If Ling Yinyin had heard Auntie Lin say this, she would have been very excited, but now she just feels a little cold in her heart.

   But he still asked with a look of surprise: "Really? Can that warlock really activate the special bloodline talent in my body for me? If so, that would be great!"

   "Aunt Lin, where did you hear it? Is the news reliable?" Ling Yinyin asked a little tentatively.

   Aunt Lin was stunned for a while, obviously not expecting Ling Yinyin to ask such a question.

   As long as she said that, Ling Yinyin would definitely run to the old lady very excited.

   "You want revenge, so I have been paying attention to the news from the City Lord's Mansion and the old lady since I came back."

  Auntie Lin was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied with a smile: "This is the news I got from a sister who used to have a good relationship with me. She serves by the old lady's side, which is very credible."

  Ling Yinyin's temperament was cultivated by her mother to be optimistic and positive, but she was not stupid or even very smart. She caught the moment when the other party was dumbfounded.

   "So that's how it is!" Ling Yinyin nodded: "Then I will go to my great-grandmother today and ask her to ask the warlock for help."

  Ling Yinyin always knew that her great-grandmother's love for her was not a kind of affection, and she supported her because her relationship with her father was very tense.

   Now it seems that everything is good for her, not just as simple as she knew before.

  If what the mother said in the last animal skin suicide note is true, then the great-grandmother's intentions for her are also extremely sinister.

   Aunt Lin's loving smile deepened, "Miss, you may be able to avenge your wife and yourself soon!"

  Ling Yinyin showed a longing look on her face, "Yeah! It's finally time for revenge!"

   As for who to seek revenge is not sure!

  Ling Yinyin sat in the room for a while, and told Aunt Lin to go out alone to find her great-grandmother.

   But instead of going directly to his great-grandmother's house, he used a lot of methods to get rid of his tail and went to Yu Qingqian's yard.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen saw that Ling Yinyin was coming again, and they wondered what might have happened.

   "Yinyin, sit down!" Yu Qingqian poured Ling Yinyin a cup of tea.

  Ling Yinyin held the teacup with a sad expression on her face, "Qingqian, I suspect that there may be someone behind Auntie Lin, or that she has some purpose."

  Yu Qingqian was very surprised. It didn't take long for Ling Yinyin, who was determined to believe in Aunt Lin, to begin to doubt her.

   "Did something happen after we left?"

  Ling Yinyin took a sip of tea and clasped the teacup tightly with her fingers, "Aunt Lin has always instilled in me the idea that Ling Qing is a badass villain, and also suggested that I go to my great-grandmother and ask a warlock to activate the special bloodline ability in my body."

   "Then I was looking for the thing that my mother exiled into the space passage, and using that thing as a lure, I joined you to set a trap for my father."

  Ling Yinyin thought a lot about the way she came to find Yu Qingqian, and suddenly found that her former mother always protected Ling Qing in front of her.

   After her mother died, Auntie Lin often talked in her ear about how Ling Qing failed her mother, abandoned them, and looked down on their identities. Gradually, she hated her father more and more, and even more wanted to kill each other.

   "What? She actually suggested that you activate the special bloodline ability in your body?" Yu Qingqian frowned.

  Ling Yinyin asked in surprise: "Qingqian, you also know that I have a special bloodline?"

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