“Major General Gong, how far are we? Where is Ninth Princess?”

When half of the pie in his hand was eaten, Su Weimeng took a sip of water, and then asked impatiently. Just now he ran such a long distance on horseback, his ass was a little bit painful, and he wanted to know how long this kind of suffering would last.

“Her Highness the Princess, on the third line of defense.” Gong Lanping replied quickly.

“What?” Su Wei cried out strangely, “Isn’t there a good distance?” He looked dizzy.

Hua Dynasty Northern Domain is divided into three lines of defense.

The forefront is centered on Ninglan City, where Zhenbei Prefecture is located, and consists of Ningle, Ning’an, Ninghe and the three cities, which is the forefront.

From the back is the second line of defense, and from the back is the third line of defense with You Prefecture as the center.

The third line of defense is also the final line of defense.

As long as the third line of defense is breached, there will be only one East Ping City in the future. The east Ping City is on a avenue that leads directly to Chang’an City. Once the third line of defense is breached, the enemy will only If you capture East Ping City again, the road to Imperial Capital will be opened.

And several people are probably in the defense range of the second line of defense at the moment.

“Brother, please stop complaining!” Su Wanyang scolded Su Wei.

Su Wei wanted to say something, but was forced to swallow it back into his stomach under Su Wan’s stare.

The Zhenbei guards looked at the two siblings with each other, and laughed from time to time. They were nervous for a long time, and it was especially interesting to see the two siblings.

Hearing their laughter, Su Wan retracted her gaze sorryly and laughed at them shyly.

Zhenbeiwei was very excited by this smile. They didn’t know how long they hadn’t seen such a delicate and pretty beauty. Su Wan suddenly felt that Su Wan was quite pleasing to the eye.

“What do you guys look at…”

Su Wei showed a fiercely smile, but his voice was so soft that he wanted to say it but didn’t dare to say it.

“My elder brother!”

“Well, I won’t say I won’t say!”

Su Wei can’t help Su Wan, so he had to give up with his hands .

The break is still continuing.

It was a dry and hard flatbread, but Su Wei ate it quickly. He is used to eating good things. He didn’t expect the flatbread that he has eaten in his stomach is especially delicious. This may be the reason for being too hungry.

“Gong big brother, these flatbreads seem to be particularly delicious? Will it be my illusion?”

Although I am resting, if I remain silent, it would be too dull , Su Wan just found a topic to talk to Gong Lanping.

Hearing that she called herself Gong big brother, she got so close all at once, Gong Lanping was a little uncomfortable and was stunned.

“They are called Shanggong big brother…” Su Wei said bitterly.

Zhenbeiwei laughed, naturally laughing at them was particularly interesting.

“These cakes are contracted by the Xia Family company, using a new method of preparation. The taste of these biscuits is kept long enough, and it is better than the food corresponding to the storage time. Merchants, knight-errants, etc. are favored. Of course, the price is also more expensive, but it seems that because of the relationship between the palace Young Lady, we specially gave us a discount, which can be regarded as excellent value for money.”

Gong Lanping explained.

He has never seen Gong Tianqing, but he has long treated her like his biological younger sister. When she mentioned her name, his face showed a soft and satisfying smile.

He has heard of Gong Tianqing’s deeds a lot.

Seeing Gong Tianqing’s relationship, Gong Lanping also especially learned about Heavenly Jade Palace, those Divine Immortal-like characters, and their words and deeds made him feel excited.

However, although he is a martial artist and some realm, he does not want to be a martial artist.

He only wants to fight on the battlefield.

Only the battlefield is the death of the country, why the horse leather shroud?

Therefore, Gong Lanping stayed in the army, hoping to guard the Northern Domain for the Hua Dynasty, and would like to protect the Northern Domain of the Hua Dynasty for the rest of his life.

“Ah…” After listening to Gong Lanping’s explanation, Su Wan showed a pensive expression, with her eyes facing upwards and said as she thought, “That should be the business name of Heavenly Jade Gongxia Elder Xue, right? “

“hmph, actually it has been merged into the business of Heavenly Jade Palace.”

Su Wei interrupted unhappily.

He is a typical emperor. Whatever he likes, he likes what he doesn’t like, so he doesn’t like the and so on type. Qin Yu suppressed Wu Family many times, and Su Wei didn’t like Wu Family, it was that simple.

“In fact, they are still independent of each other.” Gong Lanping explained tentatively.

