Xia Xue hearing this looked back in amazement, unexpectedly that secret mastermind would be the first heir to the throne.

The next moment──

She felt sharp and strong.

Those assassins acted.

Xia Xue relied on the capture of breath to barely block this insidious knife, but when he cut it away with a backhand, he didn’t have the feeling of hitting anything.

If you can’t see it, you can’t hit the target accurately. Xia Xue doesn’t have the ability to see through everything with the eyes of your heart.

“Tsk, it’s difficult.”

Xia Xue smashed her mouth, chilling in her back, returning her sword to block the other stab from the dead corner.

Without a single blow, the assassin retreated calmly, and Xia Xue’s counterattack also failed. I still don’t have the feeling of hitting. These personal styles are weird. Maybe they were born as an assassin. But He Xia Xue tried to counter the third assassin based on the Shadow Sect style in her memory, but still didn’t get it. excellent results.

Isn’t it Shadow Sect, or missed it? Xia Xue could not accurately determine the cause of the miss.

Ren He Gong Yue, the old servant of the Gong Family next to Xia Xue, is also in the same situation.

It is also the first time that they face an invisible opponent. They can only respond by intuition and experience, but they are just a list of situations. Compared to Xia Xue, they absolutely can’t be called with ease.

They have been torn and killed in the army, which is their only current advantage.

However, to make up for the disadvantage of “invisible”, those past experiences may not be enough.


There was an unpleasant voice, which was a muffled hum from someone.

Xia Xue leaned back, and after avoiding the dangerous blow from the head on, she immediately looked back, but saw that the old servant’s forearm was bloody, and he was poked deep. wound. The old servant stood in front of Gong Yue, and the injury was probably blocked by Gong Yue.

Gong Yue has been out of the army for a long time. Even if he didn’t neglect to practice, it is different from actual combat. It is not surprising that he will be careless at this moment.

Looking at the old servant’s painful expression and his weakly hanging arm, Xia Xue knew that he had lost an important battle strength, and Gong Yue was also protecting his loyalty. The servant fell into a hard fight.

“Senior, I’ll see you off.”

Xia Xue made a decisive decision and grabbed the old servant’s hand. Both the old servant and Gong Yue thought that Xia Xue wanted the former to die in exchange for some opportunities. The old servant showed resolute eyes, but Gong Yue frowned, trying to say something.

“Aunt Xia──”

Xia Xue didn’t even listen, so she directly pulled the old servant to her side with skill. She tried harder, and the old servant’s body rose into the air. Then she pushed his back slightly, and the old servant flew into the distance with the fainting force on his body.

“Miss Xia, what do you mean?”

Gong Yue was shocked by Xia Xue’s actions, barely blocking another invisible attack.

“His hands are useless, and staying here will only become a burden. Why not let him leave first, wouldn’t it be better?”

Xia Xue’s word blunt, Let Gong Yue have no room for questioning, even though her term can’t be called is polite.

However, Gong Yue could understand Xia Xue’s intentions.

The opponent’s target must be Gong Yue himself, and absolutely impossible is an ordinary old servant, so even if he is injured, Xia Xue sends him off the battlefield, he is definitely not threatened Where will it go?

Even if the assassins did not divide their forces to deal with the old servants, it was expected.

For this group of dead assassins, the most unexpected situation is that Xia Xue suddenly joined the battle and blocked them. This can be roughly guessed from the hesitation of a section length after their first wave of arrows did not work.

Assassinations are often quick, ruthless, and accurate.

So the preparation should be quite thorough, which is why the appearance of Xia Xue will make the deadlock appear. But the enemies did not intend to give up, which means that the order they received was a dead order.

I don’t hesitate to die here, and I can’t go back and restore my life.

While absent-mindedly thinking, a force suddenly grabbed Gong Yue’s neck from behind. He was forced to step back a few steps, strangling his neck and coughing.

“Master Gong, I think you should not lose your mind.”

In the ear, Xia Xue’s unhappy voice came.

Presumably just now because of stunned thinking, the assassin was given an opportunity. Gong was almost about to lose his life, and Xia Xue was the one who saved him at the crucial moment.

“Thank you Miss Xia.”

Gong Yue replied in a dull voice, and leaned back to back with Xia Xue.

