Chapter 854 041: Her vest

  041: Her vest

Because of Gu Qiao's sudden appearance, the    concert had a wave of peak climax in an instant.

   Not only the people on the live broadcast platform did not think of it, but even the bright staff did not think of it.

   That's Miss Gu?

   That cold, ruthless Miss Gu, even Master Bo gave three points.

   If Gu Jing's voice is said, it is professional training, coupled with his talent and hard work.

   Then Gu Qiao's voice is innate.

   If Gu Jing was born for music, then Gu Qiao should be born for music.

  Gu Jing's concert ended at ten o'clock in the evening.

   But about Gu Jing's concert, it directly overwhelmed the entire entertainment industry.

   Especially the song sung by Gu Jing and Gu Qiao, a confession before dawn.

   "Do you think that this song is a bit similar to Qi Shenpio's solo song?"

   "A single speech is equal to a confession before dawn; that song by Qi Shenpio is obviously my brother's."

   "Why can't Gu Qiao sing so well when we shouldn't focus on it? This professional level should be on par with my brother."

   "As a music major, let me say something weakly. Gu Qiao's music professionalism is very high."

   "The voice of the goddess, I just edited a separate clip, listen to it, does it sound familiar?"

   Originally, Gu Qiao's fans just wanted to pamper her goddess, so she simply edited a piece of Gu Qiao's voice. Gu Jingze's voice was erased.

   But after erasing it, I found that the voice of my female voice was unusually similar to that of a certain boss.

  The sound can deceive people, but the sound line cannot deceive people.

   Everyone has their own voice, which cannot be imitated by others.

   "I have a terrified and daring guess. I now seriously suspect that the goddess may be the closed disciple of that one, or."

   "Upstairs, you hold your goddess too high. Who is that person, why don't you think about it, how could she know a small internet celebrity."

   "You have to believe that everything is possible with the goddess. There are miracles."

"I'm confused, I want to know what the **** you guys are arguing about. Although I'm not a fan of Gu Qiao, but based on her relationship with her brother, I'm a fan of him. Moreover, she is the only one who has sung with my brother. We are fans of the King of Heaven. Indicates raising the flag to stand for her."

"Cough, professional music class representative, here to give you a general knowledge. A person's voice can be changed through disguise or a voice changer; but the voice line, everyone has their own unique voice line. This cannot be disguised and changed. "

   "Come here, the class representative will move you around. Let me introduce you to a person first. The link is as follows: ... See it for yourself. Come back after reading it, and I will continue."

   Everyone clicked in out of curiosity at first, but then they regretted it.

  Because he was a genius musician who was elusive in the music circle, but made enough money for everyone to shout.


   A genius singer who can only hear her voice and never see her; a song is a god, and any song she produces will be at the top of the global charts and will win an award.

   A natural singer and a genius musician.

   She has released many singles and only one album. And it's a limited release vinyl.

   Her songs have never been surpassed by anyone.

   It's just that most of her songs are dark and dark, but in these darkness, there is a trace of light, which makes people immersed in it and lingers. Make everyone long for...

  Elvira, this is a natural singer, a mythical figure who is known as having an infinite future and is difficult to be surpassed.

   But her popularity is not in country C; it is abroad, internationally.

   "Cough cough, back to the topic. Maybe to people in China, you are not familiar with the name Elvira; but people who have been abroad should know what this name represents."

   "I just listened carefully to the voice of the Internet celebrity with the surname G. To be honest. I closed my eyes and listened, and I did have an illusion for a while. But it's different."

   "However, the two voices do have similarities."

   "It can only be said that each has its own characteristics. Elvira's voice is more sad and melancholy. Gu Qiao's voice is clearer."

   "In general, both have their own strengths."

  Some people who didn't know who Elvira was, went to check.

  As a result, as soon as Elvira's name was copied in, it jumped out, all of which were big international news.

  Elvira won the International XX Music Award.

  Elvira (Avella) once again won the championship, known as a natural singer, born for the song.

  Elvira won the championship three times, but he did not show up again.

  Elvira (Avella) single, Elvira (Avella) award, Elvira (Avella) limited album.

   Any entries related to Elvira are overwhelming. It was as if he had entered a fake world.

   Do you feel like you have just connected to the Internet...

   With the turmoil of Gu Jing's concert, the turmoil about Gu Qiao and Elvira (Elvira) has become more and more serious.

   Soon, the popularity directly surpassed the popularity of Gu Jing's concert.

   After all, Gu Qiao herself is a hot search physique, but at this time, she not only appeared on the stage of Gu Tianwang's concert, but also sang with him, and her coordination was 100% perfect.

   Now it is revealed that she may have a relationship with the mysterious singer Elvira.

   Soon the popularity overwhelmed the popularity of Gu Jing's concert in an instant.


   Of course, in addition to the speculation of the majority of netizens; when Gu Qiao spoke, there was another person, who was also surprised by Gu Qiao's voice at the scene.

   This person is none other than someone else; at this time, she blocked Gu Qiao in the corner of the room and looked at her resentfully.

   After coming out of the backstage of the concert, Shi Jiudu took the people away in front of the Qi family.

  I didn't go back to the courtyard or other places, but went back to Jing'an Garden.

  The Qi brothers were all dumbfounded.

  Qi Zhuoqian: "Grandpa, Brother Ninth is too much. He wants to monopolize the little princess."

  Qi Xianheng: "That's right, doesn't he take us too seriously?"

  Qi Tianchen sighed helplessly, looked at the two who were leaving, and glanced at the two brothers.

   "He's probably the most unacceptable right now." Even he didn't expect that his sister would become attached to him early on.

  Qi Tianchen remembered a few years ago, if, at that time, he and Shi Jiudu arrived; did his sister come back long ago?


  Shi Jiudu looked at Gu Qiao for more than ten minutes without saying a word, just looked at her like that.

   Until Gu Qiao felt a little tired and yawned. "I'm sleepy."

   Shi Jiudu was a little angry with himself, and also a little angry with the little girl.

   (end of this chapter)

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