it. The outline of the lower part of the internal organs can already be seen between the bright red, and the girl couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Ashamed that you can hold on till now…”

The girl couldn’t help but sighed, and she reached out between her robe sleeves and searched for a while. She took out a porcelain bottle and unplugged the cork.

“It might be a little painful, you hold back.”

After the girl said, she sprinkled medicine powder on Qingli’s wound. Her action was so sudden that Qing Li opened her mouth to agree, and the other party had already acted.


The medicine powder fell on the skin of the wound, stinging enough to make Qingli tears in the corners of her eyes, and she gasped. The wound was scorching hot, and she wanted to tear off the skin and flesh with medicine powder and throw it away, at least so that she wouldn’t have to suffer the burning pain.

However, the phrase “good medicine” is a cliché.

Just like just now, this medicine powder is also incredible enough, forming a thin film on her wound, stopping most of the blood from flowing out.

Furthermore, after the burning sensation was relieved to be able to bear, a slight cooling sensation was produced.

She suddenly felt that the pain of the wound became lighter.

“Girl, these medicines…”

Even though her voice is weak, Qing Li still suppresses Wang’s curiosity.

“My Master got it. I heard that it is a new spiritual medicine from Heavenly Jade Palace.”

The girl replied reluctantly, especially when it came to the mention of Heavenly Jade Palace. At that time, she clenched her teeth unconsciously. Qing Li was quite smart, and suddenly thought that this girl might have some grudges with Heavenly Jade Palace.

So, she did not pursue it.

Someone didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but the girl each minding their own business said:

“The symbol that saved you just now was also Heavenly Jade Palace Things…it’s really hateful. I didn’t expect that one day I will also be reduced to something developed by Sue Kirin! I’m so fed up! What am I doing?”

Speaking of the end, she was very annoying, have no desire to improve her neatly combed agate purple hair, and a bunch of twisted braids dangling like a puppy’s tail, causing Qingli to have a moment. The urge to reach out and grab it.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

The person who used to be Shadow Sect, now wears a daoist robe, and seems to be connected with Taoist Sect. He also hates Sue Kirin and Heavenly Jade Palace. Kiyori thinks of a person.

“Are you a black cat?”

She had heard Beiming Youyu occasionally talk about it, so she had some impressions, which happened to be remembered at this moment.


The girl was obviously taken aback, and the reaction had already told Qing Ri the answer.

“I once heard Beiming’s elder sister talk about you.”

There was a tree nearby, and Qing Liqiang supported her body and wanted to move there to rely on. The black cat grabbed her arm and wanted her to rest on her shoulder.

“… Beiming Senior knows me?”

The black cat supported Qing Li and sat down against the tree trunk.

“Well, you Master, Zi Xuanzi Senior mentioned to her.”

“Is that Zi Xuanzi guy?”

The black cat was surprised, but Speaking of his Master’s tone and words, it was a bit rude. Qing Li glanced at him strangely, wondering why she disrespected the owner master so much.

“Your Master often talks about your appearance.”

Qing Li didn’t get into the attitude of Zi Xuanzi.

“Often…talking about me?”

“Probably I am proud to have your discipline, right?” Seeing the black cat, his eyes widened in surprise, and he did not move. Glancing at the side aloud, lightly said, “I remember Zi Xuanzi Senior not at all accepting disciples.”

The black cat stopped talking.

“Your wound has stopped bleeding.”

After a while, she opened her mouth again, took off her robe, and bandaged the wound for Qingli. When tightening the cloth, Qingli’s eyes twitched suddenly with pain.

“──You have a good Master.”

Seeing that the other party has a life-saving grace for himself, I hope that the other party can cherish Zi Xuanzi more. After all, Zi Xuanzi is the Grandmaster and the Ancestor Master of the Taoist Sect. He has a good reputation. The black cat from Shadow Sect can worship him as a teacher.

“…” The black cat didn’t speak again, her face became more tangled.

Compared with a few years ago, she has grown up a lot, her face has matured a lot, and her personality has also become more calm. If it were changed before, she would definitely not be able to think of that many ways to deal with those monks.

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