There is no silhouette all around, those people are still in a certain stealth state, and they can’t see their silhouette at all. However, their continuous attacks have slowed down.

It may be because of the consideration of attack for a long time without any success, so they put off the attack in order to rectify it.

“Master Gong, do you know any safe place?”

Xia Xue couldn’t help but clear the way, she had the intention to take Gong to leave. Under the siege, although they will not lose immediately, they are still at a disadvantage, and it will be difficult to ensure that they will not have any accidents in the long run.

At the moment when you cannot clearly defeat your teammates, it is wisest not to stay here for long.

It’s just that Xia Xue didn’t dare to confirm the situation outside, so she didn’t take any action until this time.

“Safe?” Gong sneered seriously, “Imperial Capital is like this, but some people still open strife and veiled struggle, where can there be a safe place?”

“It’s better than here.”

Xia Xue thought for a while and said.

“I’m afraid there are measures outside to prevent accidents.” Gong Yue is quite cautious.

“If it does, they might have rushed in.”

Xia Xue retorted impatiently that she planned that if she didn’t agree with Gong Yue, she would just come and be hard. But Gong Yue made a sentence, but he also told her that she could not act immediately. He said:

“What I said is not a person.”

Not a person? Xia Xue felt that the enemies seemed to have completed their preparations, and thought that they would attack again soon, and at the same time began to think about Gong Yue’s words.

The enemies obviously used equipment made by certain technologies–they hide their silhouette perfectly visually, and their breath is also somewhat depressed–and Gong Yue said that they do not belong to “human “The arrangement must be some equipment made by a certain technology.

Well, mechanism technology.

“What should I do? Do you have a clue?” Xia Xue needs more information.

“I don’t know.” Gong Yue replied in a muffled voice, “In recent years, the Imperial Court has purchased weapons from the Mohist family, including some new test products. There are many types, even if I remember, I don’t know which one they used.”

“Oh, the power of Second Prince has penetrated so deeply?” Xia Xue frowned deeply.

“It’s always the Sage that gives him power.” Gong Yue hesitated for a moment before suppressing his voice and said, “Sage’s suspicion is not a matter of overnight. If it’s not for the father’s loyalty, we Gong Family will definitely I won’t be holding such a large amount of power, but if all the machinery and weapons fall into my hands, it will exceed the acceptable limit of the Holy Spirit-Miss Xia is a smart person, I don’t know.”

“This is the most annoying one.” Xia Xue wailed.

The more the palace became silent.

The scene fell into weird silence.

The old servant who was sent out just now not at all stayed for a long time and has been away for a while. He knew that he could not continue to play a role and became a burden, so he left quickly. Of course, he will definitely look for reinforcements.

However, Xia Xue did not expect the arrival of reinforcements.

Gong Family’s defensive power should be dealt with in advance, otherwise it will not remain unaided so far, and ask for help from others. Let’s not talk about the weird situation in Imperial Capital, even if someone is willing to extend It will take some time for the reinforcements to come, and the Second Prince will probably stop them secretly.

Too annoying, Xia Xue sighed to herself.

She reached out to grab Gongyue, and the gap in realm made her a hit. The more Gong who had been caught by the arm, before inquiring what was going on, his feet rose from the ground for a while. Xia Xueqiang dragged him, rushing towards the building, and even forced Gong Yue’s feet off the ground for a short time.

The assassins who were still invisible did not expect it, because Xia Xue’s action was quite sudden.

However, some of the assassins arranged on the periphery did not participate in close combat, but still reacted. The powerful arrows all over the sky immediately spilled towards Xia Xue and Gong Yue. Xia Xue showed extreme flexibility, as lithe as a swallow. She took Gong Yue to shuttle in the rain of arrows, unexpectedly A leaf didn’t touched body.

In spite of this, her speed still slowed down.

Those invisible assassins rushed to attack Xia Xue from a blind spot in the field of vision. Xia Xue relied on a sword to resist these disturbances from all directions, and further wanted to speed up, but those arrows were shot at precise points, making her a little unable to advance or retreat, get into real trouble.

The battle was at a deadlock again, and Xia Xue was forced to let go of Gong Yue and let him use his strength to resist the attack.

This time the siege, the assassins were desperate for their lives, their attacks were extremely exciting, one after another, the pressure on Xia Xue and Gong was greatly increased, and she was a little out of breath.

