Yu Qing's brows and eyes were dyed with a smile of anticipation.

   She couldn't help but reached out and touched Lou Qingqing's belly, feeling a small heart beating, and an indescribable emotion overflowed from her heart.

   That kind of emotion is not jealous or unhappy, but unspeakable joy, she actually has a younger brother born.

  Beauty's father's medical skills are also very good, so you can know if it is a male or a female.

  Suddenly Lou Qingqing's lower abdomen moved, and Yu Qingqian felt that the little thing in her stomach kicked her, as if to say hello again.

   "That's great, I'm going to have a younger brother too!" Yu Qing smiled lightly, even with a smirk he'd never had before.

   Yu Jing was instantly happy when he saw this, and said meaningfully: "You and Feng Chen are about to have children."

   Originally, he and Lou Qingqing did not expect the child to come so suddenly.

   But since he's here, they'll be happy to welcome him.

  Yu Qingqian was not shy and nodded: "We will ask for it when we go to Zhongtianjing, so let's go with everything."

  Children are not born to be born, as the cultivation level is higher, it will be more difficult to conceive children.

   In the Guangluan Continent, it is difficult for a human race with a stronger talent and potential to have a higher cultivation base, especially those who are promoted to the peak cultivation base of the Heling Realm before they are 100 years old.

   But fortunately, the secret arts of the Yun clan that Feng Chen cultivated are helpful for childbearing. They have stopped the double cultivation of tattoos and incarnations. Perhaps at some point in the future, the child will come naturally.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are not in a hurry, they still have a lot of things to do, they don't think too much about how to create a child, they just want to follow fate.

   Everyone chatted at the door for a while, Yu Changfeng looked at the sky and said, "Qianqian, Xiaochen, you should choose a wooden house to live in, the space storm is coming soon."

   There will be space storms swept in here every two or three days. The planting ban of the wooden house can protect it. If you are alone outside, it will be very dangerous.

   This is one of the reasons why people in other log cabins don’t go out for a walk.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were not familiar with this place and nodded: "Okay!"

   Everyone went back to their rooms, and within about half an hour, Yu Qingqian and the two saw the outside scene completely changed through the window of the wooden house.

  The splendid splintered star belt was covered with a layer of gray-black, and violent hurricanes blew from far to near.

   The silver armored guards outside have also all got into the wooden house, and there is no one and no grass outside.

  The place where the hurricane passed was blown away by sand and rocks, and there was not much change near the wooden house because of the guard of the supernatural plant pattern.

   However, Yu Qingqian and the two still felt the powerful destructive aura when the hurricane passed by.

   "The hurricanes that come out of this fragmented star belt space are actually so powerful. If we don't have the protection of the planting ban outside, once we get involved, we're afraid that our lives will be lost." Yu Qingqian leaned on Feng Chen's shoulder and said.

   Feng Chen stretched out his hand and rubbed her black hair, "It's no wonder those strong people are unwilling to cross the space road between the two domains by themselves, it's too dangerous."

   "Well, I used to think that it would be too pitiful for a person to take five thousand mid-grade spirits in an extraterritorial flying boat. Now it seems that the price is justified." Yu Qing smiled lightly.

   The two of them have not been idle for the past three days, studying the classics of planting patterns and forging respectively.

  Three days later, the voice of a Silver Armor suddenly sounded.

   "The flying boat has arrived. Those who want to get on the boat, please get out of the wooden house and board the boat according to the order!"

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