“Do you want to leave?” Su Wei asked.

“No, it is likely to be easy to find if you leave now. There is a plain in front of you, endless. If the enemy is coming, it will be quite troublesome.” Gong Lanping said calmly.

“What, then?” Su Wei was still a little panicked.

“Wait into the night.”

Gong Lanping replied not even think, and then explained: “There are many hillsides here. As long as you hide well, it should not be easy to find. We Set off again after nightfall, and leave here while the weather is clear.”

“──Your plan may be reimbursed.”

The hearing Zhenbeiwei smiled bitterly. Say.

“en?” Gong Lanping looked at him suspiciously, but he raised his hand and pointed his index finger to the sky.

“You guy loves dressing up as God, playing the devil!”

I don’t know if that companion complained.

But this does not affect the movement of everyone looking towards the sky. They look at the sky together, looking for what the Zhenbeiwei refers to.

“──Major General Gong, look there!”

Su Wan was the first to discover, she pointed to the corner of the sky.

That is the direction of Yancheng.

People cast their sights and saw a few black shadows hovering in the corner of the sky. Gong Lanping recognized it a little, and realized that it was indeed directly above Yancheng.

The distance is a little far away, they can’t see the real body of those dark shadows.

──Abruptly, the truth is revealed.

A sharp and short sound, like a flute and a piano, sounded one after another, and the black spots dispersed and fluttered towards all directions. Among them, two shadows went straight to this side. Coming.

“It’s an eagle!”

Miyaran Pingha woke up and called out.

“It’s the eagle of the eagle guard!”

“How could they come out of Yancheng!” The monkey yelled strangely.

On the contrary, the well-earned Zhenbeiwei was relatively calm. He said solemnly:

“I am afraid that Yancheng has fallen. The eagle guards are moving in and are driving the eagles. In the investigation all around.”

“Inspection all around……?”

Gong Lanping divine light flashed and said in shock:

“They want all The insiders near J, they must hold the message as much as possible.”

“Then, what should we do?” Su Wei really couldn’t stabilize.

They are the insiders nearby. If Yancheng is really broken and occupied by the enemy and find them and send troops to deal with them, their fate can be imagined.

No matter how brave the Zhenbei guards are, they are limited by the number they have, and they are hard to beat with four hands.

Yancheng has enough troops to break through a city.

The more Su Wei thinks about it, the more unpleasant he feels. His thoughts are chaotic. When he realizes, he already yells and runs to the horse.

“Hurry up, run away!”


Gong Lanping ran after him from behind and grabbed his arm.

Under the pull, Su Wei fell to the ground. He turned over in pain and wanted to curse, but his eyes suddenly went black and saw a shadow covering him.

“What, what!”

Su Wei only felt that if there was a soft quilt covering himself, he struggled subconsciously, revealing his head, but saw that he was covered Wore a large cloth.

The color of the cloth is similar to the surroundings, as long as it is covered, it will almost fuse together with the surroundings.

Su Wei immediately understood the function of these cloths. This is definitely a disguise.

Yes, where’s the horse?

I was thinking that Gong Lanping had already drove the horse away from here. The frightened horse ran in a different direction. I wonder if the eagles in the sky have noticed.

“Master Su, you are offended.”

The well-eared Zhen Beiwei got into Su Wei’s cloth.

“Wait, wait! This officer is not as good as Longyang.”

“Neither is small.”

Zhenbeiwei smiled bitterly. Pinch the two corners of the cloth with both hands to cover the two of them.

At the other end, Gong Lanping scratched his head and came to Su Wan’s side, hesitated for a while, speechless.

Su Wan astutely saw that Gong Lanping had only one piece of cloth in his hand, and then looked around the room, and saw that the Zhenbeiwei had two or two good teams, shrinking under the cloth that was almost the same color as the surroundings. , Is showing a sordid smile here, how can she still not understand the situation?

She blushed all at once.

But she still said broadly:

“It’s okay, the big brother, everything is urgent. Although the little girl is at her daughter’s house, she also understands the big picture.”

When she said that, she called Gong Lanping even more sorry.

With a feeling of taking advantage of others, Gong Lanping gave his colleagues a fiercely look. They seem to have the intention of matching themselves with this rarely seen girl, but he is concerned about war and has no idea of ​​getting married. If he doesn’t die on the battlefield, wouldn’t it be a daughter’s happiness? ? He disdains it.

It’s just that it’s already here.

