“Lost technology.” Bai Ze’s comment on this is only six words of trifling.

She let out a long sigh, and muttered subconsciously:

“Even if Mo Weiyang personally performs the knife, Yuyao will design and streamline the technique. It may not be able to complete half of the sphere in front of him.”


Shui Yuner stopped speechless.

The wonder in her heart is still not cleared, she has to agree with Bai Ze’s statement.

She has been involved in techniques and organ techniques, so she knows exactly how much technology the sphere in front of her has. To make such a sphere, I am afraid that the technology has very high technical difficulty.

“What are you going to do?” Bai Ze just exclaimed, not at all obsessed with the ingenious workmanship of the sphere construction, “Do you know how to manipulate it?” She cut to the topic.

“I don’t understand.”

Shui Yun’er shook the head and walked around the table-shaped altar that was hung with a ball.

“But there are some things, as long as they are destroyed…”

Shui Yuner, who said this sentence, kept walking around the altar. , Seems to be looking for a place to start.

“Are you going to destroy the Dragon Court?” Bai Ze’s heart jumped sharply, and he pressed his voice to ask, “Destroying the Dragon Court is equivalent to destroying the national fortune of the Hua Dynasty. You really want to do this “


Shui Yun’er was silent for a while, then sighed and replied:

“What is Baize Senior talking about? I’m looking for Yuyao’s technique attached to it.”

“Is that so?” Bai Ze was obviously sighed in relief.

It’s a big deal, and she can’t predict what kind of turbulence will bring about destroying the Dragon Court.

Yes, although Longting itself is a kind of transformation, it achieves itself by sacrificing others, but it does have indelible achievements and it is also the key to the long-term stability of Hua Dynasty.

Who can easily decide to destroy such an important foundation?

Who can easily bear the series of consequences caused by the destruction of the Dragon Court? The country is broken, mountains and rivers collapsed, and corpses are everywhere. Who can bear all this? Bai Ze admitted that he did not have that qualification.

But Shui Yun’er might have it.

be that as it may, for her, it must be quite heavy and difficult.

“Found it.”

Shui Yuner suddenly raised her voice with joy.

She was squatting at the back of the altar. Bai Ze walked around and took a look. She did see a spider web-like thread cloth on the altar, concealing the original Totem and lines above it. It’s like the altar has been corroded.

“…There is Formation on it for protection.”

After observing silently for a while, Bai Ze found something.

Shui Yuner nodded and agreed. Although she can’t tell the existence of Formation too much, how can there be no protective measures for such an important technique? What she wants to think about is how to destroy this technique.

Thinking left and right, Shui Yun’er felt that if he used his own ability, even if he used a horizontal knife to cut the art, he should not be able to break through the Formation. No, even if he breaks through the Formation, his own power Maybe it can’t hurt the technique itself.

Some techniques themselves have a certain strength and cannot be easily destroyed.

For the sake of safety, Shui Yuner took out a black magic charm from his arms. The lines engraved on the magic talisman are also extremely complex, and the majestic Spiritual Qi contained in it can be felt just by visual inspection.

“…Tian Lei?” Bai Ze’s expression was different, and he seemed to feel a little scared.

“Well, this is the Sky Thunder Talisman the little Master gave me when I am in a hurry.” Shui Yun’er held the talisman cautiously, as if carrying something dangerous, she smiled bitterly Say, “I’m still in the trial, I don’t know how much formidable power can be used.”

“Thunder may break ten thousand laws, but the formidable power is huge. If it accidentally affects the core of Longting ……”

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes and raised a warning.

“It’s okay.” Shui Yuner was quite sure.

“Are you sure?”

“Uh…not so much as sure, as I say…”

Shui Yun’er’s face is a little weird and his eyes wandering Up. Halfway through the conversation, her conversation turned sharply:

“Baize Senior, don’t worry. I won’t make fun of Imperial Capital or even Hua Chao’s lifeline.”

“…” Bai Ze was suspicious.

This is the end of the matter, and there is nothing left to say, she thought to herself, and decided to close her mouth.

“Baize Senior, your realm can penetrate Formation, right?”

Shui Yuner realized that Baize had given up on studying, so she asked for help.

Shirasawa sighed, “hmph…well, okay.”

Being reduced to a tool-like auxiliary role, she is more or less unhappy, but not naive To care about everything.

After Shui Yuner said thank you, Bai Ze drove his lantern again to approached the altar.

