The ancestors of Leisha Mountain are about to be killed by a few people.

Now the major forces and clans in Xiatian Realm have broken their heads and want to make friends with the two, but now they are good, they just threw an olive branch and wanted to invite the two to preach, the high-level officials and disciples under the sect To do such a thing to provoke the Great Demon King is simply too abhorrent.

  The old man clapped his hands after he finished speaking, and the two disciples of Lei Chashan immediately walked over with a half-dead man.

"Two daoists, this person is the in-law of the Wu family, so he interfered with the Lou family's affairs, but it's just his own opinion. It has nothing to do with me, Lei Chashan. I hope the two daoists will forgive me." The old man smiled politely.

The current Great Demon King and Feng Chen are no longer what they used to be. Back then, they didn't dare to move a finger between the two of them, for fear that the big backer behind the two would take action. Now not only do they dare not offend, but they also have to think of ways to calm them down. Just do it.

  Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the Great Demon King wanted to destroy their gates without a word.

   Of course, their mountain gate is not so easy to destroy. After all, because of this reason, the Great Demon King did such a crazy thing, and their backers in the Zhongtian realm would not care.

   But what I'm afraid of is that the Great Demon King will make a fool of himself in Leisha Mountain, and then completely tear his face. With the current momentum of the Great Demon King and Feng Chen, in the future, Leisha Mountain will be suppressed by the other three and eight forces.

   Therefore, with the attitude that the enemy should be resolved rather than knotted, Lei Chashan is really humble and small in front of the two of them this time.

  Yu Qingqian didn't expect Lei Chashan to have such an attitude, and said with a half-smile, "I'm really not interested in dealing with their lives and deaths. Does Lei Chashan think it's over by handing people over to us?"

   It would be good if it could resolve the grievances between Lei Chashan and Guiyuan Sect for many years, so that the disciples of the two sects would be exposed or killed by the other party every time they practiced.

   Of course, it is unavoidable to blackmail Lei Shashan well.

   "What do you want, Fellow Daoist Yu? Just give me a word. If we can do it, we will definitely not refuse." The old man said cheerfully.

   Great Demon King Yan Guo's plucking temperament has long been known to the upper management of the Heaven Realm, and it is calculated that this matter will not be the case. They would rather break the wealth and eliminate the disaster, just hope that the Great Demon King will not be entangled any more.

  Yu Qingqian saw that the other party was so refreshing and didn't go around in circles, "First, from now on, Lei Chashan can no longer target Guiyuan Sect, and the previous grievances are gone."

  The senior officials of Guiyuan Sect were also very troubled with the grievances and grievances of Leisha Mountain, and Yu Qingqian helped him resolve it.

   "Okay, this old man can promise you now." The old man nodded without hesitation.

   These two little ancestors are the treasures of the Guiyuan Sect. If you want to befriend them, the grudges and entanglements you once had with the Guiyuan Sect will naturally be resolved.

   Needless to say, Yu Qingqing, the top management of their Leisha Mountain is also discussing reconciliation recently.

   "This old ancestor is really refreshing, but the matter of reconciliation needs to be discussed by your high-level officials and the Guiyuan Sect. I won't ask more." Yu Qingqian didn't want to take such trouble on him.

   The old man smiled and said, "This is definitely not a problem for Daoist Fellow Yu. I believe that the time of the two fellow Daoists is very tight. It's a waste of time to spend in these places."

  Yu Qingqian was quite satisfied to see that the other party was so talkative and interesting, "Then let's talk about compensation?"

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