Those eagles were disturbed by the horses, and seemed to have been eyeing the surroundings. Gong Lanping had no choice but to bother to make noise anymore. As long as he abide by the rules, this group of people would not be unreasonable. People are innocent.

“That’s rude, Aunt Su.”

Gong Lanping said brace oneself, but Su Wan acted quickly and actually lay down first.

The Zhenbei guards laughed mockingly with urging smiles, as if they were saying: “The girls are already lying down. You are a real man, a real man, and your mother-in-law.”

Gong Lanping thought, next time you train, you will know how to write dead words.

He smiled sinisterly, while lying beside Su Wan and keeping a distance, covered the cloth and held his breath.

In the darkness, you can faintly smell the body fragrance from Su Wan.

──In any case, this is destined to be an extremely long and difficult wait.


The soldiers stationed in the fortress have not been wiped out.

The reinforcements sent by Gong Jing moved swiftly, and soon joined the soldiers from the three fortresses, and quickly evacuated the fortress under the linkage of what can be called a “combination of inside and outside”.

However, Northland did not pursue it.

The number of Northland troops attacking the three fortresses amounted to tens of thousands. Even if they were divided into forces, the three thousand soldiers stationed in the three fortresses could not hold on for long.

Although it is a fortress, fortresses that have experienced many wars have very limited fortifications that can be used.

It’s also a carelessness. The three fortresses were originally stationed with 5,000 people, but because of the delay in the Northland this time, there was some negligence between the rotations, resulting in the empty strength of the three fortresses.

Of course, as a general rule, as a bridgehead, these three fortresses must be maintained.

The problem is that the intelligence is unclear, and the enemy’s military strength is not known. If you really guard these three fortresses, you may lose more than the gains. These five thousand towns in the Northern Mansion are elite troops, and one death is one, which is extremely precious.

On the other hand, at this time, shrinking forces and strengthening the defense of Ninglan City is the stability in stability. After all, the three fortresses themselves are only used to prevent small-scale invasions, and can be regarded as protecting the fortress. Between Ninglan City, the safety measures of the people at the starting point of the business road.

Now that the fire beacon is in a hurry, those fortresses are not necessarily guarded.

But there is something called Gong Jing puzzled──

“It’s a bit strange.”

Standing in front of the north city gate, looking out through the female wall Watching the fifteen thousand soldiers gradually approached here, Gong Jing frowned.

“Gongshuai, what’s the strange thing?” asked lingeringly.

“Northland has no pursuit.”

Gong Jing replied dullly, and the hand on the female wall kept rubbing the bricks. His long white hair was tied into a bunch, and his helmet and gun were placed next to his feet as the wind was blowing with sand.

“The North Kingdom’s attack at this time was sudden, and there was no wind. It must have been the forces gathered in the vicinity of the city. Just after the winter, they should not have much food, and probably it only takes time. Take a break. If they chase rashly, wouldn’t they be afraid of being ambushed by us?”

Gou Yan made sense, but Gong Jing just couldn’t let go. A hunch lingered in his heart, as if he had slowly stepped into the abyss without noticing it.

“Gongshuai, what are you worried about?”

Seeing Gong Jing’s anxiety, Gou Yan asked in a heart that shared his worries.

Gong Jing remained silent, sorting out various information.

After a while, he slowly opened his lips and said:

“The soldiers are very fast. The North Kingdom came so urgently and suddenly this time, it was obviously not unprepared. Get involved, it proves that this is the handwriting of the great Imperial Teacher Cang Lin. Will the wolf that we have fought for a lifetime make an unprepared large-scale attack? They obviously came prepared, and so prepared, but not Isn’t it weird to have swallowed those 15,000 soldiers and let us successfully shrink our forces and stick to Ninglan City? It’s no simpler truth for the enemy to deplete and the other to grow.”

Suffering speechlessly, he did not dare to underestimate Northland, let alone Canglin.

Cang Rin, the Great Imperial Teacher of the North Kingdom, is also the soul of the North Kingdom. Her existence in the North Kingdom is like a god, and she really can bear this name.

If it hadn’t been for the Hua Dynasty to have the North Ming and the fish guarding the Northwest Main Road, which relieved the pressure of the Northern Domain, and had the ingenuity of the Ninth Princess as the foundation, Zhenbei Mansion would have long been unable to guard this area.

“But if this is also a part of strategy, what is the purpose of Canglin?” Xu Yan couldn’t figure it out.

Although the three fortresses can be stationed in places, the North Kingdom does not come to attack Ninglan City, but instead aims at the three fortresses. Could it be that they still want to be surrounded by them at any time? Stay on the fortress for a long time? If Ninglan City sent troops to cut off the supply of the fortress, wouldn’t it be difficult for them to fly?

