The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 816: 003: The little princess of the Qi family

   Chapter 816 003: The little princess of the Qi family

  003: Prelude to Slap in the Face

  The Qi family has a special banquet hall, which was remodeled for this banquet.

  The entire banquet hall is exquisitely decorated and luxurious, and every thought has been exhausted.

   Exquisite to every corner.

When    stepped into the banquet hall, the family members clucked their tongues. This Qi family is really willing.

   First, there are spiritual plants and flowers irrigated by elixir, and then every aura-filled ornament here, as well as priceless treasures.

   Even the decorative flowers radiate a touch of energy.

   "Yuanbo, where is Xiaojiu? Why didn't you see him." The third master of the Shi family went to Shi's parents and Shi's mother, and asked knowingly.

   When Shi's mother saw Shisan coming over, her palms sweated a little.

   She knew very well in her heart that if the third old man came over, there would be no good thing. Sure enough, it was...

   "Yuanbo, he used to do whatever he likes. But now it's different. You saw the little princess from the Qi family just now."

   "And the attitude of the Qi family should be very obvious." The third master Shi pointed to the arrangements everywhere and the high-priced collections.

   "You can't let her lose the future of the Shi family."

   "Floating Island, it's not just our Shi family and Qi family. When the little princess of the Qi family recognized her ancestors and returned to the clan, you should have all seen those old people who suddenly appeared."

   Shi's mother held Shi's father's hand tightly, and Shi's father patted Shi's mother's hand lightly.

   Four or two rounds of money pushed the topic out.

   "We are also looking for Xiaojiu. If the third uncle has news about Xiaojiu, please let us know in time."

   "Third uncle I'm sorry."

   Mr. Shi San naturally didn't expect to get any useful news from the Shi family and his wife.

   After all, as far as he knows, Shijiudu has not yet been on the floating island.

   He just watched and waited for how the Shi family couple and the old man Shi faced the Qi family.

  The Qi family finally gave birth to a female doll.

   Moreover, this emphasis is far beyond their imagination.


   In the backyard of Qi's house, Gu Qiao, who had just returned from the ceremony stage, had a strange body.

   Before returning to his courtyard, his back was burning with pain.

  Gu Qiao has been holding back, without making a sound.

   Until he walked to the front of the yard, Shi Jiudu saw that Gu Qiao looked wrong, so he quickly stepped forward and helped her.

   This helped, only to find that she was hot all over. like fire...

"what happened."

   Grandmother was also taken aback by Shi Jiudu's suddenly worried tone. "What's wrong?"

   Shi Jiudu touched Gu Qiao's pulse for the first time, probably because he was by Shi Jiudu's side, Gu Qiao's body was tense all the way, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then the whole person was soft in Shi Jiudu's arms.

  Shi Jiudu was startled, and hurriedly walked into the room with someone in his arms, and then asked the Qi family to invite Lao Lao.

   The servants of the Qi family had just left, and several old men who had just disappeared on the high platform rushed into the courtyard one after another.

   Shi Jiudu's indifferent eyes swept over sharply.

   All the old people stopped and stopped at the door.

   "We know what happened to the mistress."

   Shi Jiudu slowly looked at a few people and signaled them to speak.

   "Before that, we need to confirm whether it is what we guessed."

   Shi Jiudu asked, "How to confirm."

  The old man said: "You need to look at the back of the mistress."

  Shi Jiudu's hand subconsciously touched Gu Qiao's back, her back was higher than the problem in other places, as if there was a fire, burning constantly.

   And Shi Jiudu could still vaguely feel that something was about to break out of the ground.

   However, he would naturally not agree to let others see the little girl's back.

"Is there any other way?"

  The old man shook his head. "no."

   An old man next to him tugged at the old man who was talking. "Patriarch Shi, don't be annoyed, in fact, we only need you to confirm a pattern for us."

   Sure enough, the room that was originally icy and snowy finally slowly warmed back up.

   "What pattern."

   Several old men looked at each other, and then formed a handprint.

The    handprint pattern was pushed from outside the house to the big bed inside.

  Shi Jiudu glanced at the pattern, then had the door closed and everyone screened back, and then carefully began to untie the little girl's clothes.

When Lao Yao got the news, the Qi family also got the news.

   Mr. Qi and the two uncles of the Qi family rushed over quickly.

   Then I saw the old man who was blocked from the door, and the worried grandmother.