Sure enough, there is the existence of Formation. Under the light of the light, a semi-transparent dome is faintly discernible, and under the light of the light, it becomes quite unstable, as if multiple holes have been poked. The same paper, there are many gaps.

Shui Yun’er took the talisman paper, cautiously pasted it on the pattern of the technique from the biggest gap.

“Tian Lei──Broken!”

Shui Yun’er put two fingers together, pointed at the magic charm, and then lightly read the incantion to activate the magic charm.

In the next instant, the black talisman revealed a blue light.

──White light flashes.

The white lightning flashed like a flower fire is fleeting, but it overflows with terrifying power. Wherever Lightning went, the Spiritual Qi who was originally wandering through the technique was all disrupted.


With a muffled sound, a small explosion occurred during the operation, and the operation stopped.

“Okay?” Bai Ze widened his eyes in disbelief.

“It should be all right.”

Shui Yun’er answered not quite sure.

After listening, Bai Ze fell into a long silence. The sky thunder just now was indeed a sky thunder, but the scale was too small, just like throwing a small pebble onto the surface of a calm lake, causing very small ripples.

Maybe if you collide with a sword casually, the spark will be larger than the lightning.

“It seems that Sue Kirin still has a long way to go to improve the Sky Thunder Talisman.”

Bai Ze sighed, looking unbearable.

The Formation of the protection technique also disappeared, so Bai Ze retracted the lantern. Where the altar technique was destroyed, there was a faint smell of scorching, presumably the stone is small, but it is more than enough to destroy the calm lake surface, just like the small electric light just now, the extremely sophisticated technique has been destroyed.

“The little Master is afraid that the formidable power will be too large and the surgeon will be accidentally injured. This is a very dangerous technique, so I can only lower the formidable power as much as possible.”

Yun’er just explained.

Bai Ze just spied on the spontaneously burning Sky Thunder Talisman with strange eyes, feeling a little scared inexplicably.

So little formidable power is enough to destroy Yuyao’s extremely sophisticated and huge formidable power technique. It is not difficult for Bai Ze to understand why a thousand years ago, Zhang Nianzhi, with the palm of the thunder, could stand alone in the world Up.

“Since it’s finished, let’s go.”

Bai Ze stopped thinking too much, abandoning this sentence, turned around and walked to the door. Shui Yun’er stayed for a while before realizing that without Bai Ze, he would be trapped here, so he hurriedly followed up.

“By the way, Shui Yun’er.”


Bai Ze stopped suddenly, and then Shui Yun’er couldn’t react at a speed. Wave the long-handled lantern in your hand.

I don’t know what ingenious technique the other party used, the lantern and Shui Yuner’s smooth forehead came into an intimate and intense contact. The bone pain is not broken, but the pain is severe. Shui Yun’er burst into tears at the corner of her eyes, squatting down to cover the red spot.

“Woo…it hurts…” Shui Yun’er looked at Bai Ze with tears and weak eyes.

“You made me unhappy.”

Bai Ze didn’t even look at Shui Yun’er, and even left a sentence ruthlessly:

“You If you don’t leave, I will leave you behind.”

After she finished speaking, she really walked forward, and Shui Yun’er had to reluctantly follow.

“It’s so stingy…” she murmured.


After Cang’s spiritual core touched the red jade lotus, it immediately disappeared as if it had penetrated in.

With the absorption of the blue spiritual core and divine nature, the red lotus rays of light flashed more densely and quickly, just as people’s heartbeat speeds up.

The power conceived in it is getting stronger and stronger, and something seems to be breaking out of it.

“…Master Nianzhi, it’s almost here, can you hear me?”

Yu Yao said in mourning, with a strange blush on her cheeks, like depression With extreme excitement. The vision of the millennium will soon be realized, and everyone will be excited.

She even became short of breath, almost breathless.

“…Yuyao, I thought you just wanted to revitalize Taoism…Do you know what you are doing now? If this goes on, Imperial Capital will become a funerary, and you will contaminate Zhang Heavenly Master Is your name?”

Sue Kirin said hard.

She, Qi Qiqi and Mo Lele are all in the bondage of countless thorns. Those thorns are tightened and the spikes are deeply embedded in their flesh and blood. They are already covered with stab wounds. And the more you struggle with the thorns, the tighter it becomes.

Rao is the existence of two Grandmasters, and in front of Yu Yao, he still becomes a fish to be slaughtered.

In this competition of pure strength and longing will, Yuyao spent thousands of years calculating everything, predicting everything, and focusing on the only goal. Her will surpassed between Heaven and Earth. Sheer power.

