The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2483: The grandfather is finally gone

   The old man was inexplicably relieved when he heard the words of the Great Demon King, and it would be good to make compensation!

   "Okay, the two Daoists have worked hard all the way. Let's go to my Leisha Mountain to rest first, and then we will discuss the compensation issue slowly."

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen nodded: "Okay!"

   The demon pets threw the bundled disciples of Leisha Mountain on the ground and turned into streams of light and returned to the small tower space.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen didn't bother to pay attention either. They believed that since Lei Chashan had such an attitude, they could naturally solve these people.

   With Yu Qingqian's healing ability, it can be seen that the half-dead ancestor is completely abolished, and Lei Chashan is also ruthless.

   Although Yu Qingqian has a flamboyant and wanton temperament and is never soft when it comes to being ruthless, he also has a characteristic, eating soft and not hard.

   She was only going to smash the gate of Leisha Mountain, but she never thought about destroying Leisha Mountain. After all, it was very troublesome for the forces of Zhongtian Realm behind Leisha Mountain.

   Now that the other party intends to reconcile, Yu Qingqian is not ready to stalk him any more, anyway, the effect of killing chickens and showing monkeys has come out.

  Follow the old man to drink tea at the place where Leisha Mountain receives VIPs.

  The old man invited the Taishang Taipao, who was in the Nirvana realm of Leisha Mountain, to come out to discuss the compensation issue in detail, which was regarded as a gesture of goodwill.

Yu Qingqian wasn't someone to care about either. Everyone talked peacefully for an afternoon. They offered Leisha Mountain to compensate a large sum of spiritual marrow and spirit items, and let the two freely browse through the archives of the Collection Pavilion as a condition of compensation. The two sides understood smoothly. what happened before.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen stayed in Leisha Mountain for the next few days to read the books, and gave Leisha Mountain time to gather spiritual marrow.

   However, the two of them are also kind. After gaining a lot in the classics pavilion of Leisha Mountain, they still taught the disciples of Leisha Mountain for a day.

   It’s just that the preaching to the disciples of Leisha Mountain is different from that of Guiyuan Sect, and there are still reservations.

Ten days later, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen left Leisha Mountain with the enthusiasm of the old man who received them. There was also a large amount of mid-grade spiritual marrow consumption in the small pagoda space, which could supply the little treasures and the dark plants. The cultivation time has been extended for more than ten years.

   Looking at the backs of the two who had disappeared, the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

   A middle-aged man behind him was also relieved, "These two little ancestors are finally gone!"

   "Yeah! It's not difficult for the two little ancestors to serve them, but once they involve compensation, it's especially difficult. This is the first time this old man has met such a smart and calm junior in so many years." The old man sighed.

   It is no wonder that the Great Demon King and Feng Chen have achieved such achievements, because he himself feels that he is inferior to the two in terms of calmness and sophistication.

   "These two are less than 100 years old, and I don't know how they will develop in the future." The middle-aged man couldn't help but say.

The old man smiled and said, "It's hard to say, maybe it will soar to the sky, and in the future will stand to a point where few people can reach it; maybe if you go to the middle or upper realm, you will be killed by someone stronger because of your reputation. The world is ever-changing. , who can predict the fate of the two."

   "It's just that this old man is more inclined to the former, so he persuaded the elder Taishangtai to pay so much to reconcile with the two. I hope there is no mistake." He exhaled a turbid breath.

The middle-aged man nodded: "At first glance, these two are not objects in the pool. They can get along so well in the chaotic place like the abyss and hell, where the strong are like clouds. It is estimated that it will be another time when they go to the Middle Heaven and Upper Heaven. Uproar."

   "Haha, it doesn't matter about our business. As long as the two little ancestors don't come to me again, I will be grateful." The old man chuckled, the whole person relaxed a lot, and turned back to the mountain gate.

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