There is a small open space not far away, and many wooden houses are built on it.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen landed near the wooden house while sitting around.

The    wooden house looks like hundreds of rooms. There are many guards wearing silver armor standing around, each with a serious and cold face, and the breath exuding from the body is the spirit of the sky.

  A man in silver armor came over and said, "Are you going to take the extraterritorial flying boat?"

   "Yes, we want to go to the Middle Heaven." Feng Chen nodded.

   The man threw the two tokens to the two and said, "From the Lower Heaven Realm to the Middle Heaven Realm, each person needs 50,000,000 mid-grade spiritual marrow. You can hand over the spiritual marrow after you take the boat card and board the flying boat."

   "The wooden houses here are free for the guests who take the extraterritorial flying boat. You can choose two unoccupied rooms at will."

   "The extraterritorial flying boat will arrive in about three days, and force is not allowed here, otherwise it will be expelled by the Silver Armor or killed directly."

  Even if the Eternal God Emperor fights and uses force here, he will be punished. These silver armor guards can use the supernatural plant pattern to prohibit attacks.

   "Okay!" The two nodded.

  The Shining Armor didn't talk too much, and after talking to the two of them about the rules, he returned to his previous position and stood tall.

  No one was walking outside the wooden houses, and more than half of the wooden houses had a ban on planting, which was obviously already inhabited by people.

   The prohibition of planting patterns outside the wooden house and the prohibition of supernatural planting patterns for protection outside are integrated, so it is impossible to detect the breath of the people inside the wooden house with mental power and mental power.

   Yu Qingqian took out the communication talisman and sent messages to Meiren's father and Feng Li.

   After a while, Yu Jing and the others came out of the houses on the top of the hill on the left and waved to Yu Qingqian and the others.

   The two of them immediately walked over with a smile.

   "Great-grandfather, Senior Yinlong, Dad, Aunt Lou!" The two first greeted the four elders, and then smiled with Feng Li and the others.

   "Qianqian and Xiaochen are here!" Yu Changfeng smiled and nodded.

  The silver-haired boy in Xuanyougu was nicknamed "Silver Dragon" in Xia Tianjing, so Yu Qingqian and several people called him Senior Yinlong.

   He and Yu Changfeng are going to travel to the Central Heaven Realm, looking for hope and opportunities for promotion to the Eternal Realm.

   But after reaching the Zhongtian Realm, he and Yu Qingqian will act separately.

   "Your speed is really slow. If it is a few days later, the flying boats from outside the territory will not be able to catch up." Shi Xi couldn't help but pouted when he saw the dashing appearance of the two.

  Before, because Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were going to preach, Gu Qingze and Shi Xi also traveled to the next world alone, but this time they both arrived here first.

   Yu Qing gave him a blank look, "We are happy!"

  Shi Xi choked, this woman's attitude towards him is so bad every time, it's so hated that it tickles her teeth.

   "Qianqian, you can choose a room to live in first." Yu Jing reached out and touched Yu Qingqian's head full of love.

   Yu Qingqian rubbed Yu Jing's hand, "Daddy, I miss you so much when I haven't seen you for a few years!"

   Yu Jing chuckled: "Dad misses you too!"

  The relationship between father and daughter did not become estranged because of Yu Qingqian's growth, but became more intimate.

   Yu Qingqing's eyes moved to Lou Qingqing's lower abdomen inadvertently, seeing that the dress she was wearing was a little wide, and her lower abdomen was slightly bulging.

   "Father, Aunt Lou, do I have a younger brother or a younger sister?" Yu Qingqian looked at Yu Jing in surprise.

  Yu Jing nodded and smiled: "Well, you are about to have a younger brother."

   Before Yu Jing and Lou Qingqing got married, Yu Qingqian kept urging them to have another one, and Yu Jing and Lou Qingqing were also persuaded by her.

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