“Yes, but in the study.” He replied not optimistically.

“Where is the study?”

“It is a few feet away from the north of the mansion, opposite to here.”

“…I said you guys Why is it okay to build the mansion so big?” Xia Xue cursed in a low voice unreasonably.


Gong Yue was silent.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Xia Xue’s attitude, he also knew that the other party was staying for him, all based on moral considerations, she could leave regardless of her life or death. He also cannot tell good from bad.

“You cannot stay here for a long time.” Gong Yue said.

Xia Xue knew this naturally, she didn’t need Gong Yue’s reminder at all, she let out a heavy breath, and then──

the window was knocked open from the outside──not just one Place.

The assassin found their location and immediately organized an offensive and rushed in.

Xia Xueqiang boosted her breath and fought back with a sword. She had some habit of fighting with invisible people, and an assassin quickly emerged. Being penetrated through the heart, he became the first victim of this offensive.

However, Xia Xue’s strength was a bit unsustainable.

A dagger stabbed from the back. When Xia Xue tried to move aside and get out of the way, her figure was a little slow, and there was a blood mark not too deep on her waist.

“Fuck you, do you know how much this Miss’s clothes are worth?”

Xia Xue backhanded back, killing the opponent with a sword, but someone fell from the sky. to. She could only roll forward in embarrassment to avoid the violent stab. The unsuccessful assassin’s dagger sank deep into the floor, and he immediately let go and withdrew, but still failed to escape Xia Xue’s kick.

The skeleton screamed and the assassin’s ribs were broken and fell.

Suddenly, a loud noise blasted from the sky, like a meteor falling into a rock.


Xia Xue only felt a dull pain from the eardrum, and she was thrown into the air, her vision turned around, and the room was filled with flames──plugged up. .

When she landed, Xia Xue was held down by the collapsed rubble and the beams folded into several sections.

“Miss Xia!”

Located farther away from the center of strikes, Gong Yue just turned the table and shoulders in time to block the blast and barely avoided disaster. He rushed to the side of Xia Xue and pulled her out of being suppressed by the heavy object.

There was a fire on Xia Xue’s clothes, Gong Yue immediately took off her robe and helped her put out the fire with a sweeping motion.

However, the effect is limited.

Fortunately, Xia Xue did not pass out of a coma. She directly ran Spiritual Qi out of the body to disperse the flames on her body. At the same time, she also used Spiritual Qi to disperse the flame aftermath.

The room they were in was almost completely destroyed.

Xia Xue, who was injured in many places, almost became a blood man, but she still supported her body and got up, pushing Gong Yue:



Gong Yue didn’t reply, but instead set up Xia Xue’s arm to prevent her from falling. A real man does something and does something, how can a girl’s family be left alone here? Gong Yue used actions to prove that he was still a man.


Xia Xue cursed unhappily. Why is this man so stubborn?

In the unfortunate fortune, the assassins were also affected by the shell from the strikes room. You can see a lot of residual limbs mixed in the rubble of the house.

“hmph, really human life as grass.”

Xia Xue glanced at the wreckage coldly.

With the help of Gong Yue, she walked slowly outside the house.

“It has always been like this.” Gong Yue replied quietly, “In the eyes of some people, life is just the black number.”

“The same is true for you?”

“…It will gradually become numb.” Facing Xia Xue’s sharp question, Gong Yue sighed, “Miss Xia, have you ever been different? There is no difference between one and a hundred.”

Xia Xue instinctively wanted to refute, but she became dumb for a while.

However, the silence between the two is destined to not last long.

There was another sound like thunder.

“Hide over there!” Xia Xue pointed out amidst the chaos, pointing to a well in the yard.

The more Gong had no time to think, he jumped over there. The two of them passed through the well and landed in their mouths like precision-thrown heads. As the water filled their noses, they faintly heard the sound of shells.

In the water, that explosion became extremely dull.

Looking toward the water, you can see a fiery red, and the red floats and sinks, like a floating light.

Xia Xuehe Gongyue did not come out of the water immediately, but waited for the aftermath of the explosion to pass. The former thought to himself that Gong Yue was right, and there was indeed some arrangement outside, but he even dared to use artillery in the Imperial Capital, fish in troubled waters, then the Second Prince must win.

Now that other forces outside of the Gong Family cannot act, Gongyue’s situation will only become more and more dangerous.

Do you want to use that amulet?

Xia Xue remembered that she still had something behind in her arms. Although it is not certain that Sue Kirin personally put the talisman in her arms, she can only stake all on one throw.

The problem is that she is not sure what situation Sue Kirin is in.

Once the talisman is broken, Sue Kirin will definitely receive news that she is in danger, and if it distracts her, it may also put her in danger.

For a time, Xia Xue couldn’t make a choice.

The aftermath of the explosion seems to have passed. Gong Yue took the lead in poking out her head, and Xia Xue also threw away her thoughts, temporarily put aside her next plan, and poked her head out.

Presumably, there will be a third wave bombardment soon.

“Master Gong, we can’t stay here.”

