The    handsome man was in charge of the flight of the extraterritorial flying boat, so after the person who took the boat license boarded the flying boat, he checked everyone's background and intelligence collection.

   When he saw the background information of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, he was shocked.

   It turns out that these two are the Great Demon King and Feng Chen, who are known to the middle and high-level families of the Central Heaven Realm. The most important thing they are known for is what they did in the abyss.

  The handsome man was still thinking about how to get along with the two of them, but now it seems like a good opportunity.

   In addition, after the two of them were able to make so many troubles in places like the abyss and hell, they returned to the Guangluan Continent safely and smoothly, which made him inexplicably have some confidence in their abilities.

   "Okay, deal!" The handsome man did not hesitate.

Hearing the handsome man's words, a Jin Jiawei behind him couldn't help but stepped forward and whispered: "Master, this time you are in charge of the two-domain flying boat, but it is a test and opportunity to compete for the position of the young master. There are a lot of them, if the loss is With such a large sum of spiritual essence, I am afraid that the Presbyterian Church will find fault with this."

  The handsome man glanced at the other side lightly, "Do you think it's more important to survive now, or is it more important to consider how to compete for the position of the young master?"

   "This!" The man thought and gritted his teeth, "Life is the most important thing."

   "That's right, it doesn't necessarily mean that losing this spiritual essence will make me lose the qualification to compete for the position of the young master. Maybe it will even give me more chips." The handsome man said meaningfully.

   The man was at a loss for not knowing why, and just wanted to ask why, but saw that the handsome man had turned his head and ignored him, so he put the question in his stomach.

   Having lost so much spiritual essence, how could it be possible to increase the chips? Has their young master suddenly lost his mind?

   "Bang Bang!!" The sound of the collision outside the flying boat was getting louder and louder, and a small hole was also gnawed out of the prohibition of the supernatural plant pattern around it.

"Oops, if we don't go out to fight again, once the ban on the planting of the flying boat is destroyed, even if we can avoid the danger of the red sky bat, it will be difficult to continue walking in the turbulent space after that." .

   Since Yu Qingqian didn't waste time negotiating good terms with the handsome man, she summoned a monster with fluorescent lights all over her body.

   "Little Cai, get the fluorescent powder off your body." Yu Qingqian touched the monster pet and said.

   The demon pet rubbed Yu Qingqian affectionately, shook his body, and layers of dazzling phosphors scattered on the ground.

   Yu Qingqian's spiritual power surged, and soon all the fluorescent powder on the ground flew up and landed in a bottle in her hand.

   Soon, Yu Qingqian took out some of the refined medicinal liquid and mixed it with the phosphor powder in the bottle, and dried it into powder with spiritual power.

   "Sprinkle this on the armors of your golden and silver guards, and the red-air bats will not be able to get close." Yu Qingqian handed one of the bottles to the handsome man.

  The handsome man was a little skeptical when he saw that Yu Qingqian had prepared the so-called medicinal powder to deal with the red sky bat so easily, but he still took it.

  Most of the people who boarded the flying boat together in Guangluan mainland did not believe that the medicinal powder Yu Qingqian spent only half a column of incense and less than time could deal with the red sky bats, and a few people also watched with an attitude of onlookers.

   You must know that they just watched two people with Nirvana cultivation realm being eaten by the bat swarm without resistance. How could it be so easy to deal with.

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