Shi Xi knew that if she didn't show some sincerity, this dead woman would never compromise and cooperate.

   "Okay, in order to show my sincerity, I will swear by the rules first!"

  Shi Xi just raised his hand to make an oath, and Yu Qingqian opened his mouth and said, "Add one more thing to the content of the oath. If I need the special things and dark essence of the abyss in the future, you have to get them for me sincerely, otherwise you will also violate the oath."

   If this product is not credible, it is better to swear.

   Shi Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Are you going too far?"

   Even this requires him to swear together, how much this dead woman does not believe him!

Yu Qingqian could see Shi Xi's displeasure, but he didn't care, shrugged and threw a bait, "My trust in you is more assured based on an oath. If you are willing to make such an oath, I will help you. Climb the position of the Abyss Emperor."

  Shi Xi sneered: "You help me reach the position of the Abyss Emperor? What are you kidding? It's up to you?"

   Yu Qing gave him a plain look, "Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, please go away, turn around and it's the door!"

   She doesn't have time to waste time with this guy.

   "Can you speak well, this woman? Don't come here like a firecracker." Shi Xi said angrily.

  Yu Qingqian said bluntly: "You don't believe me, so what else is there to talk about?"

   Helping Shi Xi sit in the position of the Abyss Emperor, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen think it is very feasible, so that they can reverse infiltrate into the abyss and ensure the safety of Guangluan Continent.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but how do you make me believe you? I made a promise, shouldn't you also show your sincerity?" Shi Xi, of course, hoped that Yu Qingqian could help him. The woman still believed it.

   But since Yu Qingqian can talk about conditions in this regard, why can't he?

   Yu Qingqian raised his eyebrows, this guy actually returned to his normal thinking.

   "Then what kind of sincerity do you want me to show, let's hear it!" Yu Qingqian didn't mind showing some sincerity first, after all, they actually had the upper hand and advantage in this transaction.

Shi Xi thought for a while and said, "You also have to make an oath that in the future, if you have the ability, you will assist me in reaching the top of the Abyss Emperor, and during the thousand years that I have followed you, you must first help me secure the position of the heir. "

   "Of course, if I need to send something useful to the abyss to secure the position of the heir, you have to show your support!" He added.

   Yu Qingqian tapped lightly on the table with her fingertips, "Okay, in order to show my sincerity and not bully you as a guard, let's swear together."

   I was reluctant that the child could not catch the wolf. Since I decided to help Shi Xi win the position of the Abyss Emperor, the early efforts were very necessary.

   And she's not the one who suffers, and she will pay back if she cheats more.

   "But I want to state a premise. You take something from me back to the abyss, or we help you find something back to the abyss, but you have to pay."

  Yu Qing paused and said, "Of course, if you find something for us from the abyss, we will also pay you."

   It is impossible for Shi Xi to give him the unique treasure of the abyss or the high-quality dark marrow for free.

  Shi Xi said speechlessly, "You are such a careful woman."

   And don't always mention the word "guardian", my heart is full.

   "Forget I'm afraid of you!" After he said, he raised his hand and swore an oath.

  Yu Qingqian saw that the oath of the law took effect, and he also raised his hand and made the oath.

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