Not only was the Nangong family thinking about it, the emperor and other major forces also instantly became interested in Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

   Tianpin's pharmacist, blacksmith, and pattern planter, these two are of great value, as long as they are drawn together, there is no need to worry about the family being unhappy.

   As for the small and medium clan, they can only smile bitterly, because they have no strength to compete with the big clan, and there is nothing to keep the two of them, which is infinitely regrettable.

   "Brother Nangong, how did the third young master get to know Yu Qingqian and the three of them? Why is there no list of them on the extraterritorial flying boat?" Huang Puyuan looked at Nangong Xiao and asked everyone present.

   "The reason why they don't have their names on the extraterritorial flying boat is because they are in the Middle Heaven Realm that they thought of other ways."

  Nangongxiao just checked the background information of Yu Qingqian's few people and checked the matter of the flying boat outside the territory. He did not hide it, and immediately attacked the flying boat with the swarm of red-blooded bats, and Yu Qingqian told it again.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Nangong Xiao's explanation. No one thought that Yu Qingqian and the others would have been living in the space of the two domains first, and then they didn't know how to get to the Central Heaven Realm. shocked.

   Everyone knows that the space between the two domains is very unstable. Not only is there a lot of danger lurking in the broken star belt, but also mysterious space storms will form from time to time. Even the powerhouses of the eternal realm are generally reluctant to cross the two domains.

   But how did Yu Qingqian and others who were only in the spirit realm do it?

   Most of the people present were old foxes, and there was another layer of speculation about the strength and mystery of Yu Qingqian and others. In short, although these people came from the lower interface, they were absolutely extraordinary.

   "According to this, the little friends are really amazing!" Huang Puyuan smiled meaningfully, he was sure that Yu Qingqian and others had a lot of secrets.

However, I didn't think about digging up the secrets of the other party. People can't be seen and the sea can't be compared. These people stabbed such a big basket in the abyss and hell. So harmless on the surface.

   He is not a fool to kill the chicken and get the eggs.

  Since Nangongbing was able to ask the three of them to help, it meant that the relationship was not shallow, and his son Huang Puxiao could naturally befriend the three of them by the way, which was a good thing for the royal family.

  The people on Nangong Yan's side were thinking about how to get rid of Yu Qingqian and the three of them, otherwise Nangong Yan would inevitably encounter resistance to seize the throne.

   Everyone, with their own thoughts, continued to look towards the mid-air scene.

  Nangong Yan and the others were trapped by the planting ban for more than an hour, and after the planting ban dissipated, they chased after the breath of Nangongbing and others without hesitation.

  Three days later, Nangong Yan and the others caught up with Nangong Bing's team, but they were still isolated by Feng Chen's heaven-grade plant pattern shield.

   can only watch Nangongbing and his party take away the fourth type of beast, and then leave proudly.

A scene like    also made Nangong Yan's team so popular that they wanted to vomit blood, but they couldn't attack and **** the magical beasts when they were close at hand.

   Watching Nangong Bing and others go away again, Nangong Yan's face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

   "It can't go on like this, otherwise we will not only be played to death by them, but also be mad at them." The third prince sullen, Nangong Bing and others definitely deliberately played with them to get revenge.

   He feels aggrieved and uncomfortable now, it would be great if the other party came out to fight them!

  Luanxin walked up to a feminine but beautiful man and asked, "Baby, are you sure you can break the ban on Feng Chen?"

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