I still remember the time when the cold wind was piercing–

The ground was covered with wind and snow, and the road ahead was covered by snow. The girl didn’t know how long she had been walking, nor did she know How long can I persist before I can find warmth.

She doesn’t need much, as long as she can chill her feet that are already purple with cold. She really doesn’t need much, as long as she can warm her fingertips with frost.

She just wants to live, no more.

Why did you fall into such a situation? The girl felt a little funny when she thought about it.

──It’s really angry and funny.

My parents were driving the sheep, but suddenly there was a heavy snowstorm. When they were distracted to take care of the sheep, they left the girl behind, and did not realize that the girl had been lost.

Of course, they must have found that the girl is missing now, and perhaps they have organized a man to find the girl, but the girl does not know if they can live until they find themselves.

Because it has been three days.

In the wind and snow, the girl can’t recognize the direction, but the wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger. She can’t stay where she is waiting for her parents to find him, because he will probably be frozen to death before then.

She had to find a place to keep warm, but finally found a cave to hide in. She slept in a thick woolen coat all night, but lost her way.

She can only survive on the dry food and water she carries with her.

“This is not the way to go on…”

The second night when she curled up in the cave, the girl murmured to herself like this while hugging her knees. She decides that she must not be able to get out, and she can’t just hope her parents find herself. Well, she is strong enough.

So, on the morning of the third day, she embarked on the journey.

I don’t know if I feel pity for her. Today’s blizzard has weakened a bit, which is not too bitter. It may be because of her practice of martial arts since she was a child, her physique is better than the average person, which is also an important capital to support her persistence to this day.

If she can no longer find a place to live and replenish food and water, even if she does not freeze to death, she will starve to death.

But how far is the road?


The girl walked panting hu hu, her legs and feet were already frozen and numb, she was able to move on, all with perseverance, Even if the footsteps sway again, she is still moving forward.

She was thinking that she would really pass away and become a corpse, and perhaps she would continue to move forward like this-on the snowy road with no end in sight.

After walking another distance, the girl was suddenly gone.

She just looked ahead, not paying attention to her footsteps, and stepped on a small slope outside.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) She didn’t roll for long, but it was not fortunate, because she stopped because she hit a boulder.

The impact of her hitting the rock is definitely not light.

She didn’t know where she hit, but she felt pain all over. My feet hurt, my hands hurt, my head hurts. She couldn’t stand up anymore and could only lie in the snow. As long as the tight string is loosened, it is not easy to tighten it again.

The falling snow has weakened again.

“…a step slower.”

The girl smiled bitterly, her body feeling quite numb. If God’s pity can take one step in the morning, she might still have a chance.

But she can’t stand up anymore.

She didn’t know where she hit the collision just now. She felt as if she had a broken bone, but she was really not sure when she was frozen.

Well, the eleven-year-old girl really doesn’t know if she can hold on.

Her consciousness gradually weakened, the cold of ice and snow has penetrated into her body, and the growing weakness will soon swallow her. If there is no accident, she will go to die here soon, and then be buried by the wind and snow, and she does not know how long it will be to be discovered.

──If there are no accidents, then amidine

Just as the girl’s consciousness gradually sinks and she wanders into a coma, there is suddenly a shallow, muffled sound of treading snow.

Father and mother? The girl’s eyes were sharply bright, her body gushing out from the sudden hope, and she staggered her body.

At the same time, a huge shadow overwhelmed her.

The girl suddenly showed a desperate expression when she saw the visitor. How could this happen? Her heart is ashamed.

The owner of the footsteps is not human at all.

Standing in front of the girl, looking at her condescendingly, is a pure white ominous beast.

The huge mouth is filled with heat, as if it can melt snow, the body is covered with bright, shiny hair, each hair is like a white sword, the pair of vertical holes are sharp It is even more daunting and fearful.

It is a white wolf.

The girl had seen a wolf before, but it was the first time she saw such a huge wolf in front of her. The wolf is too big, too huge.

