Seeing that the situation is about to break out.

“Archer, the crossbowman is ready!” Gong Lanping solemnly raised his palm, waiting for an order.

Hundreds of soldiers guarding the city wall swallowed their saliva with difficulty, and accidentally set up arrows to wind up, filling up the bows in their hands, or erecting crossbows, aiming like violent currents. The five cavalry rushing in came with thin sweat on their foreheads.

Fortunately, they are the elite of You Prefecture.

If they were replaced by the defenders of Peiling Town, Gong Lanping didn’t know if they could develop a heart to respond to the enemy and set up their weapons.

Next, wait. Wait for the opponent to enter the best range.

Gong Lanping remained silent, his eyes fixed on the opponent’s army, and he muttered: “It hasn’t arrived… It hasn’t arrived yet…” Waiting for the time to come.

Then, hold your breath.

At the moment of patience to the limit, Gong Lanping’s eyes widened suddenly, and the raised hand slashed.

“It’s now, shoot!”

The sound of the string shook, and the atmosphere was penetrated.

While the ten thousand arrows fired, it turned into two black showers that rushed towards the enemy. The arrow shot from the bow is thrown, and the arrow shot from the crossbow is shot straight.

The northern lion riders who charge here are not afraid, even if they only have leather armor body protection.

Under the command of the leader Yiqi, they held the long spear with one hand, unhooked the wooden shield hanging beside the horse, held them in front of them, and formed a tightly charged formation. Immediately formed a shield formation – they used two rows as a group. The front row of the cavalry had a slightly smaller angle, while the back row was slightly larger. This was an effective measure to resist both direct and thrown arrows.

More than a hundred arrows fell on the cavalry almost at the same time.

Even if there is a fish that escaped the net, under this round of attack, there are only a few riding and falling horses, and the rest are blocked by the shield or stuck on it.

This is definitely not a satisfying wave of attacks, but at least it worked.

If we can continue this way, we can probably reduce the hundreds of soldiers to zero, but before that, the other party will not give any more opportunities. I saw that they took advantage of Archer’s arrow again. Quickly and neatly hung the shield back to its original place, untied the longbow on his back, and spread the bow and arrows in a smooth flow, sprinkling a wave of arrows with the horse.

“Raise the shield!”

Gong Lanping made a decisive decision.

The defenders panicked in the face of arrows that were five times as good as they were given to them, but this was only when they dropped their arrows and littered them, and they were not slow in raising their shields. .

They barely lifted their shields in front of the arrows.

The moment the arrow fell and hit the shield, the formation of them went into chaos.

The arrow shot by the horse is fast and powerful, and the impact on the shield is full. What’s more, some arrows pierced the shield directly and penetrated into the body of the person holding the shield behind.

In an instant, sorrows came and went one after another.

In this round of confrontation, the Hua Dynasty who held the city through the town actually fell below.

There is a saying that attacking a city requires several times more troops than the defending army, and it may be hard to attack, but this sentence is not suitable for this.

After enduring this wave of attacks, the Hua Dynasty soldiers subconsciously wanted to put down their shields and go to get their bows.

“Don’t abandon the shield!” Gong Lanping immediately stopped shouting when he saw this.

But in the war, his voice could not reach people’s ears immediately.

Too much noise, too noisy.

As a result, some anxious soldiers just put down their shields when the second wave of arrows struck.

They were beaten completely unprepared and accidentally died directly under the arrow. Only a few people escaped. Fortunately, those soldiers who did not abandon their shields are much better off.

be that as it may, more than ten or twenty soldiers have been lost in this round.

Gong Lanping only blamed himself for not reminding his subordinates earlier.

The rain of arrows from the other side keeps coming.

The enemy forces were divided into three batches, which were divided into three batches. They used their bows and arrows to shoot, creating a continuous firepower coverage. Under such a blow, the defenders on the city wall could not even raise their heads. .

Gong Lan knew that this was not feasible, so he ordered the soldiers to be divided into two groups, one group put up a shield on the female wall, and the other group hid behind the shield to fight back with bows and arrows.

Under the suppression of the enemy’s riding and shooting, this round of mobilization took a lot of time.

But at least after it took shape, the defenders finally had the power to fight back—of course, this was at the expense of firepower.

The firepower is weakened, and the ability to contain the enemy is also greatly reduced.

“…It won’t last long!”

Gong Lanping murmured, poking out his head from the female wall, watching the enemy step by step approach, biting Sucked away. But it is only if you try your best to hold on, and you can’t let the other party find a clue. If His Highness’s plan is exposed, everything will be over.

“Strong hard! Do your best if you don’t want to die!”

Gong Lanping shouted, picked up the fallen longbow from the side, and hung it from a soldier. Draw an arrow from the quiver behind him. He stepped on the crenellation of the female wall and pulled a full bow.


The sound of breaking wind rang out, and the arrows shot out, roaring sharp and short howls.