"great grandmother."

   Grandmother shook her head. "The child of Shi's family is inside."

   Mr. Qi looked at the old men, then withdrew his gaze and asked the servant on the side what was the situation.

   At this time, Lao Lao also rushed over. When I saw the old men with immortal style at the door, I was slightly surprised.

   There was another unexpected person, who also followed the footsteps behind Lao Lao and stepped into the yard.

   "Mr. Xin..." Mrs. Xin is no stranger to Mrs. Qi, even after a few years, he can recognize it.

  The old lady Xin nodded to the old man Qi, and then looked at a few old men beside her.

   asked, "Is that the one?"

   Several old men looked at each other before nodding. "No surprise, it should be."

   Mrs. Xin sighed. As expected, she knew that otherwise, it would be impossible...

   Mr. Qi looked at her worriedly. "Ms. Xin, Xiao Qiao..."

   "Don't worry, she's fine. She's fine..."

  The old lady Xin is not only a mysterious doctor, a fortune teller, a special person in the dark guard camp, she also has a special relationship with the elders of the floating island.

   Of course, this matter, Mr. Qi also figured out a little bit by himself.

   However, now he is sure.

   This old lady Xin is not someone else, but someone who Gu Qiao explained to Fu Yin temporarily in Qi's house.

   It's just that Gu Qiao hasn't had time to see this old lady Xin yet.

   At this time, Shi Jiudu in the room was also covered in cold sweat.

  Gu Qiao was wearing cumbersome dresses, layer after layer.

  Fortunately, he had seen this dress at the old man Shi's place before, so he knew how to untie it.

   It took Shi Jiudu some time to untie the clothes.

When   's snow-white skin was exposed, Shi Jiudu didn't have any thoughts, and only focused on whether the body of Xiao Guyan was intentional.

   Shi Jiudu lifted the clothes on his back, and a fiery red light flowed from his back.

   The fire flowed and then merged into an ancient and mysterious pattern.

   In the middle of the pattern, there is a budding flower drawn, which is not in the pattern just now.

   "The pattern is a little different."

  The old man outside the door jumped in his heart. Could it be that they made a mistake.

   "Where is the difference."

   Shi Jiudu pursed his lips. "There is only one difference. In the center of the pattern, there is a flower."

   The old man breathed a sigh of relief. "Excuse me, what kind of flower. Is it blooming, or..."

   "Bone flower."

  The old man was shocked and looked at each other in shock.

   After a second of silence. The old man calmed down and spoke. "Nothing. There are flowers."

   "Then when will it end."

   "After a quarter of an hour, the mistress will wake up. When she wakes up, the pattern will disappear."

   Shi Jiudu covered his clothes. "She's hot all over, can she cool down..."

   "No, that temperature doesn't hurt her, but is beneficial. Don't worry, it won't hurt the mistress." After the old man finished speaking, he quickly added another sentence.

   "It is one with the mistress and will only protect her."

   Hearing the old man's words, Shi Jiudu and the Qi family breathed a sigh of relief.

   And the old man got the answer he wanted, and looked at the Qi family around him, and left with interest.

  After several old men left, Mrs. Xin followed.

   "Xiao Xin, maybe your inference was correct." One of the old men looked at the sky in the distance and said slowly.

   Mrs. Xin chuckled lightly. "I'm already an old lady."

  The old man sighed heavily. "That child is also stubborn. Even this method can be used."

  The old lady Xin was also very emotional, but as a woman. She can still imagine something.

   "People have seven emotions and six desires. After all, they are different from you."

The    elders sighed one after another, and then gradually disappeared.

  The old lady Xin looked at the place where several people disappeared, and unexpectedly raised a smile.

   That child, since birth, has been extraordinary. Destined to dare to fight with heaven.

   And her child, naturally, can't be so weak, only stronger than her.


   After a quarter of an hour, Gu Qiao woke up and was slightly taken aback when he saw the Qi family around the bed.

   "My dear girl, are you feeling better?" The grandmother took Gu Qiao's hand and looked at her worriedly.

  Gu Qiao gave the grandmother a comforting look. "Grandma, I'm fine."

   "What's wrong with your body?"

   "Nothing different." Gu Qiao remembered that there seemed to be a fire in his body before he fell into a coma.

   But now, I can't feel anything strange, but my body seems to be tempered, extra relaxed and very comfortable.