Although it helps to avoid the baptism of gunfire, it is also a place like a cage. Gong Yue understood Xia Xue’s meaning, nodded, and grabbed Xia Xue’s arm again, trying to take her away from the well.



A burst of blood blossoms.

The sharp arrow that descended straight from the sky grazed Gong Yue’s arm that stretched towards Xia Xue, cut his clothes and the skin underneath, and slammed into the well water.

Time seems to stagnate for a moment.


Xia Xue was irritated and dignified. While looking towards the wellhead with her head up, she instinctively wanted to raise her right hand sword to deal with those already surrounded Wrap it near the mouth of the well, hold the crossbow at the enemy here.

It’s empty-handed.

Xia Xue’s sword fell in the room just now – when it was lifted off by the explosion, her sword also fell, and she became an unarmed person.

This fact made Xia Xue scold a string of swear words.

Naturally, the enemies will not let them think sometimes, and in an instant they will pull the trigger of the crossbow in their hands and dump a large number of arrows into the well.

The torrent of steel hits the two people in the fenced well like a torrent of rain.

“Miss Xia!”

Gong Yue subconsciously blocked Xia Xue, overestimate one’s capabilities and wanted to take on the result of the Myriad Arrows Piercing Heart, so he had to hold this to himself. The girl who gave a helping hand.

What is he doing?

Xia Xue was on fire, doesn’t this man know the severity? But she didn’t sit still, instead she held Gong Yue’s hand and pulled him into the water.

In the next second, the muffled sound of a large number of arrows launching into the water vibrated the well water, as if accompanied by the ears of the two.

The underwater environment is in chaos. I don’t know who hit the arrow and spit out a bunch of bubbles. The bright red dyed this well water, Xia Xue could not confirm Gong Yue’s situation, and could only rely on the touch in his hand to ensure his position and existence.

They dive as far as possible.

The arrow is still entering the water, and the enemies at the head of the well will definitely not shoot their arrows empty. They must have fallen into a certain kind of madness, because the artillery fire just now is still their urging charm.

──If you don’t kill the target, don’t blame the artillery fire!

Fortunately, with the existence of well water, although Xia Xue and Gong Yue suffered some injuries, they did not suffer severe damage. After all, water has great resistance. Once the arrow is launched, the formidable power will inevitably drop. Xia Xue and Gongyue spread a layer of Spiritual Qi with a higher density on the body surface to resist these formidable power weakening arrows.

The arrow will finally be empty.

I don’t know how long it took, the continuous noise in my ears finally ceased. Xia Xue knew that the enemy in Inoue had finally shot out the arrows, and she also ushered in an extremely rare opportunity.

She was lucky enough to fill her body, holding the palace, the faster she floated, at the moment she was about to break through the water.

──Puff dong!

A silhouette fell from the mouth of the well and landed beside Xia Xue and Gong Yue, setting off a huge splash of water. Xia Xue couldn’t find out who fell, because there was another scream from Inoue, and another person fell down.

What’s the situation?

Xia Xue looked towards the mouth of the well, but could not see the crossbow that was supposed to be aimed here.

──But there was fighting.

Is the reinforcement coming? Xia Xue thought to herself, but the breath that she wanted to exhale was still blocked by her. Can’t be careless, carelessness is often fatal at this time, she must be cautious.

Near her, Gong Yue is breathing more and more quickly.

When Xia Xue noticed something wrong and looked at it, she found that the man had an arrow stuck in his left shoulder and right chest. The blood from the arrow wound had already stained part of the well water to reflect a bright red color.

“Master Gong, you…”

Gong Yue twisted and smiled, looking towards Xia Xue, eyes full of helplessness.

“I haven’t been in the army for many years. It seems that martial arts is still a lot rusty…”

“You will die if you say less nonsense?”

You can hear Gong Yue’s weakness in her voice. Xia Xue quickly helped Gong Yue cover one of the wounds, but couldn’t stop the blood flowing from her fingers.

The touch is disgusting and suffocating.

The fight above seems to have ended, returning to silence. Among them, there is an obvious sound of footsteps approaching the wellhead.

“Hey, are you dead? If you are not dead, please say it.”

A head came out from the edge of the well.

Listening to the tone of this speech, Xia Xue thought it was Sue Kirin who was here, but when she looked up, she saw that it was Bei Xiaolu who came. She was staring, staring at Gong Yueqiao motionlessly.

“Hey hey hey, isn’t the old lady coming late?” Bei Xiaolu said dumbfounded.

“Sect Leader, sometimes you talk nonsense, or think about how to save people?”

Xia Xue threw out this ridicule boredly, and then took Gong Yue He flew up and jumped out of the well. When landing, Gong Yue didn’t stand firm, and dragged Xia Xue to the ground.

“Master Gong, you can’t let my efforts go to waste.”

Shouting, Xia Xue helped Gong Yue and let him lean against the well.

“Hey, he got an arrow, this is terrible!”

Beijing Xiaolu looked at Gong Yue’s injuries and shouted in an uproar.

“Has the outside artillery been handled?” Xia Xue asked another question.

