Luanxin is not only out of style, but also has a lot of ambition.

   Huang Puyuan doesn't like Nangong Yan, and naturally he doesn't like Luan Xin either. The combination of the two is a great threat to the royal family.

   He actually didn't expect Luan Xin to hit Feng Chen with his idea so quickly. It was a good idea to kill two birds with one stone.

  How can there be such a good thing in the world, Huang Puyuan absolutely does not want to see Feng Chen being robbed by Luan Xin into the Luan Mansion.

  Other male pets have some special abilities that they can ignore, but Feng Chen's ability makes them not want him to be loyal to any force except their own.

The others were also a little nervous, but Luan Xin’s calculations were really deep, aside from Feng Chen’s appearance, how much benefit this person could bring from the forging and patterning techniques alone, they could see it with their eyes closed. .

   As a result, most of the high-level executives here looked at the Luan family with ridicule and ill will, and the Luan family wanted everything they wanted.

   They will never allow Luan Xin to take Feng Chen away.

   At this moment, they didn't even think about Luan Xin's ability to rob Feng Chen.

  The old owner of the Luan family also knew what people were mocking badly, but he pretended not to know: "How can a male pet's words be taken seriously."

   "Patriarch Luan did not deny it." A high-level executive of the Nangongbing faction snorted coldly.

  Luanxin has been domineering and arrogant in the imperial capital all these years, and they only open one eye and close the other, do they really think they are dead now?

   "I'm old, but I can't handle that girl anymore, hey!" The old master smiled wryly and shook his head, and a ray of light was immediately hidden from the cloudy eyes that lowered his head.

  If Luan Xinzhen snatched Feng Chen into the mansion and acted obediently for her like other male pets, then he would recognize it. If others want to scold them, just scold them, and the Luan family will get actual benefits.

  Huang Puyuan sneered in his heart, the old fox was indeed condoning Luan Xin's behavior.

  Other people have their own thoughts. For the sake of common interests, this time they reached a consensus by tacit understanding. They cannot let Luan Xin **** Feng Chen, they are still waiting to win over each other.

  Nangong Xiao looked up at the scene of Nangong Bing and his party rushing on their way, then lowered his head and stared at the wine glass in his hand, unable to see his true emotions.

   The group once again turned their attention to the mid-air screen.

   After another three days, Yu Qingqian's Jinwu led the crowd to find the nest of the fifth type of beast.

   This is a dark deep pool, surrounded by a thick layer of green mist, and there is no grass for thousands of miles beside the pool.

  Nangongbing and the others all frowned upon seeing this, the breath here gave them an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations.

   "The green mist around the pool seems to be highly poisonous." Xuanyuanlan and the others stood in the place where there was still vegetation and looked.

   Yu Qing said with a light smile: "Yes, the toxicity is not small!"

   It's just that this poison is not very useful to her and the little ones.

   "The fifth type of monster we're looking for is the Swimming Snake. This monster is highly poisonous and lives in the pool all the year round. The environment here can match it."

  Nangong Bing paused and said, "The point is how to catch the snake in the past."

   "This is simple. I will prepare an antidote for you. After taking it, you will be able to resist this toxin." To Yu Qingqian, this poison was just a joke.

  Nangongbing and the others' eyes lit up, they almost forgot that the Great Demon King is still a master of poison, "Okay!"

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