The blowing wind dries up.

Qin Shiyu stands on the old wall of the town, his dress swaying in the wind like a banner, swaying like a black cloud.

She stared out, barely able to see multiple enemies lined up in the distance.

At the forefront of the crowd, the men on horseback pierced the distance between them, and bit Qin Shiyu’s gaze straight.

“The Great Master of the North…”

Qin Shiyu muttered out the name of the opponent, but his teeth clenched unconsciously.

Still caught by the tail.

This was originally an adventure. She was betting that she would arrive in Bei’an City and meet King Ning without being discovered, but Ajislan would appear here, proving that her whereabouts had long been exposed.

How was it exposed?

There are many possibilities, and Qin Shiyu is not sure. She was already cautious and set off lightly, but she still ended up like this.

In the side of Qin Shiyu, Yinping, Gong Lanping and Zhou Zhou also looked solemn.

It happened that the elites among the elites of the North Kingdom stared at them. They knew that what was about to usher was no longer a “hard fight” that could be described, and it would be a deadly fight.

Nine deaths and still alive’s death battle.

But there is one thing that makes people feel puzzled──

“His Royal Highness, what does it mean that the other party has been slow to attack?” Zhou Zhou first calmly asked the question in his heart. .

He is definitely not alone in having this doubt.

The person who killed the monkey should be Ajislan, and only he could do it before the sound of the horse approached, and throw a long spear from a very long distance, hitting the monkey who was standing guard.

With his ability, if he directly enters the town, no one in the town should be able to react. He takes Qin Shiyu’s first level as easy as as easy as pie. After all, there are only a few hundred soldiers around Qin Shiyu. Even if the silver screen has been guarding her, they have to face Aris. Orchid.

“What else? I was underestimated.” Qin Shiyu snorted in response.

Zhou Zhou, Yinping and Gong Lanping hearing this also sank.

There is a saying, a scholar can be killed but not insulted.

Qin Shiyu covered her mouth with a ball fan, squinted her eyes, and said coldly:

“It should have been a surprise attack, so it should be covered by lightning. Pounced at the enemy’s speed and killed the enemy completely unprepared. However, the lion of the north first killed our people from a long distance, so that we could detect their attack, and then besiege instead of attacking. This is to give us time to prepare Okay, let’s have a good time with them. Isn’t this underestimating people? He thinks that even if we are prepared, we are not his opponent.”

“…How should we respond?” Gong Lanping calmly To ask.

Qin Shiyu snickered a few times, and the muscles of his cheek twitched.

“On the opposite side is the elite, and there is Ajslan – Grandmaster sitting in town, and our side is just the defender of 500 ordinary towns, and a small number of elites. This power difference is almost desperate.”


paused, Qin Shiyu ridiculed himself again:

“It is true that this town has leftover fortifications, and it is considered stable. We move out those bows and crossbows that have not been idle for long. , Maybe we can keep a guard, but once Arislan makes a move, we will have no chance of victory.”

Qin Shiyu said the four words “unvictorious chance” in his mouth, just like announcing the death of people.

The commander of the Wenzhi Shanshan army in the town suddenly turned ashes.

“You can’t guard it anymore.” Qin Shiyu fanned the wind with a group fan, “However, if I break through, there is still a chance to win.”

“Break through?” Zhou Zhou’s eyes lit up, “Yes, since the city cannot be guarded, then break out! Your Majesty, I will prepare now!”

“But, the opposite is all cavalry.” Gong Lanping reminded solemnly .

As soon as he heard it, Zhou Zhou’s joy that had floated on his face immediately faded, and his face was full of distress.

“How should this be…”

“Let Lord Wang lead the townspeople to surrender.” Qin Shiyu said lightly.

“Absolutely, the cruelty of the North is famous. If I lead the people to surrender, my fate will be worrying, my lord!” Yang Zilei yelled in surprise, his face filled with anxiety.

Gong Lanping went around in front of Qin Shiyu, knelt down on one knee, and persuaded in anxious voice:

“His Royal Highness must not surrender. If the palace falls into the hands of the North, Northern Domain is in danger. Come!”

“My palace will never surrender.”

Qin Shiyu stabilized Gong Lanping’s worries and helped him up. After he got up, she went on to say:

“Surrender, the people still have a glimmer of survival, and it’s impossible to bring the people to break through the siege. To fight or surrender, Lord Wang and The people decide, and this palace will take advantage of your surrender or break through the gap, take the opportunity to leave stealth from the other direction, this is the only way.”

“His Royal Highness!”

This time, Yinping came out to discourage.