   Even the sleepiness of coming up to the floating island for the past few days has disappeared.

   The grandmother was relieved when she saw Gu Qiao's appearance, it didn't look like she was cheating.

   "Master, why don't you postpone the banquet. The little princess' health is important."

  The suggestion of the second uncle of the Qi family was exactly what Mr. Qi had in mind.

   However, it was rejected by Gu Qiao himself. "No need to."

   "Grandfather, second uncle. I'm fine, I'll change clothes and I can go out." Gu Qiao could see how long the Qi family had been preparing for this banquet and how much thought it took.

   Moreover, the Qi family and Shi Jiudu have arrangements today.

   Besides, she knows her own body. There was no discomfort.

   Shi Jiudu looked at her with a frown. "It can be another day. You are the most important."

  Gu Qiao suddenly felt a little laugh. She looked at the group of people surrounding her, and they all regarded her as a porcelain doll.

   This feeling is both warm and a little…

   She is not a porcelain doll, she is a ruthless person who can kill a **** way back from hell.

   "My body is really fine."

   In the end, the Qi family couldn't hold back Gu Qiao, so they had to let the banquet continue.

   After a quarter of an hour, the Qi family appeared in the banquet hall, but beside Mr. Qi was a little girl.

   The little girl's brows and eyes are downcast, but if you look at it from a distance, you can feel that this person is beautiful.

The appearance of    Qi's family instantly alerted the entire banquet hall.

   Mr. Qi did not take Gu Qiao directly into the main hall, but went to the lounge next to him, while the rest of the Qi family had just entered the banquet hall and greeted others.

   Many of the family members here were specially invited by the Qi family. Of course, the effort should not be wasted.

   "Master Qi. Congratulations."

  Compliments from the whole house, congratulations, the Qi family accepted it calmly.

   However, when the Shi family scolded the little princess, the Qi family all smiled and remained silent.

   "Xiao Jiu's child is also true. He didn't even show up on such an important occasion."

   "Second Master Qi, don't take offense. He might have delayed something important." A man next to Mr. Shi San said deliberately.

   The second uncle of the Qi family didn't know what the third room of the Shi family meant, so he just smiled. did not say anything.

   Not far away, Shi's father and Shi's mother saw the people from the third room of Shi's family surrounding Qi Yunling, chatting so happily, they seemed to hear Xiao Jiu's name again.

   Both of them were a little worried, and Shi's mother held Shi's father's hand worriedly. "Husband, will the Qi family..."

   When the father is not sure. After all, from today's lineup, the Qi family really attached great importance to this little princess.

  If this is just a young lady who has just been found by the Qi family, it is understandable to simply spoil and make up for it.

   But the performance of the Qi family today is obviously not the case.

   It seems that the Qi family likes this little princess very much.

   And, not to make up for that kind of love, but a real love, a love from the bottom of my heart.

  If that's the case, then Xiaojiu's marriage...

   Shifu took one last look outside the hall. Since the old man just appeared from the high platform, he has never appeared again.

   It is impossible for the old man not to discover the attitude of the Qi family towards the little princess of the Qi family.

   "Don't panic. At this time, we can't be in a mess. Wait for Xiaojiu and the old man."

   Shi's father was sure that his son and the old man liked Gu Qiao's child very much.

  Maybe with the Qi family, they have their own decisions in their hearts. What they say at this time is very likely to hold back Shi Jiudu and the old man.

   The second uncle of the Qi family was almost complacent when he saw the ghosts and tongues of the Shi family, so he turned around and walked in the direction of Shi's parents and Shi's mother, pretending to be unintentional.

   "Yunling..." Shifu stopped the second uncle of the Qi family.

   Qi Yunling felt amused when he saw the uneasy faces of the Shi family and his wife. Although he and Shi Jiudu's father had known each other since childhood, it could even be said that they grew up together.

   However, what the two of them did during this time. He was naturally angry.

   The little princess of their Qi family, how could others despise her.

   To dislike it, it is also the little princess who dislikes others.

   But Qi Yunling didn't show it, and responded with a smile on his face. "Brother Yuanbo."

   "Sorry, sorry, I'm too busy today to be entertained."

   "The old man and the little princess will come out soon. You two will wait..."

   Shifu suddenly choked, not knowing how to speak.

   The old rules! ! ! !



   (end of this chapter)

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