At this moment, Nangong Yan couldn't help but complain about the Marquis of Zhen Guo. If his father could bring his mother out to participate in such an event, who would question his identity as an outsider.

   But he didn't dare to vent his dissatisfaction. He was not afraid of anyone but the most serious father.

   "Let's go, this time they beat Nangong Bing in the hunting event." Luan Xin also saw Nangong Yan so rude in front of people for the first time.

   But when he thought of his identity, he was brought up by Nangong Bing like that, so it's no wonder he wasn't angry.

   It's just that this identity is indeed a stain on Nangong Yan's body. Only by winning the throne of the prince and eradicating Nangong Bing's mother and son is the best policy.

   Luan Xin is very calm, and now helping Nangong Yan is not for the dewy marriage in the past, but for the interests of the Luan family and her.

  If Nangong Bing was given the throne, Gongzhi Hanyu and Xuanyuanlan would be effective, and the Luan family would be isolated among the three major families. She would not allow such a thing to happen.

   "Well, let's go!" Nangong Yan took a deep breath again and quickly left the place with the group.

   At this time, the other teams left one after another, and they all hid far away from the fish pond before.

  The other seven candidates for the Marquis of Zhen Guofu had no hope for themselves. They also chose Nangong Bing and Nangong Yan as their supporters. This time, they had to participate in the hunt for one of them to fight for the throne of the prince.

   On the seats in the open space, everyone saw the quarrel between Nangong Yan and Nangong Bing just now, and even heard their conversation with each other.

  The people, including the emperor Huang Puyuan, looked at Nangongsu, the Marquis of Zhenguo, intentionally or unintentionally.

   I saw that he was still sitting upright and mighty, and the expression on his face and eyes did not change at all, as if the content of the quarrel between Nangong Yan and Nangong Bing had nothing to do with him.

   makes it even harder to see which of the two is more important to him.

   Everyone here can't really guess what Nangong Su is thinking. To say that he has given up on Nangong Bing, but he handed over the command of Jinjiawei to Nangong Bing, it can be said that he attaches great importance to normality and is very indifferent.

   seems to be very fond of Nangong Yan, but so far he has not raised the position of Nangong Yan's mother, such as becoming a flat wife or something.

   With Nangong Su's majestic status, even if Nangong Yan's mother was to be promoted to a flat wife, Gongzhi's family would be the most troublesome, but he would have to swallow his anger.

   Now the place next to Nangong Su is even more vacant, which also means that Nangong Bing's mother is the mistress of the Hou Mansion, whether she is in power or not.

  Nangongsu was very calm, but that didn't mean that the people in the Hou residence behind him could sit still.

The faces of many high-level executives were completely dark, and they secretly scolded Nangong Yan for wanting to cause trouble and provocation, and they were also angry that Nangong Bing actually exposed Lord Hou's shortcomings today regardless of the occasion. Go in, who asked Hou Ye to do this kind of unkind thing to the Gongzhi family.

  Although this is something everyone knows, it is another matter to say it in public.

   Now the relationship between Gongzhi's family and Hou's residence has fallen into a freezing point. If it wasn't for Nangong Bing's grinding effect, it would have been a long time ago.

   The confrontation between the two just now also humiliated Hou Fu's face, two unfilial sons.

"Brother Nangong, who are you more optimistic about among the nine young masters? Who do you think will win the first place in this hunting event?" Huang Puyuan looked at Nangong Su with a smile on his face, as if he didn't notice what he said. malicious.

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