If the cannon aimed at this side is not dealt with properly, even if Miyakoshi’s injury is dealt with properly, it will only end in a smashed end.

“Someone has already dealt with it.”

Beijing Xiaolu replied that Xia Xue was sighed in relief now, and continued the previous topic:

“Yes Medicine?”

Xia Xue asked bluntly, “You have to deal with the injuries on his body quickly, otherwise he will be cold.”

Her medicine has already been destroyed by several battles. Lost, can only ask for medicine from Bei Xiaolu. The matter is very important, Bei Xiaolu stretched out his hand and fumbled for a while in his arms, but finally took out the porcelain bottle in his left sleeve.

“Here, you are the golden medicine of Heavenly Jade Palace.” Bei Xiaolu handed out the porcelain bottle, “I’ll fold arrows, you can apply the medicine.”


Xia Xue took the porcelain bottle without thinking.

“cough cough cough ──!”

The more Gong coughed, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Xia Xue saw that his face became paler and paler, and she knew that time was running out. The bleeding must be stopped first! Thinking about this, she said:

“Master Gong, you can bear the pain.”

Gong Yue gritted his teeth nodded, he took out the handkerchief and bit it, in case he suffered severe pain later. Bite off the tongue.

Bei Xiaolu came over to hold the arrow on the man’s left shoulder, and after confirming that Xia Xue had pulled out the porcelain bottle and tore the cloth strips and was ready, she broke the arrow with force to keep the section and wound roughly flat .

Xia Xue immediately fell medicine powder on the wound, and the medicine powder stabbed Gong Yue’s expression into a twist. He bit the handkerchief vigorously, only then did he refrain from groaning.

After applying the medicine, Xia Xue wrapped the wound tightly with a cloth strip.

Next, the arrow on Gong Yue’s chest.

With the cooperation of Bei Xiaolu and Xia Xue, this arrow wound was quickly dealt with. However, this is an emergency measure after all, and Gong Yue’s situation still brooks no delay.

The situation of Gong Yue has not yet eased.

There is a red light from his body. Those light spots rose slowly and added to the stream of light flowing to the huge lotus, his face paled at the speed visible by naked eye.


Suddenly, the girl fell into the yard.

It is Gong Tianqing.

She obviously also fought hard, covered in dirt, and her body was stained with blood. Before landing, she stumbled over here. She must have noticed her father’s injury.


Seeing Gong Tianqing running towards her with tears in her eyes, Gong Tianqing hardened her body and sat a bit straighter.

He probably didn’t want Gong Tianqing to see him so embarrassed, he wanted to regain some majesty and face. At this moment, Lin immortal jade also fell into the yard, her appearance was also quite bad, and she had obviously fought hard.

“Father, what happened to your injury?”

Gong Tianqing was at a loss. She watched Gongyue’s situation up and down. She didn’t know what to do if her opponent was hanging up but not falling. Where to put it.

“Fuzzy, bloody?”

The better the palace is, it is not easy to squeeze out this sentence.

Gong Tianqing didn’t expect her father to speak like this, and she bit her lower lip tightly, feeling a little embarrassed. Seeing her appearance, Gong Yue’s expression softened.

He knows that he owes Gong Tianqing a lot, but Gong Tianqing still treats him kindly, he is not made of iron. However, his attitude ─ ─ especially when facing his children, is often a little bit critical, and he can’t change it at this time.

“Father, I’m fine.”

Gong Yue replied, dumbly extending the hand to wipe off the blood on Gong Tianqing’s cheek. He couldn’t use his strength, but this stroke smeared the blood faint, dragging a more ugly blood stain.

“Father, don’t talk first, I’ll go to the doctor immediately.”

Gong Tianqing wiped away her tears and was about to stand up, but Gong Yue held her back. Up her.

“Father?” Gong Tianqing was surprised.

“Qinger, listen to me, write to your grandfather and tell him the murderer is Second Prince.”

“Second, Second Prince?”

Facing the truth that Gong Yue uttered harshly, Gong Tianqing was shocked.

“Yes, you must write a letter to tell you grandfather, your grandfather will only believe you-you must tell him…cough cough cough…otherwise the Gong Family will have no way to go.”

“Father, my daughter understands.” Gong Tianqing quickly agreed and took his hand, “Father, don’t talk anymore, I’ll go to the doctor, you will be fine.”

Gong Yue shook the head, his face became paler because of the coughing between the words.

“My heart is damaged, even if I don’t die, I will be half disabled…”

After finishing speaking, Gong Yue had another severe cough, and he coughed up bleeding every time.

“Master Gong!” “Hey, the surname Gong!” “Father!”

Gong Tianqing, Xia Xue and Bei Xiaolu screamed at the same time.

Gong Yue matters a lot, but this death will shake the entire Imperial Court situation.

But this seems inevitable.

The strength of the hand holding Gong Tianqing was lost, Gong Yue’s straight waist was tilted to the side, and there was no sound.

Gong Tianqing was stunned.


The next second, her screams of sorrow resounded across the sky, responding to the red seepage from the Imperial Capital canopy.

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