“Cang Rin’s purpose is the three fortresses with decent fortifications…but why? That is not a place for them to stay for a long time…”

Gong Jing muttered Groaning.

In the past, the Northland would be stationed a little farther away from the fortress, in a difficult-to-defense mountainous area, with this place as its base camp, and then start a battle.

Could it be that there is still a large army hiding there?

Unable to make a judgment, the situation is too lacking, Gong Jing feels more uneasy and urgent.

But at this stage, it seems that the North Kingdom really only intends to attack the three fortresses, and does not have any intention to attack Ninglan City quickly. It is obvious that the soldiers are very fast, and now is the best time to attack. Time was a successful raid, and Ninglan City hardly had any early preparations.

Perhaps it is a suspicious strategy? Gong Jing was deeply puzzled.

And one thing that made him very ashamed, regretful and ashamed and unable to show one’s face was that he thought about Qin Shiyu’s presence. He was shocked that Zhenbei House had relied on Ninth Princess to such a degree.

However, if Qin Shiyu is really there, she might be able to figure out the motives of Northland.

Fighting for many years, Gong Jing and Cang Rin had more than one strategic confrontation, but most of them ended in his defeat. Cang Lin’s strategy is always silent and difficult to capture, and it is often too late when he finds out the other party’s true intentions.

Sometimes when he gains an advantage, Cang Rin can often respond quickly and come up with a solution.

This situation ended until Ninth Princess killed 20,000 North Kingdoms that day.

Although he did not get the corresponding position, it is already a consensus that Qin Shiyu is a military commander in Zhenbei Prefecture. Not only in Zhenbei Mansion, but also a consensus of the soldiers and even the people of Ninglan City.

At the same time, Gong Jing understands that even if he no longer feels that relying too much on Qin Shiyu is not a good thing, it is not a good time to act in a hurry–

“Stay, send a letter to the dark crow .” Gong Jing made a decision.

Although he has sent Gong Lanping to take a message, and he has also sent Dark Crow to Qin Shiyu to report the situation here, he thinks that he should update the latest information and write his own thoughts. And questions.

In addition, one more person needs to be notified.


Hold on, waiting for Gong Jing to say something.

“Tell nine Her Highness the Princess briefly about all the situation at this stage and ask her what she thinks. If possible, please return to Ninglan as soon as possible. In addition, copy a letter to Ning His Royal Highness, I beg him to prepare early.”

Yes, lingering and complied.

He then turned around and beckoned to the full-time official who kept the Dark Crow. The middle-aged Dark Crow officer carried a large box, which was full of well-trained military Dark Crows.

“Can you hear what the commander of the palace said clearly?” he asked him a little longer.

“Yes, the minister understands it.”

The dark crow officer should be nodded, respectfully.

Next, he brought paper and ink, leaned against the female wall, and started writing quickly. He writes very fast, and it doesn’t take long to finish the two messages.

“General Gou, please have a look.”

The Dark Crow officer blew the ink dry and handed the two words with the message to Gou Yan’s hand. Xu Yan quickly confirmed it, and after feeling that there was no problem, he handed it to Gong Jing for confirmation.


After Gong Jing confirmed that there was no problem, he took out his own small seal and stamped it on it to prove the reliability of the news.

The note returned to the Dark Crow Officer’s hand.

He opened the boxes and took out the Dark Crows, put a small box on their backs, stuffed the paper strips in, and then let them fly out.

Two dark crows flew high and flew in two different directions, conveying news that might be enough to shake the entire Hua Dynasty.

“I hope it’s not as serious as this mansion imagined…”

Gong Jing watched two dark crows soar into the sky, sighed dullly. The anxiety that continued to hover in his heart did not dissipate. Affected by this, the soldiers felt depressed from outside.


The streamer cut through the sky.

From the north, two rays of light came quickly.

“What’s that?!” The first person found out exclaimed.

Gong Jing raised his head and saw that the sky seemed to be torn apart. The two strong rays of light split into two paths, chasing straight to the dark crows flying in different directions, coming quickly and urgently.

The dark crows also seemed to notice the hostility coming from behind, and began to maneuver to evade, but the light that didn’t expect moved like a snake, biting the dark crows.

A lot of ink feathers fell like snow.

The Dark Crow was still not immune from the disaster, and was hit by the stream of light successively, falling to the ground feebly with a cry of mourning, and hitting the ground without any response.

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