Chapter 855 042: Demon


  He bowed his head and slammed his head on the little girl's shoulder. "Gu Qiao!"

   "Gu Qiao!"

   "Gu Jia..."

   The voice went from gnashing of teeth at the beginning to the affectionate voice at the back, and it was gentler than every sound.

  Gu Qiao rubbed his ears unbearably.

After shouting    for a long time, Gu Qiao felt that if she kept shouting, she might even hand her life over to this man.

   A certain man said dully: "Why didn't you wait for me at that time. Just three minutes..."

  Gu Yu: "..."

   Shi Jiudu raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qiao with a resentful expression. "Three years ago, Country D, Platinum Palace."

  Gu Qiao was suddenly stunned.

  Three years ago, D country, Platinum Palace.

  Three years ago, because of her grandmother's illness, she went to visit an old man in Platinum Palace; at that time, she was stumped by a young grandson of the old man.

  Gu Qiao had a request at that time, so she stayed at the Platinum Palace for a full day; she didn't leave until the sunset came.

   At that time, I heard that the old man had a distinguished guest at night, so Gu Qiao left Platinum Palace in the evening.

  Shi Jiudu lowered his head and touched Gu Qiao's head. Gritting his teeth, he said with some grievance: "Just three minutes. Only three minutes."

   Later, he searched all over country D, but found no trace of the little girl.

   Even in the surveillance of Platinum Palace, the pictures about the little girl were all erased.

   But the old man has passed his old age, and his eyes are not easy to use. He only remembers that it is a teenage girl. She is very beautiful and good-looking, but she can't see what she looks like.

  Gu Qiao rubbed his eyebrows helplessly. "So, the person he's waiting for is you."

   "Yes." At that time, he suddenly had something to do and was delayed. So they rushed over with Qi Tianchen. Just three minutes.

  Otherwise he would have arrived a long time ago...

   Shi Jiudu sighed lightly and pinched Gu Qiao's nose. "If you didn't suddenly take the stage today, did you plan to never let us know for the rest of your life?"

  Gu Qiao shrugged. "have no idea."

   After all, she has no plans to sing any more. At the time, it was just a hobby.

   After playing, I don't want to play anymore.

  Shi Jiudu hugged the little girl in his arms and said tastefully, "It's good. Then you will only sing to me in the future."

  Gu Yu: "..."

   How should Shi Jiudu describe his mood when he knew the little girl's hidden vest.

   Surprised and delighted.

   But more of it is a bolt from the blue and regret.

   I am surprised that the singer I like is not someone else, but my little girl; I am happy that I only like the little girl from beginning to end, and I only like her.

   regretted that he hadn't rushed there earlier. If he had arrived earlier, he would have tied the little girl by his side less than three years ago.

  The little girl doesn't have to suffer so much...

   "Elvira, who gave the name."

  Gu Qiao lowered his eyes and said lightly, "If you see any poster, just take it."

   As for the name, Gu Qiao really has no other meaning, but she saw the name when the company put up a poster.

   Then, the name appeared.

   At that time, Gu Qiao wanted to omit the name E. It's just that they thought the name was too simple, so they used Elvira.

  Professor GU in the medical field, Professor Gu, honorary professor, Elvira, a mysterious singer, a game boss

  BandW, No. 1 in the hacker rankings, 冧sheng's behind-the-scenes Boss, and even the little girl from the YU group who has suddenly appeared.

  The eldest lady of the Black and White Base (the world's top medical base), the ruler of the Protoss.

   The little girl's waistcoat surprised him one by one.

   Shi Jiudu rubbed the little girl's head. "Is there any vest that I don't know about."

  Gu Qiao choked speechlessly. He replied lightly, "I don't know."

   Shi Jiudu: "..."

   Well, he has gradually gotten used to the little girl's waistcoat that suddenly popped out.

   Even if a few more suddenly appeared, he should be able to accept it.

   Shi Jiudu took a deep breath helplessly and dropped a kiss on the little girl's forehead.

   "Are you hungry? Want something to eat?"

  Gu Qiao wasn't hungry at first, but when he saw Shi Jiudu walking towards the kitchen, he followed silently.

   Shi Jiudu felt the little tail behind him and laughed subconsciously.

   That's all, no matter how many vests the little girl has, it is also his little girl's.

  No one can take it away...


   Although the two of them have not returned to Jingan Bieyuan for a long time, the food here will be changed regularly, so the refrigerator is full of ingredients.

   Shi Jiudu didn't do anything complicated, so he cooked two clear soup noodles and served with some side dishes.

   Grilled some chicken wings and made some hot drinks for digestion.

   Looking at the satisfied little girl in front of him, Shi Jiudu felt that all his unease instantly disappeared.

  How nice, now the little girl is in front of him.

   "Drink some hot drink to digest well." Shi Jiudu handed the hot drink to Gu Qiao.

  Gu Qiao looked up and saw a man looking at her affectionately under the warm yellow light.

   Shi Jiudu has a pair of blue eyes, which are different from others. When you first see it, all you can see is a thick layer of fog.

   After the thick fog cleared, you could see a bottomless abyss. If you are not careful, it seems that you will fall into it.

   As you can see, those eyes are full of starlight.

  The starlight is full of a cold and stunning face, full of her...

  I don't know when, the sun and the snow floated outside; the whole city seemed to be surrounded by snow.

   "Shijiudu, it's snowing."

  Shi Jiudu saw an emotion called joy, an emotion called liking, from Gu Jiao's eyes.

   Shi Jiudu suddenly stepped forward and hugged the little girl into his arms. Look out the window together.

   "Well, it's snowing."

   "And it's still the first snow."

   "I heard that the declaration of love that was promised on the day of the first snow was blessed by God."

  Shi Jiudu suddenly looked at Gu Jiao affectionately, looking at the cold and stunning face in front of him.

   said slowly: "Gu Qiao, I don't seek this life and this life; but I seek eternal life and eternity."

  Gu Qiao raised his eyebrows and looked at him leisurely. "You must be too greedy."

   This life is not over yet.

   Shi Jiudu shook his head. He said affirmatively: "Before I met you, I felt that the world was nothing but this. After meeting you, I felt that this world is still different."

   Shi Jiudu, as an outsider who has lived for thousands of years, came to this world from an interstellar flat world.

   He had seen too many things before he met Gu Qiao; his emotions were a string of data.

   After meeting Gu Jiao, his emotions were still a string of data, but it was a string of living data.

   And with the arrival of the first snow, a piece of news also fell with the first snow.

   (end of this chapter)

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