It was night, he actually took a rest early, but the messenger from Imperial Capital arrived overnight and was blocked by the city gate.

As everyone knows, Ninglan City is a military city in the north, and the access control is quite strict. No matter who is the newcomer or even the emperor in person, it is not allowed to enter the city directly during the gate time. .

And this messenger from Imperial Capital, how proud and arrogant the emperor’s envoys are ──generally they are proud and arrogant, because they are more or less bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections ──such The man was blocked in front of the city gate, and was targeted by hundreds of Archers. He was naturally both annoyed and terrified.

This kind of fear often evolves into a feeling of shame, and eventually calls people fly into a rage out of humiliation.

As soon as the fire hits, people will easily lose their minds, and so is this messenger. He even yelled in front of the city gate, saying that he was imperial, so that the soldiers opened the door quickly and ignored The soldiers have repeatedly warned.

Fortunately, the worthy officer here is also considered smooth, cautious, knowing that the identity of the visitor needs to be confirmed, otherwise, for a slightly impulsive colleague, he may have ordered the shooting.

After confirming that this messenger really came from Imperial Capital and was killed by the emperor, the officer sent someone to pass on Gong Jing. It is said that when the soldiers found Gong Jing, he was about to go to bed in his clothes.

“What’s the matter?”

Gong Jing watched the guard walk in slowly and knelt down, then lifted the quilt that hadn’t been warmed, got up, sat on the edge of the bed and asked.

The guard who came in to pass the transcript–the soldier was stopped at the gatehouse–was the guardian of Gong Jing, a war orphan in Ninglan City, and he followed Gong Jing’s surname. , Named Gong Lanping.

Lanping Lanping naturally comes from the meaning of peace in Ninglan City.

It can be proved here how Gong Jing cares about the city he has fought and guarded for half his life, and his expectation is betting on his adopted son. Gong Yue is certainly his most anticipated successor, but Gong Yue is trapped in government affairs and can’t get away, and the bloodline further down is Gong Tianqing alone.

Gong Lanping didn’t disappoint Gong Jing, she was resolute-ugly people can’t be officials-all aspects of military innate talent are gradually revealed under Gong Jing’s teaching. In time, he certainly becomes a capable person.

“Adoptive Father, something happened at the south gate.”

Ning Lanping, wearing an uncommon martial heroism, one-knee kneels on the ground, gave a military salute and answered. He had a strong appearance, a pair of eyes full of heroism, and he was really handsome with a uniform.

“en?” Gong Jing adjusted the collars of his clothes, frowns solemnly asked, “What happened.”

He stood up and walked towards placing his official uniform. Where, prepare to change clothes. Ning Lanping also got up and followed and explained:

“Is the messenger of Imperial Capital.”

“Emperor?” Gong Jing, who had just put on his shirt, was taken aback.

At the same time, he sighed in relief, he thought it would be more serious-something that would endanger the safety of Ninglan City. Gong Lanping came over and helped Gong Jing dress.

“What can happen to the emperor?” Gong Jing was a little tired, and asked without thinking.

But after asking, he reacted.

“Is it stopped by those puppies?” He suddenly became anxious, “Who is on duty tonight?”

“Adoptive Father, don’t worry.” Gong Lan Ping understand Gong Jing’s worry, “It’s Li Yu Sir Li who is guarding the south city gate tonight.”

“It’s Li Yu…”

Gong Jing let out a long sigh. Relaxed.

“Then I will rest assured.”

“Adoptive Father is afraid that the Imperial Capital messenger will be shot?”

Gong Jing nodded, and then sighed :

“It’s a small matter to shoot and kill messengers. The military will not tolerate them bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections. Your Majesty will certainly understand that our group of people who are always nervous, but other Otherwise, people, especially those who stand opposite to you, will definitely seize this opportunity to attack you continuously. Lan Ping, remember that even if you are neutral, it is also hostile in the eyes of some people. It is not a friend or an enemy, because you are It is neutral, but you also occupy some important resources.”

Gong Lanping showed a thoughtful expression.

He has self-knowledge and always accepts teachings humbly, but also not dead-headed, and occasionally feels wrong will be reflected. Gong Jing liked his attitude very much.

“So, why did he come?” Gong Jing asked after getting dressed.

He naturally asked the messenger.

“I don’t know, anyway, I am very arrogant.” Gong Lanping looked unhappy.

They gave up their lives on the front line just to keep the security of their homeland, and those people who are used to enjoying peace at Imperial Capital always look upright when they come here, but he is quite that hate.

Gong Jing sighed:

“Different people are responsible for different things. Without them, we are just fighting alone. Where do our supplies come from? Indeed, some worms exist, but we also You can’t kill all with one stick, understand?”

