Sure enough, the faces of Nangong Yan's group were extremely ugly, mixed with an unbelievable shock.

   They never thought that Yu Qingqian didn't know what kind of trick he had used, and he let Nangong Bing and others pull the swamp flying squirrel out of the swamp so easily.

  Especially Nangong Yan, who was almost depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

I thought that after waiting for more than an hour, the planting ban would be opened, and then I would teach Nangong Bing and others a lesson, and let these people watch how he captured the swamp flying squirrel, and let these people beg but not be angry, who knew the situation would come Such a big reversal.

  Nangong Yan at this time somewhat lessened Yu Qingqian's pursuit of beauty, and showed more murderous intent.

   "How could this be?" The third prince had never heard of swamp flying squirrels being caught like this.

  Nangongbing was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, and said with a smile: "Go, go to the next place!"

   "Okay!" Huang Puxiao's group's mood changed from a cloud of haze to sunny days in just a stick of incense.

   Looking at the backs of Nangong Bing and his group walking away, Nangong Yan and his group were very depressed and had a bad feeling.

  Why do you think that Yu Qingqian and others are deliberately playing with them?

   The people on the seats outside were also surprised to see such a scene.

  Huang Puyuan sat at the top, with information about Yu Qingqian, Feng Chen and Shi Xi already in his hands.

   "As expected of a little friend who is famous for moving into the abyss, Feng Chen's planting talent potential is as high as forging." Huang Puyuan said with admiration.

  The people present found out the identities of the three people at this time, and knew that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were the Great Demon King and the Heavenly Grade Blacksmith who had been making a lot of noise in the abyss before.

   As for Shi Xi, it is only shown that he is an abyss royal family. No matter how the specific identity is checked, there is no way to go further, so it is also very apprehensive.

The mood of    Nangong Yan's supporters became clouded. They never expected Nangong Bing to invite these three people to help out.

  Most of the high-level officials only learned today that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had arrived at the Zhongtian Realm, and they were very surprised and puzzled.

   Every time the extraterritorial flying boat arrives, the major families will get a list, and then decide whether to recruit according to their own situation.

  But this time, there are no names of these three people on the list of extraterritorial flying boats from the Heavenly Realm to the Middle Heavenly Realm. What is going on? Countless people are puzzled.

   Those who supported Nangongbing were already prepared to lose, and they were still thinking about how to deal with it if they lost, but who would have thought that the situation would be reversed like this.

  The elders of the Nangong family all had bright eyes and gleaming eyes, and they all praised in their hearts that he was indeed the third son, and even Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were attracted.

  The Nangong family is the largest legion force in the human race, and the high-level people are all very shrewd. Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen mean more than just whether they can help Nangong Bing win this hunting meeting.

   has far-reaching significance for the Nangong family.

  Yu Qingqian can improve his talents, which also means that he can raise the strength of Qingjiawei to the level of silver armored guards, and the combat power of the legion will rise to a higher level.

   Fengchen's forging and planting patterns are already top-notch. If he can forge a few batches of sacred artifacts for the Nangong family, the legion's combat power will be even higher.

   At this time, many members of the Nangong family, who were originally neutral, were shaken. In a family like theirs, the potential requirements for cultivation were not as important as resourcefulness and cohesion.

   After all, it is impossible for a general to go to the battlefield to charge and kill the enemy directly. What the Marquis of Zhenguo needs is to lead three large armies.

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