“Ajislan is in the realm of Grandmaster, Yinping is not sure to take His Highness away safely. He will definitely find Yinping and His Royal Highness, but His Highness is really helpless.”

As Yinping said, Qin Shiyu’s decision is still mostly risky.

“So, what should we do?” Qin Shiyu shrugged, “If you want troops without strength, you want high-end battle strength, you have no high-end battle strength, and you are surrounded by people again, and the fortifications are also Not enough, how to fight?”

“Is there no way for your Highness?” Yang Zilei asked difficultly.

“You really count as a complete strategy when you are in this palace?” Qin Shiyu spread his hands directly this time, “Even if it is, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.”

“…Your Highness, there is a batch of gunpowder here.” Wang Kang said suddenly.


Gong Lanping was stunned.

This town is not a strategic location. It shouldn’t be a gunpowder inventory. Qin Shiyu’s eyes were light flashed, and he picked up the fan to half cover an elegant face.

“Aiya, Lord Wang has hidden some interesting things.”

“Lord Wang, where did you get the gunpowder?” Yang Zilei also stared wide.


Wang Kang’s forehead was sweating, and his eyes flickered, showing that he was guilty. Seeing his reaction like this, everyone knew what it was all about.

It’s nothing more than smuggling that’s all.

“This small official damn it!”

Wang Kangcheng knelt to the ground in fear, and lay down facing Qin Shiyu, prostrate oneself in admiration.

Naturally, he would not know that smuggling of arms is a serious crime. The reason why he took the initiative to expose it was probably because he was already in deep danger, and it would be a dead end if he went on. It would be better to tell the gunpowder thing. , Maybe it can make up for it.

“It has become Shishiyu.”

Qin Shiyu was not angry, but laughed meaningfully.

“Lord Wang, don’t hesitate to move your gunpowder out to this palace, so that you can make up for it?”

“Your Highness is willing to remove this small official The death penalty?” Wang Kang asked tentatively.

Qin Shiyu sneered twice, and asked the other person back:

“Didn’t you expect that?”

Wang Kang repeatedly squatted his head and shouted “Thank “You Your Highness Forgiveness” and the like, I can’t wait to retaliate.

“Lord Wang, you are welcome. It is also a good thing that you can rein in the cliff-by the way, how much gunpowder is there?”

Qin Shiyu almost forgot the key question.

Wang Kang hesitated for a while and reported a number. A number that makes everyone stunned.

“Oh, Lord Wang is so brave, the amount of gunpowder is enough to razor the town to the ground.”

Qin Shiyu’s eyes flicker.

hearing this, Wang Kang is also prostrate oneself in admiration, and he must be crying for mercy in the next moment, but Qin Shiyu gently threw it out:

” But it’s just right.”

Qin Shiyu raised the corners of his mouth and raised a chilling smile. People looked at each other, but only Yinping and Gong Lanping knew that the noble Princess had an idea again.

“Since they are going to attack us, why don’t we set off Dao Idol with fireworks to greet us?”

After finishing talking, Qin Shiyu turned around and called his subordinates.

“General Zhou.”

“The end is here!”

Zhou Zhou’s one-knee kneels came to Qin Shiyu to take the lead.

“Go, go for a run for Lord Wang and be a guest coolie. The palace will send someone to hand in the map like you later, and you can arrange the gunpowder according to the signs above.”

“Then…weight or something?”

“There is no time to forget it, as much as possible to arrange it as much as possible. Arithmetic, right? Don’t count it wrong. But there is one place, I It will be emphasized. It is used to greet Ajslan. You must bury half of the gunpowder there. Only when Ajslan is hit hard, we will have a chance to win.”

“Yes !”

Zhou Zhou nodded led the order, got up and recruited Wang Kang to move out the gunpowder.

After watching the two leave, Qin Shiyu’s eyes fell on Yang Zilei. The chief officer of the Peiling Town Defender was brow beaded with sweat. He must have felt that he hadn’t noticed Wang Kang smuggling gunpowder, and he would suffer even if he didn’t notice it.

So when Qin Shiyu called him, his whole body shook suddenly.

“The end is here.” But he still had to respond to Qin Shiyu.

“Is there a map?”

Qin Shiyu’s problem was beyond Yang Zilei’s expectations.

However, he only needs to think about it a little bit, and he will understand that this is not sudden. Qin Shiyu needs to arrange gunpowder and he needs to use a map.

“Naturally, there is.”

“Well, it’s pretty good.” Qin Shiyu nodded reluctantly.

The army defending the city naturally needs a map of the city it is defending.

If there is no map, how can we line up troops? Once caught in the street fighting in the city, how to deal with it without a map?