Gong Lanping put on a respectful expression and answered yes, indicating that he was taught.

“Let’s go, let’s see what Your Majesty is looking for, and if there are mountains of daggers and seas of flames that we need to go there.”

Gong Jing opened a sentence Innocent joke, he pushed the door and walked out. Gong Lanping followed, and the soldiers who came to the order saw the two finally come out, and quickly followed along.

Walking from the place where Gong Jing lived to the south gate of the city, the distance was not short. After Gong Jing and the others got on the carriage, they moved there while talking about the recent movement in the North.

“Adoptive father, there hasn’t been much movement in Northland recently. Although we often use small troops to harass us, there is no army attacking the territory. It is obviously already spring.”

Gong Jing hearing This, without the slightest hesitation, answered:

“This year’s snow melts a little bit slowly. The snow is heavy and the horses are traveling hard. Naturally, the North will not take any action.”

” Ai, it’s a pity that the people don’t understand. A large number of caravans have already set off, and they are not afraid of horse thieves.” Gong Lanping sighed, and said a little angrily, “We’ve been persuading again and again, and the North is still wandering around the Northern Domain. They are not afraid of being robbed by the North…Isn’t this going to give the dowry?”

“The common people also have the suffering of the common people. It has been so over the years, so don’t talk about it again.”

Raising his hands, he took a deep breath of the night air. There was not much dust in the air tonight, but it was a little fresh, which is quite rare in this wilderness.

“The people also have to eat food. Before winter comes, Northland will act like this. We are always impossible to allow them to leave the city for a year?”

In recent years, Northland It took the form of a small group of troops, specifically robbing the caravans from the Hua Dynasty and passing through the Northern Territory, and some civilians living outside the defense line were also robbed by the Northern Forces, so this year, Zhenbei Prefecture has repeatedly warned. People should not go to dangerous places at will.

In view of this, the lives of the people in the previous year were very difficult, especially the business people, and many of them went bankrupt and lived on the streets. But they are more afraid of death than bankruptcy, and life is a bit harder.

On the other hand, according to past practice, Northland will have a large-scale offensive in the early spring.

The reason is the plunder of resources.

Most parts of Northland are bitterly cold. Although the grassland is rich in products, the industry is too single, unlike the Hua Dynasty, the structure is complete, so there are some materials they can only rely on to grab, and just after the cold winter, it is the most material When lacking.

Northern countries often attack the Chinese at this time to snatch some supplies for supplies.

However, after the ban last year, the people really suffered terribly. Seeing that the North Kingdom had been slow to act, they couldn’t help but start to live, and they were not afraid of danger.

For a long time, the sense of crisis becomes numb, which is also such is human nature.

“Does the Imperial Court care about this?”

“Imperial Court is far in the sky, how can I care?” Gong Jing asked, “If the Imperial Court really wants Words may not be a good thing.”

“Adoptive Father can understand this?”

“If the Imperial Court wants to manage, it must consider a question of checks and balances. The Imperial Court will send one Will people close to me come? Obviously not. The Imperial Court will only send some people who disagree with me. By then, we may have to be caught in frequent verbal battles, which will delay countless hours.”

Just one point, Gong Lanping wanted to understand, so he sighed with inferences:

“In this way, Your Majesty believes in the Adoptive Father very much.”

” It is also because the father is firm and neutral, only with Your Majesty at the head, and the threat of the North, so Your Majesty chooses to believe in me, these two elements are indispensable, otherwise the four words of high power will be enough for me to die. It’s been over ten thousand times.” Gong Jing stroked his goatee and smiled hehe.

“Adoptive Father willing?” Gong Lanping asked after a long silence.

This question is a bit rebellious, but Gong Jing didn’t take any more responsibility. He knew that his adopted son was just worrying about that’s all for himself.

“It’s hard to talk about willingness and unwillingness. The king and the ministers have to die. For the father, they don’t know how to govern the country, so they can only fight wars and serve the country… I am good at Your Majesty. But at the same time, they are loyal to the thousands of people in the Chinese dynasty.”

Only after speaking, the soldier driving the car opened the door curtain and told the two of them that they had arrived.

Gong Family father and son got out of the car.

The messenger from Imperial Capital seemed to be settled at the gate of the city gate. Gong Jingyi took the lead in leading Gong Lanping up the stairs leading to the top of the city wall and walked to the gate.

Before reaching the gatehouse, Gong Jing heard the quarrel.

──No, only one person is complaining loudly.

“This officer is the envoy of Your Majesty. You soldiers don’t understand the rules, so why put the officer here?”

