Chapter 825 012: Sleeping


  Life is really too fragile, obviously this morning, the old man was still holding himself, gracefully walking up the high platform to complete the ceremony.

   The whole person is still alive and well, and there is no problem at all.

  But now...

  Gu Qiao's fingertips that touched the pulse trembled slightly; the feeling of grief came from the depths of his soul and enveloped his entire body.

   The great grandmother of the Qi family still raised her hand with a smile and stroked the little girl's head.

   lightly patted her forehead. "Little princess, don't be sad. Grandma has been very content in her life."

   "I, the best decision I made in my life is to marry your great-grandfather and then witness the birth of your mother."

   "Little princess, I know that you are also resentful towards your mother. But don't blame her."

   "A lot of things, she can't help it."

   "In the future, don't blame her anymore."

   "The little princess of our Qi family should be happy and grow up happily."

   "In the future, the Qi family and Xiaojiu will protect you. Grandma is also relieved."

  The great-grandmother said a lot on and off, but Gu Qiao could already feel her body was running out of oil, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker.

   "Little princess..." The grandmother's hand gently slid down to Gu Qiao's cheek.

   "Grandma's little princess..."

   "Must be... happy... happy."

   "Pata!" The old hand slipped from Gu Qiao's cheek, Gu Qiao stretched out his hand, and continued.

   The pulse stopped, and the world fell silent.

   The next second, Gu Qiao held the hand of the great grandmother of the Qi family and fainted.

   "Gu Qiao!"

   "Little Miss!"


   "Madam too!!!"

  The backyard of the ancestor of the Qi family was in a mess. Of course, this mess was not because of Patriarch Gao, but because of Gu Qiao.

   Old Ancestor Gao seemed to have long known that his fate was over and had already arranged everything.

   Even the funeral was arranged.

   And Gu Qiao's fainting was unexpected by Old Ancestor Gao...

   As soon as Gu Qiao fainted, the entire Qi family on the floating island was surrounded by a layer of auspicious aura, and the old men and guards in blue clothes who disappeared once again appeared in the courtyard of the Qi family's ancestor.

   "She, actually left..."

   One of the old men was a little surprised when he saw the white lantern hanging up.

  The other old man sighed and glanced at the auspicious atmosphere around him. "She used her last strength to protect the little master."

   Sure enough, soon, the vision of the Qi family on the floating island shocked all the Qi family members, including the Shi family members on the island.

   The Shi family who had already left saw the Qi family not far away, shrouded in a golden mist.

"What's this……"

   A well-informed old man from the Shi family said quietly, "Auspicious spirit."

   "The Qi family, this is a great blessing."

   Old Master Qi and Master Shi in another place were also alarmed by this vision. The first thing the two old men thought of was Gu Qiao.

   "Where's the little princess?"

   Just in time, a messenger came in a hurry. "Master, Gaozu is gone. The little princess passed out in Gaozu's yard."

  The old man Shi and the old man Qi hurried to the yard of the old ancestor.

  The yard has been wrapped in the shape of a silkworm chrysalis, and you can vaguely see the white lanterns hanging in the yard.

  The old man in green clothes cast a glance at the old man Qi, and finally reminded: "After five days, this place will be unwrapped."

   "This vision is an auspicious omen of the Qi Family Gao Patriarch."

   Mr. Qi and Mr. Shi are naturally not fools, and naturally understood the meaning of this sentence.

   Mr. Qi immediately arranged for someone to spread the news.

   Such auspicious signs will definitely attract the attention of many power users, and the little princess must not be exposed.

   As for this matter, except for the people in the old ancestor’s courtyard and the two old masters who knew the details, no one else knew about it.

   Even the elder brothers of the Qi family did not know about it.


  Two days later, Xiao Yu was really annoyed, so she took the initiative to find Qi Tianchen.

   "Where's Gu Jiao? Where is she, I'm going to play with her!"

   Qi Tianchen put down the documents in his hand, got up and grabbed a car key.

   "She just came back and needs to awaken the power in her body. She has been sent to retreat by the old man."

   "It just happened to meet the Qi family's auspiciousness again. This is my sister's blessing."

   "Where do you want to go, I'll take you there."

   At this time, because of the Qi family's vision, those who had left the island could not come back, and those who were on the island could not go out either.

   So, the family members who did not leave the island watched, the eldest young master of the Qi family, accompanied the prospective eldest young lady on the Qi family's territory every day, playing everywhere.

  Especially when the two of them went out in pairs, their affectionate appearance made everyone even more stunned.

A teahouse somewhere in the Qi family, on the second floor, several teenagers from the Qi family were chatting, and then they saw that the young master of the Qi family, who had a cold face every day, was holding an umbrella and a pink doll in his hand. , followed by a beautiful woman.

   Everyone was stunned.

   "That's the young master."

"yes, Sir."

   "It seems that the time for this auspicious omen to come..."

   Everyone thought that this auspicious omen was brought by the 100-year-old Gao ancestor of the Qi family, but no one knew what this auspicious air represented.


  Somewhere on a small island, a man looked at a vision that couldn't be seen anywhere, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and a hint of greed and possessiveness.

   "Are you sure about the orientation?"

  's subordinate said: "Yes, it is the direction of Qi's family on Floating Island."

   The man's palms clenched suddenly. Yunxi, Yunxi, I know, why are you willing to...

  It's okay, I'll be waiting for you to come back.

   As long as your daughter is still here, I don’t believe it, you dare not come back!

   "Give me a notice to withdraw all the people from country C. No one is allowed to enter without my permission."

   The subordinates don't understand, shouldn't they take the opportunity...

   The man smiled evilly. "If you want the fish to return to the sea, naturally, she must first be brought into the mainstream..."


  Somewhere in a secret place, in the middle of a sea of ​​flowers, there is a crystal coffin, and in the coffin lies a stunning beauty.

  Beauty's long eyelashes shone under the golden sunlight, and the whole portrait was covered with golden light.

  Beside the crystal coffin, there are several butterflies flapping their colorful wings.

   "Master, the time is up. You have to wake up quickly."


   With the call of several colorful butterflies, animals in the entire space rushed towards this place.

  Birds, small animals, deer, colorful phoenix...

  The whole secret realm, hundreds of birds are facing the phoenix, and the birds are singing.

  The circle of spiritual power, with the sound of the call, turned into circles of circles of light, illuminating the entire earth, and it became colored.




  Finally, in the sound of calling, the man in the crystal coffin, with his long eyelashes, trembled slightly.

   (end of this chapter)

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