The arrow drew a beautiful solitary line, shot precisely between the shields of the enemy cavalry, and plunged deeply into someone’s within the body. The man fell off his horse and disappeared between his horse’s hooves and never saw him again.

When the enemy sees his comrades fall from the horse, the same enemy is focused on firepower. Jin Jiansha concentrated near Gong Lanping, so that he could only hide behind the female wall.

Suddenly, a sharp arrow pierced through the female wall and stabbed out beside his cheek, dragging a long blood mark on his face.

It must be that the old city wall can no longer play a sufficient defensive role.

The sound of horseshoes is getting closer.

“Get ready to go oil!”

Gong Lanping yelled loudly and swung his knife to chop off the arrows. Almost at the same time, the cavalry had rushed to the bottom of the city, and several claw hooks were thrown onto the female wall to hook them.

This will be their only tool to climb the wall.

The cavalry torrent quickly turned on the city wall, and the elastic rope connected by the claws and hooks was stretched under the pull, and then tightened to the limit, which produced a great force of pulling and retraction, and pulled it. The owner flew out.

The soldiers in You Prefecture have never seen this way of climbing a wall. They were stunned for a while, and the boiling oil in their hands was not poured out in time.

With the power of bounce, some of the lion riders jumped directly onto the city wall and landed.

“Zhan Gouzuo!” Gong Lanping shouted loudly.

At this moment, everyone woke up, and quickly took the knife to chop the hook.

Those hooks don’t know what material they are made of, accidentally tenacious, Gong Lanping didn’t even chop a few knives. Several cavalrymen saw that he was commanding the defending soldiers, and they recognized him as the commander, roaring and running towards this side with a scimitar.

They are like tigers in the flock.

All the soldiers in You Prefecture were unable to withstand a single blow in front of them, and soon broke a blood path and rushed to the palace orchid plane.

Gong Lanping took the initiative to rush out, slid into the abdomen of the leading enemy, dragged a horizontal knife to draw a blood mark on the opponent’s stomach.

He whirled and cut out a second knife, just throwing an enemy’s head.

Although he is an elite lion rider, and with more enemies and fewer enemies, Gong Lanping still does not let the wind fall. He recruits deadly and recruits to control the enemy. In a blink of an eye, all five lion riders fall down. Mingming.

Seeing that his generals are so powerful, the morale of the defenders suddenly rises.

More and more cavalry are climbing the wall by hooks.

The city wall in this town is too short, they are going to be on stage as easy as blowing off dust. Gong Lanping knew that the battle had entered a hand-to-hand battle, and he decisively ordered the soldiers to abandon their bows and draw their swords to confront the enemy.


Gong Lanping took the lead, rushed to the lion ride that just appeared in the vicinity, and solved the opponent with two swords.

After entering the hand-to-hand battle, there was almost no suppression of outside firepower. It was getting easier for the lion riders to climb the wall. It didn’t take long for the entire city wall to be filled with people.

Lion riding is worthy of being a lion riding, like a wolf like a tiger, everyone is one enemy ten generation.

Although the elite soldiers of You Prefecture who stayed on the city wall can have more than one enemy, they are not enough to be seen in front of the lion cavalry, let alone the huge difference in number.

After the lion riders gather together and stand firmly on the wall, the situation is almost turned sideways.

“Stay steady!”

Gong Lanping’s voice was already hoarse, and his Battle Armor and cloak were all covered with blood. I don’t know if it is the enemy or his own blood. He wielded a horizontal knife to kill the enemy as hard as he could. The knife in his hand was already blood-stained, killing nearly ten people, and his eyes were already red.

This cannot be an opportunity to stop the defeat.

The defenders retreat steadily, leaving dozens of corpses, and being pushed forward by the opponents, they are broken into pieces, divided and annihilated. This simply can’t hold on! The remaining defenders have this kind of panic on their faces more or less, but no one has the intention to retreat, and can only support it hard.

“Retreat, support the defenders of the city gate!”

Seeing that the walled city could not be defended, Gong Lanping ordered to retreat to the city gate.

As long as the city gate is kept, the cavalry will at least not be able to invade the city-in order to appear on the stage, they abandoned their horses. But before that, the road leading to the city gate must be ensured, and there are already lions riding to the city gate to kill first.

For them, they have to open the city gates so that the remaining hundreds of cavalry can rush in and clear the streets.

Gong Lanping picked up a lion-riding scimitar and opened his bow from left to right. The first soldiers swung their swords in front and cut a bloody path.


Suddenly an arrow shot in his eyes.

The lion ride hid behind his companion, and when Gong Lanping came close, he suddenly appeared and shot the arrow. The arrow was quick and urgent, and it kissed Gong Lanping’s key.


Gong Lanping swung a horizontal knife to cut away with difficulty, the knife and arrow passed by, and he could barely deviate from the path of the arrow.

The arrow finally pierced Gong Lanping’s left shoulder.

