Hearing this man's indignant words, Yu Qingqian didn't say anything, Shi Xi and others were not happy.

   "Everyone is in the same boat, but what kind of people are you? Are we familiar with you? Why should we help you?" Shi Xi snorted coldly, as the heir of the abyss was full of momentum.

   He is more indifferent to the lives of irrelevant people than anyone else.

   He didn't think there was anything wrong with Yu Qingqian, why did these people ask Yu Qingqian to help?

  Shi Xi still knows Yu Qingqian well. This woman can sacrifice herself for the sake of justice, but it is really possible to do something that ignores the death of this boat.

   Anyway, Yu Qingqian is a woman he can't understand, no matter her temperament or her behavior, so she wants to know more about it.

   "You!" The man choked, and then replied: "Everyone is from the Heaven Realm. If we die, what will you gain?"

   He was still shocked by the extravagance and suffocation of Shi Xi, and the words he said this time were not so domineering.

  If it weren't for the fact that killing people was not allowed on the extraterritorial flying boat, Shi Xi would have killed the person on the opposite side by now, "What about us if you die or not? Idiots!"

   He was too lazy to continue talking to this person. No wonder Yu Qingqian was reluctant to take action directly. There are always idiots in these people who want to kill themselves.

   Hearing Shi Xi scolding him, he couldn't help blushing and wanted to continue his theory, but Shi Xi didn't want to talk except to do something.

  The handsome man was also very annoyed by these people who came out to question others' chirping and crooked. He looked at the man with a cold face and said, "Enough, I will throw you out if you talk more."

  The man blushed and closed his voice, his face was completely red with anger.

  Yu Qingqian smiled with a bit of sarcasm, rarely in sync with Shi Xi, and his red lips spit out: "Idiot!"

  Why are these people so righteous? She doesn't owe them anything.

   The two people who were thrown out by the handsome man just now deserved it in Yu Qingqian's opinion. These people are too selfish, they don't care about the major situation at all, and they only make trouble for people.

   This also made the man not only blushed, but his eyes were red with anger, but because of the handsome man's deterrence, he didn't dare to say more, for fear of being thrown out and fed to bats.

   "Miss Yu, make an offer." The handsome man is a smart man, and he said straight to the point.

   These scarlet bats suddenly appeared, putting them in an unprecedented crisis. Judging from the two Nirvana practitioners who were thrown out before, he actually had no way to deal with these bats.

   If it were replaced by other space creatures, it would be better, the plant pattern prohibition of the super-celestial product would be able to block the opponent.

  Yu Qingqian chuckled lightly: "Aren't you afraid that my method won't work, and that time will be wasted in vain?"

   "Don't be afraid, as long as there is a glimmer of hope in this life-and-death juncture, I will not let it go." The handsome man said solemnly.

   Yu Qingqian hooked her lips, "Two conditions, all the poison sacs of the Chikong bats that I want to kill, plus all the cost of our group's flying boat ride back."

   "If you agree to these two conditions, I can guarantee that you will not be smeared by the red sky bat." She added.

   As soon as Yu Qingqian finished studying the two bats, coupled with his previous knowledge of bats, he did have a way to deal with them.

  The handsome man was not surprised that Yu Qingqian would make such a straightforward request, because judging from the information collected, this big devil is a temperament that will not suffer any loss.

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