Nangongsu knew that Huang Puyuan was going to disgust him, but he didn't care.

   "This Marquis joined the army to face the new year. I haven't tested them for a long time, so I can't judge. Whoever wins is my son."

   Huang Puyuan sneered in his heart, a sly old fox with a serious face.

   "I am more optimistic about the third son." Huang Puyuan said with a smile.

   His words, although there is no lack of temptation to Huang Pusu, are indeed from the heart.

  Nangong Yan's identity is not on the stage at all, where is the noble Nangong Bing born to her, and Nangong Su doesn't know if his eyes have been covered with feces after fighting over the years.

   Knowing that Nangong Su would fail her at the beginning, he braved the big **** to forcibly marry her, which is better than if she closed herself in the backyard of Hou's mansion to eat fast and recite Buddha without stepping out of the yard.

   "Really? It's a blessing for the emperor to see him." Nangong Su knew what his former friend was thinking, and pretended to be irritable.

   Huang Puyuan's smile did not change, "I see that the third son is indeed a lucky person."

   His words clearly expressed his support for Nangong Bing's succession to the throne.

   This also made the senior officials of the Hou Mansion and other families who originally supported Nangong Bing happy, and changed the faces of those who supported Nangong Yan.

   This emperor's usual style of behavior likes to mix water the most, but I didn't expect it to be clarified this time. I don't know if there is any purpose.

  Nangong Su smiled, took a sip from the wine glass on the table and stopped talking, the past events flooded into his mind, and his heart was inexplicably tensed.

  Huang Puyuan suddenly lost interest in disgusting the other party when he saw him like this, and looked away as if looking at the other party was annoying.

  The people present carefully observed these two people with the highest status in the central city, and some couldn't figure out why their friends from a hundred years ago would be so troubled now.

  The people present did not dare to talk too much, otherwise they would offend one party, and neither of them could afford to offend them.

   So they all looked up at the picture in mid-air in tacit understanding.

  Nangongbing and his party chose a road in the forest and went straight forward.

   After about half a day, I sat and rested by a small stream.

  Huang Puxiao looked at Nangong Bing's voice transmission: "Why do you do it? What if he angered that person when he voted for Nangong Yan?"

  Nangong Bing laughed at himself: "Do you think he will vote for me if I don't do this? I don't care for a long time, let him."

   He didn't regret it at all, he had long wanted to disgust that man.

   Huang Puxiao sighed, a little helpless.

   Although his father, Huang, favored Huang Pucheng's mother and concubine, he firmly supported the orthodoxy, not as ambiguous as the Hou Ye, causing the grievances between the Nangong brothers to deepen, even to the point of endless death.

   Yu Qingqian didn't think that Nangong Bing's impulse was inappropriate. She could guess that he wanted to disgust his father. She didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and she would do the same.

  The face is earned, the person who is really embarrassed is still sitting, what is Nangong Bing afraid of?

   "What shall we do next?" Gongzhi Hanyu also knew Nangongbing's thoughts and silently expressed his support.

  Nangong Bing took out the jade slip and handed it to a few people to read it in turn, "We need to find a total of five kinds of magical beasts in half a month, two of which can only be captured alive, the more the better."

"However, there is no information about the area where these five monsters are located on the jade slip, and there is no information about the appearance of these monsters in the previous hunting activities. Obviously, it was only put in in the past ten years, so we have to spend our own time and find a way. Go find it." He added.

   At this moment, Nangong Bing has left the previous things behind and devoted himself wholeheartedly to earning the first place in the hunt.

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