“Is there a difference?” Su Wei snorted, “The official heard that Xia Family Xia Xue is a generation of outstanding people. Not only did he serve as the deacon Elder of Heavenly Jade Palace, but he was also the one of Heavenly Realm. Zi──Oh, how graceful is it? But it’s such a person who gave the family business that the family has run for a long time! That value is rich and worthy of the country!”

“Brother, you What nonsense!”

It was Su Wan who didn’t expect to sing the opposite. Originally, because of Gong Tianqing’s relationship, he didn’t like Su Wei’s criticism of anyone at Heavenly Jade Palace. At the center of his eyebrows, I wanted to hear what Su Wan said.

“Teacher said, Xia Elder has the foresight.”

“What did the old fart say?”

“Brother, how can you do this? What about being rude to the Teacher?”

Su Wan first rebuked it unhappily, and then said:

“Teacher said that the Xia Family company was stolen from the last time. The trust is lost, and the situation can be stabilized in the end. It is still relying on the name of the “yin and yang carp”. Later, the Xia Family business and Heavenly Jade Palace complement each other, but the reputation of the Xia Family business name that has gone bankrupt is based on the reputation of Heavenly Jade Palace. To make up for its reputation, Heavenly Jade Palace can also benefit from the strength of the Xia Family business and get support in all aspects.”

“Hey, that talent who has fallen behind!”

Su Weiye Fiercely scolded, but it was also evidence that he had no words to refute.

Gong Lanping was bright, and sincerely praised:

“Aunt Su’s Teacher is indeed a bright vision like a torch, and it is so clear.”


“The little girl thanked Gong’s big brother for the Teacher’s praise.” Su Wan got up, Yingying saluted Gong Lanping.

Faced with such a big gift, Gong Lanping didn’t know how to respond. He panicked for a while, and wanted to stand up and respond. It’s not true if he didn’t get up to respond.


“General Xiaogong!”

Someone raised his voice and called Gong Lanping, his voice was a bit solemn.

In this call, there was a faint feeling of bad feeling, and Gong Lanping immediately calmed his mind.

“Gong big brother?” Su Wan cried out in a puzzled way, only in exchange for Gong Lanping’s hand up and beckoning her not to speak yet.

“What’s the matter?”

The expressions of the Zhenbei guards all became solemn, and Su Wei asked nervously after noticing them.

Gong Lanping still doesn’t answer.

He looked towards Zhen Beiwei not far away, lying on a small slope. The Zhenbeiwei was thin, with a big bow on his back, and was nicknamed “The Monkey”. He was a first-class reconnaissance player.

Gong Lanping didn’t walk over, because “Rebuke Monkey” seemed to have discovered a certain situation and was looking at it intently. He didn’t want to disturb.

The Zhenbei guards did not dare to neglect, they were already finishing their equipment.

Someone led the horse, some emptied a weapon, and somebody packed up things. The whole process didn’t need anyone to order, and they proceeded in an orderly manner until it was completed.

“Why, what’s going on?”

When Su Wei saw the atmosphere suddenly become dull, he panicked instantly.

“My elder brother, don’t panic first, believe the big brother Gong, they have experience.”

Su Wan is much more stable, but there is still a strong look in her eyes disturbed. For this girl who just wanted to come out with her brother to meet the world, unfortunately she encountered war, and now she doesn’t know what happened, it really was a misery.

Gong Lanping took a sneak peek, only then found that Su Wan’s face had endured the hardships of a long journey, and the skirt was also stained with sand. She was originally a daughter Eldest Miss, so she shouldn’t have been in this situation.

The scoundrel watched for another twenty seconds.

Then, he suddenly bounced off the boulder, rushed down the slope extremely swiftly, dodged from left to right and avoided the gravel and bushes on the slope perfectly, and returned to the team in the blink of an eye. in.

“Monkey, is there any situation ahead?” Gong Lanping asked directly.

The monkey is nodded and seems to be a taciturn character. He then whispered, his voice a little shrill:

“There is beacon smoke in the direction of Yancheng.”


Gong Lanping and his colleagues Hearing this was shocked and looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other’s eyes. Yancheng is the main city that constitutes the second line of defense. How could there be a fire beacon? Unless there is an attack there, the Ninglan city in front is still built and the first line of defense has not collapsed. Even if it is really broken, from the point of view of time, it is impossible to reach the second line of defense so quickly.

To know the Dao Palace Lanping entire group, but not long after the attack on the front fortress, I left Ninglan City and rushed to this place lightly, even if the northern army is all cavalry, but large-scale operations How could they be faster than Gong Lanping? And Gong Lanping is more familiar with them.

Impossible, this is Gong Lanping’s first thought.