It is taller than an adult, and the length is two people long.

The girl has never seen such a huge wolf.

──Even in the entire world, people who have ever seen such a huge wolf must be counted on one’s fingers.

But at this time, the girl’s thoughts suddenly drifted away. Her thoughts were already relatively swirling. She likes to think left and right, and all kinds of like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. Thinking, and she was thinking right now:

How can such a huge body make Taxue silent?

The wolf staring at her seemed to perceive the girl’s strange thoughts, and tilted his head for unknown reasons. Its behavior is too humane, but the girl didn’t notice it.

I observed the girl for a while, until the girl’s breath was so weak that it was almost imperceptible, and his eyes were dim, then it retracted its sight and started the next step.

White Wolf lowered his body, pushed the girl with his mouth, and turned her over.

It then bit the back collar of the girl’s dress and lifted her up. With its head raised, it threw the girl up and onto its back. Its technique is quite superb, and the girl adjusts its posture as soon as she has it on her back.

“Don’t…this…make me…”

The girl complained vaguely, but was shocked by the warmth of White Wolf’s body, which made her hug a little tighter subconsciously , Sinking into that hair, trying to absorb more warmth.

For an instant, White Wolf showed helpless eyes.

It then took its steps and walked silently on the snow, gradually disappearing its silhouette in the wind and snow, and its footprints were quickly wiped out under the wind and snow. , As if never came, never appeared.


Ninglan City, the main city where Zhenbei Prefecture is stationed.

Although it hasn’t completely entered the night, most of the lights are already out. In this remote and cold place, facing a lot of wind and sand, soldiers usually rest early.

Tonight is no exception.

However, the main reason is not the lack of entertainment.

Since the army is stationed, there is a population, and there is naturally a need, so this remote and sparsely populated city is also lively because of the army. The merchant brought many things for the army to use, even Fengyue Alley.

The pressure accumulated in long-term combat still needs to be vented in time. Therefore, although the military regulations clearly prohibit certain things, Gong Jing only keeps his eyes open and closes his eyes. Without these pressure relief channels, strong pressure is enough to crush any experienced soldier.

The reason why soldiers rest relatively early is that they can’t rest well.

Zhenbei Mansion has been stationed at the forefront of Northern Domain for a long time.

Among the four existing towns in the Hua Dynasty, Zhendong Mansion is responsible for responding to threats from the Eastern Sea, mainly navy forces, while Zhenxi Mansion is more of infantry and field soldiers in mountain warfare. Zhennan The same is true for the government. Only the Zhenbei Prefecture is dominated by cavalry. Almost all the horses in the Hua Dynasty were used by the Zhenbei Prefecture.

this can be considered according to local conditions.

The threat of the Northern Domain mainly comes from the North. Everyone in the North is a soldier, and the grassland people have enough horses. The cavalry army in the North has become a nightmare in the hearts of other countries.

Zhenbei Mansion has a deep understanding of this.

Since its establishment, it was to resist the army of the North Kingdom. Zhenbei Mansion is also mainly composed of cavalry. Every soldier has been experienced in the long-term confrontation with the North Kingdom. What they are most sensitive to is the sound of the horses of the North Kingdom cavalry.

As long as they hear the sound of horseshoes, they usually become alert immediately. Whether it is day or night, they will not relax until the news that there is nothing wrong.

Is this not a curse?

Even some soldiers who have returned from Zhenbei Prefecture to other places, or have retired, will be very sensitive to the sound of horseshoes throughout their lives. The sound of horseshoes in the North can be said to accompany them throughout their lives.

As the governor of Zhenbei Prefecture, the Great General Gongjing of Zhenbei also has the same problem, even more serious than ordinary soldiers. The soldiers can relax, but as the head of the army, Gong Jing cannot.

However, he usually rests late.

With the support of the realm of the realm of heaven, this famous Chinese dynasty and awe-inspiring star does not need to rest long every day. Of course, this only refers to physical problems, if it is mental, it is not known.

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