Yu Qingqian walked over, took some soil and smelled it, absorbed a wisp of toxin into his dantian for rotation.

   Knowing how to extract the antidote in a moment, he took out several kinds of liquids that had been refined before and mixed them together.

   Divide the antidote into nine parts, and Yu Qingqian distributes one to each of the others.

   "After drinking this, you don't have to worry about the toxins nearby that are harmful to your body!"

   Feng Chen and Shi Xi were the first to drink the antidote, and Nangong Bing and others did not hesitate to drink it directly.

   Soon, a transparent aperture enveloped them, which was the effect of the antidote, and several people were amazed.

"Qingqian, your ability to refine medicines is too strong, even more powerful than our Xuanyuan family's ancestors." Xuanyuanlan is not flattering, but from the method, Yu Qingqian's refining medicine is better than that of the heavenly class in the family. The ancestors are much more pure.

  The Xuanyuan family is best at medicine among the major families, and it is also a family of healing.

  Xuanyuan Lan saw that Diaoer Langdang was actually a good pharmacist, so he was deeply loved by Mr. Xuanyuan.

   It’s just that he’s not very good at healing, so he spent all his energy researching potions.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "I'm better at this."

   The group followed Yu Qingqian to the water pool, and Huang Puxiao said, "I feel like there is something powerful under the water pool."

   "What else could there be, not just a wandering snake king in the Nirvana realm, just kill it." Shi Xi said indifferently.

   "..." Huang Puxiao twitched the corners of his mouth, what is it called a wandering snake king? Kill it?

   All of them in this team are from the Spiritual Realm. I heard that the Nirvana Kings in the Royal Hunting Ground are all in the late Nirvana Realm and the peak!

   Several people were going to say something, but they just thought that Shi Xineng and Luan Xin of Nirvana Realm once fought to a draw, and they really have the strength to say such outrageous words.

   "Brother Shi, the following may be the Snake King in the late stage of Nirvana or the peak. It's better not to take it lightly later." Huang Puxiao reminded kindly.

  Shi Xi shrugged and said indifferently, "Okay, I get it!"

   "Let's hunt down the snake first, and we can borrow its power when the one below is alerted." Yu Qingqian said lazily with his arms wrapped around him.

  Nangongbing looked at Yu Qingqian in astonishment, "Borrow its power?"

   "Yeah!" Yu Qingqian smiled meaningfully: "Nangong Yan and others have already approached, just use its power to use it."

   "..." Nangong Bing and others felt their nerves were stirred up again. It turned out that what Shi Xi said before was not too big, and the big devil is the more shameless.

  Is it possible that the snake king can still listen to her? But I've never heard of her having the ability to control monsters.

   But none of the people questioned anything, and they didn’t need to be suspicious.

   A few people went down to the water pool and quickly caught the swimming snakes, and they got a lot of them after a while.

  Nangongbing put it away, "This area should be the only place where You Snake is located, but we don't have to worry about others getting it."

  Especially around and around the pool are highly poisonous, so it is not easy to catch a swimming snake.

   If it wasn't for Yu Qingqian, who was good at playing poison in their team, they wouldn't know how much effort it would take to catch the snake.

   "Fortunately, the snake king was not disturbed." Gao Zhan said happily.

   Yu Qingqian hooked her lips, "Always be alarmed!"

   Before several people could react to what she said, the figures of Nangong Yan and his group appeared not far away.

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