The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 817: 004: The little princess of the Qi family

   Chapter 817 004: The little princess of the Qi family

  004: The little princess of the Qi family

   Qi Yunling naturally knew what Shifu wanted to say, so he deliberately mentioned that the old man and the little princess came out together.

   This also directly shows the Qi family's attitude towards the little princess.

   "By the way, where's Xiao Jiu? Has he come yet?" Qi Yunling pretended to look around.

   Shi Mu finally couldn't hold back and spoke first.

   "Yunling, let the children do things for themselves."

   "Xiao Jiu's situation, I believe you all know about it."

   "He finally met a girl he liked. As a parent, there is absolutely no way to break them up."

   "We can't decide about Xiaojiu."

  Shi's mother's initiative to speak made Qi Yunling a little surprised. Moreover, the center point is stated as soon as the opening is opened.

   Qi Yunling's face sank, and he looked at Shi Mu with some ugliness. "Mrs. Shi, you should know that the marriage between the two families was not decided by us. Moreover, the ancestors of the two families decided it."

   "We have no right to cancel. Besides, the two of them are neither married nor engaged. How can we break up the idea of ​​marriage."

   Qi Yunling continued to add: "If Shi Jiudu is not willing, I think there must be others in the Shi family who are willing."

   "It's just that the position of the head of the family is still not..."

   "That's not necessarily true."

   Qi Yunling nodded towards the two of them, then turned and left. gave a decisive attitude.

   Shi's mother's heart jumped, and she panicked and grasped Shi's father beside her. "Husband, Qi family..."

   Shi's father naturally knew that Qi Yunling's attitude just now was deliberately reminding them in advance.

   "We have to believe in Xiao Jiu." No matter what the result is, as long as it is Xiao Jiu's choice.

   They should all stand firmly behind him at this time.

   At this moment, Shi's father suddenly felt that Shi Jiudu was not here at this time. Also good.

  If he was there, he was uncertain how many things would have happened.


   The Qi family members in the lounge not far away had a panoramic view of the reactions of the parents and the parents.

   This lounge is filled with members of the Qi family, no one else.

   Even Mr. Shi and Shi Jiudu are not there, but next door.

   "It seems that the two of them aren't too confused yet." Mr. Qi said with a cold snort, slightly displeased.

   Uncle Qi:…

   "Father, Yuan Bo was also raised by you, but he loves his wife too much." That's why he favored the Luo family in this matter.

   Mr. Qi glared at the eldest of the Qi family.

   "Hmph, the marriage contract between the Qi family and the Shi family was decided by the ancestors. Think about it, if Shi Jiudu's girlfriend was not Xiao Qiao. What would happen to that girl!"

  The Shi family is not the Qi family.

   After Mr. Qi finished speaking, he realized that he had said it.

   Lightly coughed twice, then looked at Gu Qiao. "Xiao Qiao, you won't blame your grandfather."

  Gu Qiao threw a piece of candy into his mouth, raised his eyes in confusion, and looked at the old man puzzled. "what."

   Mr. Qi pointed with his chin to the direction of Shijia and his wife outside. "Just what happened."

   "Grandfather is too worried." What she likes is Shi Jiudu, if his parents love Wujiwu; she will naturally too.

  If you can't love the house and Wu, if you can avoid contact, just avoid contact.

   As for the attitude of the Shi family, to be honest, when Gu Qiao said he cared, it was only because of Shi Jiudu; when he said he didn't care, it was also because of Shi Jiudu.

   Mr. Qi was relieved when he saw that Gu Qiao was not angry because he deliberately troubled the Shi family.

   "Master, it's almost time."

   Mr. Qi nodded, then got up and stretched out his hand towards Gu Qiao.


  In the banquet hall, when the music sounded, an old man, holding a cold girl, slowly walked into the center of the banquet hall.

   In an instant, everything around him became eclipsed, as if all the light was concentrated on the old and young.

   "Hello everyone, welcome to the ceremony of our Qi family."

   "Let me introduce to you, the little princess of our Qi family..."

   "Gu Qiao!"

As soon as the name    came out, everyone in the family's third room widened their eyes in shock.

   And Shi's father and Shi's mother also looked at each other in surprise.

   One by one, they looked up at the high platform. At the high platform, the cold girl slowly raised a pair of bright eyes that made the world become a foil.

   is like the most dazzling star in the galaxy.

   "Hello everyone, I'm Gu Jiao."

  Cool people, coupled with beautiful and beautiful voice lines, as if the whole person is in the land of the flowers in full bloom, and can hear the birds chirping and smell the fragrance of flowers.

   "How is she!"

  Shi San Lao Shi took two steps back in shock. Just now, he was still complacent and found a way to deal with Shi Jiudu.

   He even thought of a way to save his granddaughter.

  You can turn your head…

  Gu Qiao turned into the little princess of the Shi family.

   Shi's father and Shi's mother were also shocked by the news for a while, and they never reacted.

   Until Mr. Qi waved in the direction of Shi Jiudu.

When   Shi Jiudu walked out of the lounge by Gu Jiao, his eyes never took his eyes off her.

   Full of heart and eyes, it's all about her.

   On the high platform, Mr. Qi solemnly held Gu Qiao's hand and handed it to Shi Jiudu. "Take care of her."

The simple words    told the Shi family directly about their Qi family's attitude.

   Shi Jiudu nodded solemnly. "Will do."

  The next second, the entire banquet hall turned on the open-air mode, and countless fireworks flew into the sky.


   Colorful fireworks flew into the air; in the end, they all merged into faces.

   And the owners of these faces are all the same.

  The melodious background music sounded, and the door of the backyard of the banquet hall was opened.

   The lights in the hall began to dim, and then I saw groups of fireflies flying in. These fireflies seemed to be specially trained.

   lined up neatly into two teams, and paved the aisle into a red carpet with colorful rays of light.

  Shi Jiudu reached out his hand cautiously, took the little girl's wrist, pulled her, and walked towards the back garden.

  The back garden was rearranged at some point.

   Pink and white balloons and flowers are floating everywhere; there are also photos hanging in the air, one by one…

   And at the end of the road, there are several elder brothers of the Qi family, playing the musical instruments in their hands.

  Qi Tianchen sat gracefully in front of the piano, playing with his fingers nimbly.

  Qi Xianheng was playing the electronic piano, Qi Zhuoqian was playing the violin, and even Qi Siyan was holding the cello.

  Shi Jiudu took out the flower from behind and held it in front of the little girl.

   "Gu Qiao, let's spend the rest of our lives together."

   Then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, that dignified and invincible young master of the Tangtang Shi family actually knelt down on one knee towards the girl, holding flowers and a ring.

   (end of this chapter)

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