“Go, bring the map to the palace, we have to set up a venue to welcome the Northland.”

“Yes!” Yang Zilei quickly agreed.

After he took the order, he got up and ordered his soldiers to get the map.

Qin Shiyu shook his fan to blow the wind, walked to the female wall, and looked at Ajislan. The wild man riding on the horse looked back at once.

“The lion of the North is not good if it lacks the heart of awe…Although I am a bird in a cage, who knows if there is poison in the cage?”

She showed a bright smile, like a flower not content with destiny in full bloom in the deep night.


“Boss, shall we attack yet?”

Ajislan has not ordered an attack on the town before him.

Seeing that little by little time passed, the subordinate couldn’t help but ask. If it drags on like this, it will be dawn. The subordinates think that the night will have more dreams, and want to do it quickly.

Ajislan laughed and responded with a blank eye:

“I don’t miss that time. Everyone has rushed to this point. They must be tired too. Just take a break. Isn’t this bad?”

Another subordinate also spoke up:

“Heads, doesn’t this give them time to prepare?”

Ajislan smiled furiously, his eyes still focused on the beautiful silhouette standing on the wall.

“To tame a wild horse, you have to subdue it when it is the wildest and wildest, so that it will convince you. I just want to tell Qin Shiyu that I’m here and let her be prepared. I will really do it, so that she will be convinced.”

“But, what if the other party says you bully less?” the subordinate asked again.

“Then, I will only send five hundred people to fight.”

Ajislan glanced at his subordinates, the arrogance in his eyes was full.

“I’m not afraid of beating her, I’m not afraid that she won’t kneel under me, begging for mercy.”

“It’s really the leader.”

The subordinate raised his thumb.

This is how they came along, madness is their capital, they must follow through to the end, in order to reflect the soul of their army.

“Go, call me five hundred people, prepare to charge forward, when I give an order, let them pry open the door for Lao Tzu, I want to go in and hug the beauty, hahahaha!”

The subordinates were ordered to leave, and soon 500 people were called out. They are all ready to go, with long spears, scimitars and crossbows in their hands, waiting for Ajislan’s orders.

As if it were considered good, a piece of cloth suddenly stretched out on the end of the city wall.

There are several big characters written in Chinese dialect:

“If you want to attack, come quickly, mother-in-law is what kind of man.”

Ah Jislan understood the meaning of the above, and suddenly sneered.

“It seems that this woman looks down on me!” He uttered angrily, and the subordinates behind him showed expressions of indignation, constantly shouting a series of foul language and insulting Qin Shiyu.

There are still people going out to fight.

Ajislan did not act impulsively, instead beckoning to his subordinates.

“What’s the matter with the leader?”

“Later, you will lead 500 riders to charge. If the city gate breaks easily, you have to proceed cautiously. Beware of fraud. The unit is in the vicinity to explore the point, and it will continue to go deep after the discovery.”


The subordinate Hong Sheng took the command.

“Go.” Ajislan waved his hand.

The subordinates rode away and returned to the front of the five hundred riders.

In the next instant, the horn sounded, and 500 riders set up a long spear to rush towards Peiling Town, and the dust was like a yellow dragon.

──The Huanglong who went straight to Peiling City.


As Qin Shiyu expected, Ajislan chose to attack frontally.

But the only surprise was that the opponent only sent hundreds of cavalry to charge, not at all using all the troops. Even so, Gong Lanping still admires the accuracy of Qin Shiyu’s guess.

Qin Shiyu assigned only a few hundred troops to Gong Lanping. They were all concentrated at the main entrance to resist the enemy’s attack. The rest of the troops were scattered in the city, ready to fight the enemy. The army fought street fighting. Gong Lan Pingyuan thought that the opponent would attack with all his strength, so he had already made preparations that would not last long.

But now the opponent has only a handful of five hundred, but Gong Lanping still does not have the confidence to be able to defend it completely.

It’s not because of Qin Shiyu’s command: “You try your best to guard, and you will return when you can’t be punctual.” It’s because the enemy is the lion riding. Although I didn’t want to admit it, Shiqi was the elite of the North Country, and even Zhenbei Mansion didn’t have the confidence to change with the other party.

Even if the strength of the attacking troops drops sharply, Gong Lanping feels that the fall of the city gate is only a matter of time.

Five hundred war horses shook the earth together, the ground shook violently, and the rumbling ground shook people’s minds. The hearts of the hundred soldiers guarding the city gate seemed to be implicated. They felt that the sound of horseshoes was like a stick. Knocked on their hearts.

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