Blood spurted out, and a blood flower bloomed in the air. Gong Lanping’s left hand suddenly lost his strength, and he also fell to the ground while holding the broadsword.

Seeing this, several lion riders shouted and charged.

“get lost!”

Gong Lanping gave a heavy shout, and the right hand slashed out with a horizontal knife, slashing the enemy into two. Even if he was injured, Gong Lanping was still Gong Jing’s adopted son and a fierce tiger.

He once again swung his sword to take the life of the second enemy.

However, the lion riders are also fierce and not afraid of death, and more and more people are desperately squeezing towards Gong Lanping.

Gong Lanping side You Prefecture soldiers were also aroused bloody, one after another with weapons in their hands to support Gong Lanping, the two sides froze here for a while.

This is not what Gong Lanping wants to see.

He has to retreat to the next location. If he is trapped here, it will only be the defender who suffers. Their number is the disadvantaged side.

What should I do?

Seeing his subordinates one by one fall down, he is anxious. Must open a path of blood, with this thought, he stepped forward, wanting to be the tip of that lance. .

But he forgot one thing, the person standing behind him is not Zhen Beiwei.

No one can keep up with this former You Prefecture soldier. He was isolated and trapped in a besieged situation. When he realized that he had made a mistake, it was too late.

The lion rider will not let go of a sheep that has entered the mouth of a tiger-even if he is not a sheep, but a tiger.

Gong Lanping suddenly fell into a dangerous situation of enemies on all sides and all swords. He held a horizontal sword to resist, and could not easily break through.

Especially his left hand was injured, almost unable to use his strength.

The enemy seemed to be aware of this, and stared at his left side to attack.


Gong Lanping was groaned, and after all, his left hand was hit by a knife, and the whole figure was shocked. Seeing don’t let slip an opportunity, a few lion riders immediately rushed forward.


Gong Lanping stabilized his foot in time, and a horizontal knife slid into the neck of the person who rushed first.

Then, the second person, the third person…the fourth person.

When the sharp blade pierced into the fourth person’s chest, the opponent suddenly became fierce. Regardless of his own life and death, he rushed towards Gong Lanping, letting the blade penetrate his body and hugged him. Lived in Gong Lanping.

“Let go!”

Gong Lanping wanted to struggle, but even though the enemy was dying, he was very powerful, and he didn’t break free for a while.

The other lion riders knew what their colleagues meant when they saw it. The two lion riders came from the left and right, and at the same time they cut out the sharp blades in their hands and slashed straight to Gong Lanping’s neck.


Gong Lanping’s intuition was not good, but there was a knife in his hand but he couldn’t fight back, so he could only watch the two knives cut.

“──Gong big brother!”

Awe-inspiring but graceful voice knocked from the sky.

In an instant, Gong Lanping tilted her head, and she saw a delicate shadow passing by.

The sword light flashed is fleeting.

The two lions who came by double-teamed showed blood spots in the front of their throats, and spewed blood. They covered their throats and fell down. Gong Lanping hadn’t realized what was happening, he saw the skirt swinging across his eyes, and the girl holding a sword in front of her body. The light silhouette cut between the two lion riders and passed between the two scimitars. A sword quickly touched the two men’s throats, killing them.

Without muddle-headedness, sword transport is accurate enough.

At first, Gong Lanping thought it was a silver screen to help, but when he stared at it, he discovered that the girl with a graceful profile and hair waving in the wind was Su Wan.

The seemingly weak girl is standing on the battlefield right now, like a blooming battlefield flower, guarding the man she loves, one man one sword facing dozens of people in front of her Lion riding.

“Gong big brother, are you okay?”

Su Wan frowned and raised her sword to the lion riding in front of her, and asked Gong Lanping without looking back.

The young man covered the wound on his hand and slowly stood up straight. There was no word for a while, and his eyes were filled with surprise and incomprehension.

There was no response for a long time. Su Wan thought that Gong Lanping was seriously injured. After looking over, she finally understood what happened to Gong Lanping and was silent.

“I have been in the outer sect of Heavenly Jade Palace for a while.” Su Wan smiled awkwardly.

No wonder that Sword Art looks familiar! Gong Lanping suddenly came over.

“I thought Wan’er you…”

Gong Lanping is a bit sorry, and didn’t expect that Sword Art is not bad. Su Wan’s cheeks turned red for some reason, as if she was shy.

“Father said that my daughter’s swords and swords are not so good, so I never told Gong’s big brother…”

This girl probably doesn’t want to leave anything in Gong Lanping’s heart. Bad impression, so I didn’t confess that I knew martial arts.

“Wan’er, you think too much!” Gong Lanping laughed after a while, “My Gong Lanping likes this! Come on, kill the enemy with me!”



Su Wan happily agreed.

Then, the two stood up back to back to deal with the lion ride from all directions. They one blade one sword absolutely unyielding under anyone.

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