──No, this may be everyone’s first thought.

“Monkey, are you wrong? How could there be a fire beacon in Yancheng…how could it be!” Gong Lanping couldn’t believe it.

If Yancheng is really attacked, the most likely possibility is that the North Army bypassed the first line of defense, inserted straight into the second line of defense, and attacked the second line of defense with lightning speed.

Once the second line of defense is broken, the first line of defense will be surrounded and endangered.

“…not sure, but I did see the fire beacon, the fire beacon is not strong, as if it was pinched out just after it was ignited…just a little bit of smoke.”

The scolding monkey said not quite surely that everyone seemed to find a chance. Some northern guards were obviously sighed in relief, but Gong Lanping still had a facial expression grave.

“Will it just be a fire in the city?” one of Zhen Beiwei asked.

If you scold the monkey to stay silent, it may mean that this probability is not ruled out, or it may be that it silently denies the meaning of this guess. Gong Lanping can’t allow ambiguous answers, which may lead to misjudgment.

Mistake is quite fatal.

“70% sure.” The monkey thought for a while and said.

Gong Lanping rubbed his chin and began to think. How to deal with this? In any case, you should first report the findings back to Ninglan City, and let the Adoptive Father know.

“Rebuking monkeys, are we carrying dark crows?” Gong Lanping asked subconsciously.

Before scolding the monkey to answer, a Zhenbeiwei has already stood up. There is a box around his waist, and the dark crow is staying inside with its wings folded.

“Do you want to send back the news?” He asked quickly, “Don’t check it out first?”

“Well, naturally, you need to check it out, but tell the news first. Ninglan City, it’s best to let them prepare first. Now Ninglan City has to deal with threats from the north. If the enemy really comes later, they will definitely take longer to prepare. We must tell them as soon as possible. They were prepared early.”

There are advantages and disadvantages. Gong Lanping made a judgment between the two options.

“I see.” said the Zhen Beiwei who kept the Dark Crow.

He opened his leather bag and took out paper and charcoal. He spread the paper on his palm and was about to write information on it with a pen──


Another Zhen Beiwei suddenly raised his voice to stop him. .

He frowns half-tilt up into the sky, seeming to have discovered something. His ears are a little bit bigger than ordinary people, and he is an excellent hearing person, I saw him shrug his ears at this moment.

“Anything to find?” Gong Lanping’s expression became serious again.

The town Beiwei didn’t answer, but the scolding monkey consciously ran back to the stone he had just observed, climbed up, and started observing all around again.

“What is going on?” Su Wei finally couldn’t help asking.

When encountering unexpected situations one after another, he seemed quite depressed. If he hadn’t been conscious, he would have asked about the situation a long time ago. It would be a miracle that he could bear this time.

Su Wan on the side also cast an uneasy look at Gong Lanping.

“Yancheng may have been attacked.”

Gong Lanping thought over and over again, and felt that concealment would not help much, so he simply frankly told each other.

Su Wei took a deep breath while Su Wan held her breath. Although they have just listened to the exchanges of a few people, they are instinctively hard to believe, because if what they say is true, the situation is quite serious.

Su Clan siblings are all thinking of luck.

“That’s enough, my God!” Su Wei sat down on the ground, some have no desire to improve.

It’s rare for the high school children to find errands, but the result is only to spread the news, and to appease Gong Jing, and also come to a ghost place like Northern Domain. But anyway, Beiguo hasn’t done much in recent years, so he responded to the matter with the mentality of quickly completing it.

No matter how simple it is, you can add a touch of ink to your official career.

As a result, unexpected situations occurred one after another, and one more serious than one, Su Wei really wanted to scold God for not forgiving himself.

“My elder brother, it’s okay.”

But even if she is equally upset, Su Wan still has the strength to comfort her brother.

Su Wei looked at her silently, and when she saw her strong smile, he suddenly felt that he was too useless. How can you lose to your younger sister? Thinking like this, he patted his cheeks to refresh himself.

didn’t expect ──

The very hearing Zhen Beiwei suddenly fell down and listened carefully with his ears on the ground.

“…There is the sound of horseshoes.” He said after listening for a few seconds.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present immediately froze.

At the same time, the scolding monkey also ran back with a calm face, and said as soon as he said:

“There is a horse team coming over here, and I can’t tell if it is an enemy or a friend. Some distance.”


Gong Lanping couldn’t determine whether the coming was an enemy or a friend, so he could only think about countermeasures in a bad direction. He nodded to his colleagues, beckoning them to prepare as soon as possible.

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