Yu Qingqian originally thought that Ling Yinyin didn't know about the special power in her body, but she was almost used by someone with a heart.

   "I didn't know you had a special bloodline, but when I repaired the meridians for you last time, I found that there was an extra mass of special energy in your body."

   "I didn't tell you at the time, just because I was afraid that you would randomly stimulate the opening."

  Ling Yinyin was amazed, "You mean that the activation of the special bloodline ability in my body is not good?"

   "No, it's definitely good to inspire and open, but let's go with the flow and don't force it, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss."

   Yu Qingqing frowned and asked, "Did your mother tell you about your special bloodline ability, or did that Aunt Lin tell you?"

   "My mother always wanted me to live a simple life like an ordinary person, so she didn't tell me this."

Ling Yinyin's eyes darkened, and she continued: "Aunt Lin told me about my special bloodline ability, and she said that my mother once mentioned it to her. I was going to keep it a secret, but seeing that I paid too much for revenge, So I couldn't help but tell me."

   "When I was still a waste, I tried many methods to activate the special bloodline ability. Two-thirds of them were collected by Aunt Lin for me, but they all failed!"

   "According to her tone this time, if you ask that warlock for help, you will have a great chance of success." She added.

  Yu Qingqian sneered: "Of course the chance of success is very high, but your cultivation potential will also be terminated because of this, that is, you will never be able to break through to the Spiritual Harmony Realm."

   "Ah! How could this be?" Ling Yinyin's eyes widened.

   "The special bloodline is activated using the Warlock's method, which is an early overdraft. The effect will be very good in a few years at that time, but its drawbacks will be discovered in five years at most, but at that time it is too late to regret or remedy it."

  Yu Qingqian continued to say meaningfully: "Which of you, Aunt Lin, didn't know whether she was so kind or was used by others, so she told you this kind of news and asked you to do it."

   The "kindness" she said was naturally sarcastic.

   Judging from Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's reasoning and judgment, that Auntie Lin has some problems.

   If it wasn't a spy who was placed beside Ling Yinyin by others, then it was being used unintentionally, but Yu Qingqian felt that the former might be bigger.

  Ling Yinyin had endured so much all of a sudden, as if she had grown up a lot, and suppressed the uncomfortable feeling of being betrayed by someone close to her.

   "If Auntie Lin has a problem, then if I don't go to my great-grandmother, she will definitely find out."

  Ling Yinyin was a little confused about the way she was going, and looked up at Yu Qingqian: "Qingqian, what do you think I should do?"

  The father who was originally the biggest revenge motivation in this life may not be as cruel and scumbag as she imagined, and the close people who grew up with her may be spies planted by others, which is simply subverting her life.

  Yu Qingqian looked sideways at Feng Chen and asked, "Sick beauty, do you have any good ideas?"

  Fengchen pondered for a moment, "If that's the case, then let's go fishing. Ling Yinyin still goes to her great-grandmother to see if there is anyone behind Aunt Lin."

   "I will place a special seal in your body that is difficult for others to see. It will suppress your special bloodline power. The warlock cannot activate the activation, and the people behind it will definitely take action." He added.

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