Chapter 824 011: Sleeping

  011: Sleep

  The Qi family is a happy event, one after another.

   First, the Qi family retrieved the little princess that was lost outside; then it was the marriage proposal of the Shi family head; the two families were truly married.

   Now even the eldest young master of the Qi family, that is, the young master of the Qi family, has announced that there is already a future young master's wife.

  The Qi family has been good news these days, one after another.

   And the news of Dashao Qi can break the hearts of many Shijia girls.

   The one with the strongest reaction was Shi Yimo from Shijia.

   "No, how is it possible..."

   "How can she be worthy of Big Brother Qi..."

   However, no matter how shocked, sad, and reactionary the girls in the Shi family were, they didn't dare to show it on the Qi family's site.

After Qi Tianchen's words came out, no one dared to approach him again.

   Didn't you see how tightly the woman beside Major General Qi was protecting him?

   If it's acting, with the identity of Master Qi, it's not necessary.

  Xiao Yu is someone who has seen the big scene after all. Once the four major families got together, there are not a few people. Although it is not as good as the Qi family and the Shi family, which have been standing for thousands of years in the hidden world.

   But the scene is not too small...

   So even after Qi Tianchen's words came out, Xiao Yu was shocked for a moment, but she quickly reacted.

  Since everyone has spoken up, the acting is naturally a full set.

   She, Xiao Yu, had never seen any big scene, and she was the best at dealing with this kind of scene.

   In the following dinner, everyone saw Qi Da Shao hugging Miss Xiao's waist, and the two of them walked through the banquet, chatting with people.

   And after all, Xiao Yu is a famous daughter from a big family, and she is also the number one lady in Kyoto.

   After the whole dinner, let alone the Qi family, even the Shi family couldn't pick out a single fault.

   On the other side, at the end of the chess game, Shi Jiudu finally won by half.

   "When people get old, after all, they are not as fast as young people." Mr. Qi sighed.

   In the past, Shi Jiudu's chess skills were inspired by Mr. Qi. With the change of time, Shi Jiudu's chess skills gradually began to surpass Mr. Qi.

   Now, Mr. Qi has to work hard to make it less embarrassing to lose.

   When the old man saw that he had only lost half of his son, he was a little unhappy.

  This stinky boy, every time he loses horribly.

   When the old man snorted coldly. "But you got a grandson-in-law. Be content with you."

   Mr. Qi turned his head to look at the banquet, the pair of wall people, the two of them walking together, they were a perfect match.

   Mr. Qi stroked his beard and laughed a few times.

   "That girl is quite suitable for the boss." It is also suitable for being the mistress of the Qi family.

   has a degree of advance and retreat, and can control the overall situation and have an overall view; and she is also an extremely smart girl.

   I just don't know if Qi Tianchen has the blessing to marry someone in.

   Although Mr. Qi was very satisfied with Xiao Yu, he could also see that Xiao Yu didn't care about Qi Tianchen now.

   Just for the sake of the overall situation, he is now acting with Qi Tianchen.

   Mr. Qi looked at Gu Qiao, who was leaning lazily next to Shi Jiudu, and his heart became even more congested.

   "Hmph, old man Shi, don't be in the midst of blessings and don't know your blessings."

   "Our little princess has just been found, okay?"

   The little princess here has just recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan, and Jiudu proposed marriage there.

  Shi Jiudu's heart suddenly tightened, and he squinted his eyes and glanced at Mr. Shi.

  Look at the good things you have done, why don't you mention this?

   When the old man touched his nose. He coughed quickly.

"Okay, okay, let's not mix things up about the two children. I think that girl Xiao Yu also likes Tianchen, otherwise, how could she accompany him in acting, it's not that she can't get married. ,dont you agree."

   "Let's go, I brought some good tea leaves, let's go for tea."

   When the old man pulled the sleeve of the old man Qi, he went outside.

   "What tea to drink at night. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep after drinking it."

   "Oops, if you don't drink tea, you can still have two small cups. I remember you like it, who's..."

   "I also brought some people here, let's go for a walk, let's have a drink together..."

   In the corridor, you can still hear the conversation between the two old men.

   The two old men can be considered to have grown up together since childhood. At that time, the civil strife in the family was not as severe as it is now, and the relationship and exchanges between the two families were also very close.

   also often perform missions together, leave the island together, and practice together.

   And the two old men can also be said to have grown up wearing the same pair of pants, until later...

  Gu Qiao was hugged by Shi Jiudu, leaning on the pillar at the end of the corridor, watching the two old men walking away.

   Even though he is an old man in his seventies or eighties, he still has the same temper as a child.

  Shi Jiudu put his coat over Gu Qiao and hugged her a little tighter.

   "Are you tired?"

   When Jiudu saw the little girl's eyes, she was full of both colors. The old man was here just now, and I wanted to accompany him more, so I kept holding on.

  Gu Qiao turned around and rubbed in Shi Jiudu's arms. "I want to go see my great grandmother."

   Shi Jiudu rubbed the little girl's head. "It's so late. Grandma should rest. Tomorrow."

  Gu Qiao shook his head. "Right now. She's waiting for me."

   Shi Jiudu didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he hugged the little girl and walked to the yard of the great grandmother of the Qi family.

  The house of Qi's family is a Chinese-style and modern building. The combination of the two is well-proportioned, and it will not be very abrupt and will not feel discordant.

   Therefore, from modern buildings to Chinese-style buildings; I only feel that my mood has changed in a different way.

   The yard of the great grandmother of the Qi family still maintains the appearance of a hundred years ago. High walls, semi-circular arches, rockeries, flowing water, winding paths leading to seclusion, pavilions and pavilions.

   After passing through several circular arches, we came to the inner courtyard of the great grandmother.

  In the hall in the courtyard, candles are lit, under the candlelight, there is a shadow...

   From that shadow, you can see what a dignified and elegant old man he is. Even though she is over a hundred years old, she still maintains the attitude of a famous lady.


   After Gu Qiao stepped into the yard of her great grandmother, her whole spirit changed.

   She walked quickly to the great grandmother. For the first time, squatting beside the old man, holding her old, wrinkled hands tightly with both hands.

   "Great grandmother."

   The great grandmother's hazy eyes, for the first time, clearly saw the appearance of the little girl in front of her.

   The appearance of the little girl is really wonderful. Whether it is looks or temperament, she is the best among the people she has ever met.

   "Little princess, don't be sad. Grandma is already satisfied to see you..." Although Grandma is not related to Mr. Qi by blood.

   However, he treats Mr. Qi like his own child.

   (end of this chapter)

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