It seems this envoy The adults are extremely dissatisfied.

Gong Jing rubbed his forehead and quickened his pace. He didn’t want the envoy to report to Qin Yu when he returned to Beijing. Of course, Qin Yu shouldn’t believe it, but when those ministers caught the opportunity, they played again.

Gong Jing has guarded the Northern Domain for a long time and has great prestige. He sits on hundreds of thousands of soldiers, just like the king of a country of China.

Those ministers naturally worried that Gong Jing might be too strong.

At the same time, this also means that Gong Jing is also easy to lose the trust of the emperor, because Qin Yu is a suspicious person. He can let Gong Jing act on his own for such a long time and is also thinking of his loyalty. The loyalty of his family, and the threat of the Northland.

The last point is especially important.

If Gong Jing is no longer needed, he will definitely be suppressed. Imperial Capital has never been sympathetic. Only by being truly ruthless can they be fair and just and see the best decisions.

Well, a country can’t rely on feelings to operate, and some bad methods are also necessary.

Because the world has never had only one side of light, light and darkness are two sides of the same body, and they are closely linked. The same is true of the world, with good and evil.

“What’s the situation?”

Gong Lanping opened the door of the gatehouse for Gong Jing first, and Gong Jing drove straight forward, the pace was so powerful that a gust of wind was blowing. The power of Dragon-Tiger. Naturally, he did it deliberately, and there was some heavenly atmosphere in it.

The youngster who was sitting in the first place on the left side of the entrance hall was taken aback.

He is probably the so-called ambassador. He is quite young. He may be a royal nobleman or the child of some Great Family. He looks proud and arrogant.

While observing, Gong Jing walked to the main seat and sat down, and Gong Lanping settled beside him with a blank expression.

“cough cough…” The young imperial envoy quickly eased over, and did not know where the courage came from. He stared at Gong Jing dissatisfiedly, “Master Gong is such a powerful official. The emissaries from Imperial Capital are hanging out. The good soldiers brought by Master Gong are also extraordinary. They block the emissaries from Imperial Capital outside the city gate and aim them with bows and arrows.”

Young The imperial envoy was really angry.

Also, whoever walks unhindered in Imperial Capital has ever hit such a big iron plate?

“Where is the ambassador.” Gong Jing didn’t smile. He just couldn’t smile at this kind of person. “The ambassador is a young and talented person, but who is the relative of a high-ranking official?”

“hmph, count your interest.”

I don’t know where the satisfaction came from, the young imperial envoy showed a proud expression, probably because Gong Jing said he was family elder Is it a noble person?

But he couldn’t recognize Gong Jing’s suggestion that he was just taking advantage of his father’s shadow to become an official.

“The official surnamed Su Mingwei, and his father is Su Jie, the military minister.”

The young imperial envoy immediately revealed his family status, as if he would be respected in this way.

Gong Lanping thought, Shangshu of the Ministry of War is still Gong Jing’s own son! How dare you, a trifling, the son of the Minister of War, dare to run wild here? He was irritated.

Unexpectedly, Gong Jing actually lost self-control with a shocked expression.

Adoptive Father? Gong Lanping thought that there must be something wrong. His adoptive father was definitely not a person who would bow to the powerful, because that was one of his footholds.

“The Minister of War Su Jie?” Gong Jing frowned. It was from Second Prince. “Isn’t the Minister of War, Lord Luo Hui?”

“This is the book The official’s intention.” Su Wei suddenly fooled Profound Void.


Gong Jing knew that he needed to satisfy the other party’s desire for expression, so he put on an expression of interest and gestured Su Wei with his eyes to say quickly, but the other party just Gu left and right said to him:

“Hey, I came to a place where birds don’t lay eggs, and I don’t say that I would give a cup of tea to the official he he.”

He also deliberately shaken off the fold, supercilious. Gong Jing was eager to learn about the changes in the Ministry of War, and did not care about him, and even prevented Gong Lanping from stepping forward in anger.

As a result, some people still don’t vomit:

“Brother, Gong Family is three generations of loyal loyalists. How can you speak and act like this? You are so demeaned!”


The speaker turned out to be the young girl standing behind Su Wei.

The girl is about eight years old. She is quite young, wearing a gorgeous dress, but the dress is tailored by the maid.

Generally speaking, the maids in rich people’s homes are also superior. It makes sense to hit a dog to see the owner. So even if the girl is dressed gorgeously, depending on the style of the dress, both Gong Jing and Gong Lanping think It’s just that the children of high-class families go out, and they have to bring maids to solve various needs that’s all.

But that “brother” proved that this girl is probably not an ordinary maid so simple.

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