The dark door appeared in front of you.

Shui Yun’er and Bai Ze went deep along the walkway for a long time, but they came to the end after all. There is a door of ordinary size at the end, and the width is quite difficult even for two people to pass.

It’s that on this unremarkable door, there is still a mural painted on it.

What it portrays is the scene of blood flowing into a river between the opposing armies.

And in the sea of ​​blood that piled up like a mountain of corpses–in the middle of the two armies, a man stood up holding a banner, standing on a high place, as if he was announcing or calling something.

Bai Ze recognizes the man who has been portrayed very importantly and is a bit glaring.

That was the place full of statues when she entered the Dragon Court, the founding monarch of the Hua Dynasty. Well, the founder of the Hua Dynasty stood on top of a pile of corpses, just right in response to the phrase “a great accomplishment is accomplished.”


Bai Ze let out such a sigh.


Bai Ze’s voice was a bit small, Shui Yun’er heard it not quite clear, thinking she had discovered something, so she had this rhetorical question.

“Generally, the victors will erase their stains as much as possible, but the ancestors of the Chinese dynasty left such murals in such a core area, the meaning of which is quite obvious. Isn’t it interesting? Is it?”


After listening, Shui Yuner realized the existence of the mural, and now he cast his sight there. But she didn’t express any opinions, and in the frowning willow eyebrows, she didn’t know what kind of emotion it contained.

Bai Ze peered sideways at her profile.

“Yes, I’m still hiding it.”

Looking away from the mural, Shui Yuner fumbled for the door, looking for the switch, and lightly gave out Her answer.

“But it is enough to prove that he is a little self-aware.”

“How many people can enter here?” Shui Yuner questioned the sincerity of the ancestors of the Hua Dynasty .

“As the founder of the nation, even if he has any guilt, he can only hide. But some people will not even hide because he will not have any guilt at all.”

Bai Ze spoke calmly, Shui Yun’er sighed heavily, and turned around impatiently and asked: “What’s the point of discussing this issue?”

Shrugged, seemingly unhappy, replied:

“hmph, I just sighed, but you have an inexplicable dislike for this matter – or the Imperial Family itself, so I am more I said a few words. Yes, this question may not make sense, but to you, it doesn’t seem to be meaningless.”

“…What’s the point?” Shui Yuner’s voice pressed It’s very thin and a bit cold.

“Only you know.”

Bai Ze is playing a word game again, and her meaning can have multiple explanations.

Shui Yuner was speechless, no longer facing Bai Ze directly, and refocused his gaze on the door. She originally intended to find the mechanism to open the door, but her eyes couldn’t help being taken away by the mural on the door panel.

The Hua Dynasty was built on countless sacrifices.

But at the same time, it was the sacrifice of countless people that made the Hua Dynasty.

Shui Yun’er doesn’t know whether these sacrifices were sacrificed, or whether these people have lofty ideas in their hearts and sacrifice themselves to achieve the Hua Dynasty. If there are different interpretations of the same problem, it will bring different feelings. Shui Yun’er is not qualified to try to understand these people and things thousands of years ago, and he can’t make judgments.

I really don’t want to stay here…

Shui Yun’er thought, trying to sweep the messy thoughts aside as much as possible, focusing on the action of opening the door now.

She knew that the core of Longting was behind the door.

Although she doesn’t know the situation outside, Shui Yun’er has a vague premonition and feels that Yuyao will surely succeed in this situation. She wants to stop Yuyao, but this is not to continue the existence of Imperial Court and Imperial Capital. She is attached to the Imperial Capital, the group of innocent people.

Shui Yun’er hates the Imperial Court, but she can’t watch the imperial capital people’s burial coldly, otherwise, what kind of face does she have to face those who are kind to herself in Yellow Springs?

Her biological father once told her the secret of Longting.

At that time, she was still young, but this memory was still fresh, because that was the last time she saw her biological father.

After groping for a while, Shui Yuner finally found the mechanism.

She spent some time to dissolve the extremely complicated mechanism, and then there was the sound of mechanism gears in her ears, and the pair of doors that were neither too big nor too small were driven by the mechanism. After that, the door panel was divided into two sides and slowly disappeared to both sides.

What then appeared in front of the two of them was darkness.

I took a closer look and found that this room was full of thorns—criss-crossed thorns.

Among the thorns, Shui Yuner can see a ray of light penetrating through. That should be her destination this time. However, there are countless thorns and obstacles between her and the target.

Clearing these thorns is obviously not easy. Even if Shui Yun’er doesn’t think about it, she knows who arranged the thorns. Yuyao’s thorns are not much special at first glance, but they are as solid as steel. Even if she holds a sharp horizontal knife in her hand, it still takes a lot of time to remove them.

Moreover, as long as Shui Yun’er moves his knife to cut off the thorns, Yu Yao should be aware of it.

She didn’t dare to move.


“Senior Shirasawa, can you use Yellow Springs lights to take me in?”

The existence of Bai Ze has become crucial A little bit.

Shui Yun’er will allow Bai Ze to follow her, listening to her wordy talk about a lot of things, but looking forward to her mobility ── her realm can be in a certain The place comes in handy.

For example, now.

“It seems that I must be in order to pay for my nosy. It’s really unpleasant.”

Bai Ze sighed, it seems to be seen through Shui Yun’er had already set an attempt.

She didn’t refuse Shui Yuner’s request, she walked forward, picked up the lantern and faced the direction in the door. In an instant, a zone circled by the firelight appeared strangely under Bai Ze’s feet. Looking at the scope and size, it was just enough for Shui Yun’er to stand in.

“Stand in.”

Shui Yun’er stood in according to words, the fire did not outline her shadow, which was quite magical.

“Follow up, if we get stuck in the middle, it will be enough for us.”

Shirasawa tentatively told him to pay, and then stepped into the room. She acted suddenly, and Shui Yun’er almost didn’t keep up.

The two walked side by side, easily passing through the thorns that should have physicality.

That kind of experience is magical. At the beginning, Shui Yun’er even reached out to touch the thorns instinctively, but within the scope of the fire, her hand passed through without hindrance.

While she was stunned by this, her hand instinctively went to block the thorns on the way.

The room is bigger than expected.

Shui Yuner and Bai Ze walked a little more than one minute before they came to the end.

In the bush of thorns, in the center of the room, there is something horizontally like a table, on which is hung a light bulb like a jade stone. On the ball, there are very complicated lines depicted, densely packed, as dense as an ant’s nest.

More importantly, not only the surface.

The interior of this sphere is vaguely visible as dense loops as bloodlines. Shui Yuner has never seen such a complicated spirituality composition.

“…It’s so ingenious.”

Unable to help, Shui Yuner exclaimed.

Her cheeks reflected the light of the spherical object, half floating between the light and shadow, and a pair of eyes were fixed, as if they were hooked, unable to look away from there.

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