Sue Kirin, Mo Lele, and even Beiming Youyu couldn’t stop her.

Her steps are so strong and powerful, and she doesn’t know how many helpless and lonely days and nights last, Yu Yao’s heart is really as strong as steel.

“They are living in the grace and guilt of Master Nianzhi. It is Long Ting who absorbs the spirituality of those victims. It has been used to nurture this city that has never been lost for thousands of years. Since living by others In the rich soil created, there must also be the consciousness to become the nourishment of the rich soil.”

Yu Yao coldly looked down on the ground of the square, and was bound to be unable to move even a little bit. People, the voice has no emotion.

“What the hell are you talking about!” Sue Kirin fiercely gritted his teeth, “They don’t know it, it’s all forced by you, how can you say you want to take it back? It’s ridiculous!”

“Yuyao Senior, you are killing the same kind, this is absolutely impossible!”

Qi Qiqi also shouted aloud.

She couldn’t imagine how far the foundation of the Hua Dynasty would be shaken if Imperial Capital became a ghost town overnight.

Since the Bharatiya incident, the Western Regions, Northland, and Bharatiya are all beginning to stir. If the Imperial Capital of Hua Dynasty is in trouble at this moment, then the loss of China’s Imperial Capital is definitely not nearly one million of Imperial Capital’s people.

The flames of war will inevitably burn throughout the entire Chinese dynasty after that.

“As long as the Dragon Court is still a day, the Hua Dynasty will not fall.”

Yu Yao’s answer is simple.

But after a moment of silence, she couldn’t help but faintly speak again, with a hint of hatred.

“You and others have never lacked the history of killing the same kind, and your hands are also covered with blood. The number of lives is no longer relevant. Killing one is killing, killing a hundred is also killing, then I What about killing the entire Imperial Capital? No matter how beautiful the words are, you can’t go to whitewash the essence of this World.”

paused, Yu Yao’s eyes are closed, and sad ripples appear on his face.

“It has always been like this, everything in this World is often a transfer.”

Sue Kirin was speechless for a while, knowing that she was right. The world means that everything in the world is a transfer, a pure transfer-the transfer of resources, the transfer of happiness.

Yuyao continues:

“From others to others, people often achieve success by plundering, killing, and sacrificing others. I just follow this World to That’s all.”

Yu Yao was suddenly excited, and his voice finally fluctuated:

“This World only gave me something precious. Master Nianzhi is my world. , I just took back what I should have that’s all. You have too many things, and I only have him, why are you still qualified to make irresponsible remarks here?”

The body is also tense, as if resisting something invisible.

Will she be resisting the world and fate? Sue Kirin was not sure, but suddenly felt that the woman in front of her was actually more pitiful and sad than anyone else.

There are many beautiful things in the world, but some people just see one and cling to it.

That is probably because of the existence of unique and unmatched.

Sue Kirin wants to go deeper, in fact, he is also such a person, and what about Mo Lele, Beiming Youyu and Qi Qiqi? However, she also thought that they must be able to find other light after losing the most precious thing, and also survived this way.

Qi Qiqi lost her father, Beiming Youyu lost her lover, and Mo Lele also lost her master.

But they still survived.

Unlike them, Yuyao has never looked at the world. She got a bit of a horn, but is this wrong? Want to find your most precious things, what is wrong? Perhaps the fault lies in the fact that the world is never gentle, and always likes to use fate to tease the world.

The strongest weapon is Life and Death.

The boundary between life and death is the deepest gap in the world, and Yuyao is trying to cross this gap and subvert the value of life and death. It is precisely because of life and death and cause and effect that everything in this world becomes meaningful-she is about to destroy this endless, reincarnation value.

“You don’t understand, you don’t understand the feeling of being abandoned by the entire world, and you don’t understand the fact of seeing the light for the first time and wanting to hold fast for a lifetime.”

Yuyao’s words and deeds all contempt life and death. She is selfish to the extreme, and the self and Zhang Nianzhi in the world she strives to defend.

Damn it!

Sue Kirin bit his lower lip and his knuckles turned white with so much force.

She also hates life and death. She exists here precisely to save her niece’s life. She is also willing to give everything for the happiness of her cherished people.

Because she has this will, she suddenly lost her position to scold Yuyao.

The essence between the two is the same, the only difference is the notion that they are willing to sacrifice others-no, they have sacrificed others.

So, what’s the difference?

Hurt the innocent?

In front of Yuyao’s will, even right and wrong became pale and weak.

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