“get lost!”

Xia Xue gave a heavy drink, and the long sword in her hand shook.

She swung a sword towards no one’s place, cutting out a violent sword light. The excess Spiritual Qi that overflowed was transformed into a shock wave and dispersed in a circle, suddenly causing a dull sound to sound around. The assassins who surrounded them should have been flew out by this shock bomb.

And that sword light moves straight forward.

When it walked somewhere, a large swath of blood burst out of the void. Someone must have been hit by Jianguang unfortunately and was unstoppable and suffered heavy damage.

After passing through that position, Jianguang slammed into the building in front of him, slashed it diagonally and neatly, cutting it in two sections. The upper part of the building slid down along the cross-section, and a lot of dust was lifted from the ground and collapsed.

Xia Xue took a deep breath to suppress the breathing disorder caused by the strong Spiritual Qi attack just now.

She didn’t belong to the type of fierce attack, and she made such a powerful sword move, her body was not reluctantly burdened, and even a mouthful of blood was blocked in her throat.

She did not dare to rest.

She grabbed Gong Yue’s arm again, flew off the ground, and rushed into the dust with the man who became the target, and made a hole in the dust.

Several holes appeared one after another, and the cluster of dust suddenly became riddled with holes.

In the smoke, Xia Xue stopped suddenly. With her vision hindered, she finally “saw” the assassins chasing after her. Because they took up space in the dust and fog, they became invisible.

The 1st Sword whirled, drilling directly through the dust and fog.

Blood splashes.

Finally, she had a real hitting feel, and Xia Xue knew that her sword must have penetrated into the body of an assassin. She wasn’t sure if she was one strike certain kill, so she directly held the handle of the sword with both hands and turned the body through the opponent into a crosscut.


The long sword is blocked when cutting the opponent’s body, but the sword is quite sharp, and Xia Xue’s power is not small, and the resistance is quickly Disappeared.

The assassin who was hit so badly finally showed up, his upper and lower body were broken in two, and he could not die again.

At the same time, Xia Xue also exposed her location due to this blow, and several daggers immediately pierced from different directions. Xia Xue moved with a light body and cut out the 2nd Sword.


With a muffled noise, someone’s broken arm fell to the ground.

Xia Xue, who succeeded again, stabbed a backhand with a backhand and felt like hitting someone else’s body, but she, who was already under siege, didn’t dare to put the other party to death for stability as before.

She leaped up and turned around, took a kick and hit the third assassin’s belly, breathing heavily for him. While kicking the opponent, she slashed out the Sky Dance Sword by rotating her body.

I don’t know where the fourth person was hit, the blood spurted like a fountain, smearing Xia Xue’s face.

Probably the other party’s blood fell on her lips and mouth, and Xia Xue only felt a disgusting blood-reeking qi in her mouth.

Then, with another sword, another assassin fell.

Xia Xue didn’t have another city, she saw that the dust group was swaying, and when she was about to go, she quietly left in one direction. After leaving the dust mass infiltrating the air, she retreated and then retreated to a nearby building room.

Close the door, she panted against the door.

The injury caused by the blow just now has not yet eased, and several enemies have been killed continuously with high intensity. Gong Yue, who came here earlier, stepped forward and asked with concern:

“Miss Xia, are you okay?”

“I──cough cough cough!”


Xia Xue just wanted to say it was okay, but vomited a mouthful of blood. That mouthful of blood was red and purple, and it should have been accumulated for a long time. It is estimated that the wounds left behind during the coma were intensified after this time of fierce fighting.

Without coughing a few times, Xia Xue suppressed the cough and wiped the blood on her mouth with her sleeve.

“It’s terrible,” she said.

Although they used their brains to successfully kill a few assassins and finally relieved the pressure of being siege, there are still many people on the other side, and it is only a matter of time before they are found hiding here. Xia Xue’s physical strength dropped very difficult to deal with, presumably her weakness would be faster than the opponent’s attrition.

The situation will only get worse.

“Master Gong, don’t you have anything secretly thought in your house?”

After taking a heavy breath, Xia Xue asked for information again. Gong Yue frowned, sighing after all. There were some injuries on his hands, probably caused just now. The sleeves of Huafu’s clothes had been dyed red – he used his handkerchief to bandage the wounds.

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